Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 726: A call from the Saudi prince

Yu Momo stuck out his tongue.

But...there is value only when there is comparison!

Don't let the boss see that there are about 300 million cheap houses in Paris called luxury houses. He should think that the luxury house he is looking for later is too cheap.

"I have always thought that foreign countries are capitalist societies, with wealthy plutocrats everywhere, and even control society and the country. Expensive properties and villas should be even more outrageous than in China."

Ye Yang curled his lips and glanced at them. They seemed to be almost the same.

The two most famous ones are located in the 16th arrondissement of Paris, the most prestigious area in France and rated as one of the top ten richest areas in the world. It was once the favorite house of rock king Johnny, and is now priced at less than 300 million euros. That’s less than three billion Chinese coins.

The other is the Louis XIV castle that the Saudi royal family bought for 500 million euros.

The Saudi royal family is sitting on the oil vein, and it is a royal family system. They are definitely not interested in money.

Even if you pay ten times five billion euros to buy the Louis XIV castle, you may not be able to sell it.

On the contrary, this super mansion in the Louis XVI area is too expensive. After the previous owner left, there is no owner yet, so you can consider buying it.

Foreign countries have a combined history of less than two thousand years and have not experienced many dynasties. Castles and mansions with historical heritage that have been passed down for many generations are extremely popular among wealthy people.

The older this mansion gets, and the more wealthy people or people of noble blood have lived there, the more popular it becomes.

"Hehe, I know these two houses are the only ones that can catch your eye, boss."

Yu Mo smiled.

"And boss, you actually want this Louis XIV Castle more, right?"

Yu Momo raised the corner of his mouth and smiled.

"Those who know me are silent."

Ye Yang also smiled: "Do you have any idea?"

"It's an opportunity."

Yu Momo said: "After Tang Han Zhihui's advertisement became popular in foreign countries, there was also a crown prince in Saudi Arabia who was very, very interested in it. He just contacted me and said that he wanted to discuss the acquisition of Tang Han Zhihui. Open A price of tens of billions of euros.”

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. This Saudi man spent money as much as he did - he had no idea about money at all.

Today, the market value of Tang Han Zhihui is almost estimated at 40 billion Chinese coins.

The other party directly purchased more than twice the full capital.

If it were another owner, he would definitely feel that he was getting a big deal. After all, at this price, he could acquire an old luxury brand, a cash cow like Armani.

Armani raised funds some time ago and was valued at around 10 billion euros.

What's more, Tang Han Zhihui is just a new brand, and it's not certain whether it will be able to stand up in the future. If it sells it at twice the market price, it will make a lot of money.

But, alas.

What he met was Ye Yang.

Ye Yang, you’re not short of money either!

"Boss, what do you think?"

Yu Mo asked with a smile.

"In the future, Tang Han Zhihui will be an important pillar of Chinese cultural output in my mind, which cannot be measured by money."

Ye Yang waved his hand.

"So, I think the boss can negotiate with the crown prince."

Yu Momo saw Ye Yang raising his eyebrows in interest, and told him his plan.


Ye Yang nodded slightly: "It's okay, we..."

As he was talking, Yu Momo's phone rang.

After Yu Momo picked up the phone, he said with some embarrassment: "The Saudi Crown Prince called directly to ask."

Ye Yang nodded slightly: "Hands-free."

"Way! Is this Ye Xiansen?"

When he opened his mouth, he actually spoke Chinese, which sounded like camel...

Ye Yang smiled, as long as they spoke Chinese together, a sense of intimacy would naturally arise.

This is the unique charm of Chinese culture.

"Who are you?"

Ye Yang asked.

"My name is Abdullah Abbas, the fourth Saudi crown prince!"

Prince Saud said.

"Ah, Sparta...ah no, Abbas."

Ye Yang sorted himself out in his mind before smiling: "Mr. Abbas came to me to talk about Tang Han Zhihui?"

"Yes, yes! I have loved Chinese culture since I was a child! After seeing this Tang Han Zhihui advertisement, I immediately fell in love with its design style. I hope you can give it up! Ten billion euros is just a casual saying Yes, you can make another price if you like.”


Ye Yang touched his chin and said calmly: "I'm not interested in money."


On the other end of the phone, in the magnificent Saudi palace, the Saudi prince was stunned on the spot.

"Interesting, interesting!"

He knocked on the back of his chair. This was the first time he heard someone say that he was not interested in money, except for his family members.

Even the top plutocrats in the United States have more money than the Saudi royal family, but their eyes are bright when it comes to money.

He checked Ye Yang's background, and it was very strong. From what he found out, his strength alone was no weaker than some of the top tycoons in the United States.

"It seems that Mr. Ye is different from those common people in America!"

Abdullah Abbas laughed.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, thinking that the other party was going to increase the price and try to use money to influence him.

I didn't expect that it would directly involve the United States. The Saudi prince's thinking is quite erratic!

"Since you are the same as me, you are not interested in money... I will take out my plan B!"

Abdullah said confidently.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"I found out that you are in Paris right now. It happens that I also have a lot of properties in Paris. As long as Tang Han Zhihui is willing to sign a long-term special agreement with our royal family, then you can choose any of my properties for exchange!"

Abdullah said.

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, this idea coincided with what Yu Momo had just proposed.

"Tell me more specifically?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Every year, one-third of the most precious and awesome clothes produced by Tang Han Zhihui are specially supplied to the Saudi royal family. We will purchase them at the highest price in the market."

The Saudi prince kept saying.

He is not afraid of spending money, but he is afraid of not being able to grab the latest models every year.

After rich people have a certain amount of money, they won't talk about the price of the things they love.

If one of his favorite styles is acquired by a rich person, even if he has money, he won't be able to buy it.

As long as he signs this contract, he can at least be guaranteed to get Tang Han Zhihui's latest models every year.

This is very worthwhile for him.


Ye Yang thought for a while and agreed.

Now Tang Han Zhihui is in the stage of building a reputation. Although the quality is good enough and it will become popular sooner or later, no one would mind making it popular faster.

The title of reaching a long-term cooperation with the Saudi royal family and signing a special contract is obviously a huge gimmick.

It can be used as a golden sign to promote.

It can be said that everyone gets what they need and has the best of both worlds.

"Hahaha, that's great."

Prince Saud laughed loudly and said: "I am very happy. Tell me, which industry in Paris do you want me to give as a gift?"

(First update)

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