Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 727 The Real Enemy at Paris Fashion Week

"I won't take advantage of you. I'll give you 500 million euros in exchange for the Louis XIV Castle."

Ye Yang got straight to the point.

This Saudi prince sounds quite frank, so he doesn't need to hide anything.

"Haha, if you can agree to my request, you're my friend. It's just a castle. I have castles all over the world. I haven't lived there much since I bought them. They're empty anyway, so I'll give them to you, Brother Ye!"

The Saudi prince is obviously in a good mood now: "Oh, it's just a small amount of 500 million or 600 million euros, why bother about a few melons and dates!? Call me if you have anything in the future, I'm hanging up first!"


Ye Yang was stunned, what a guy.

The one who taught the Saudi prince Chinese must be a fellow from Northeast China.

He was still holding back and spoke with a camel accent, but after getting familiar with him, he immediately became friendly.

He even used to say words like a few melons and dates...

He smiled and shook his head, and had a good impression of this Saudi prince.

Open-minded! He's a real person.

Okay, he stood up: "Pack up and move to Louis XIV Castle tomorrow."

They also booked a presidential suite at the Platinum Hotel.

One night is equivalent to about 200,000 or 300,000 Chinese yuan.

Of course, it is definitely lower than the castle living experience.

However, the money has been spent, and it is not bad to experience the living feeling of different places and recall the past.

Ye Yang soaked in the blue pool of the presidential suite. Han Ruxiu sat opposite in a bikini, discussing the recent schedule in Paris and the process of fashion week.

On the water, precious fruits and expensive wines floated.

"This year's Paris Fashion Week, each product has its own heat statistics table."

"Evaluators give the final score based on the heat table heat and their own comprehensive evaluation."

"If you can rank in the top ten, you will be awarded the honor medal of Paris Fashion Week. The top three will get the silver medal. The first place in each session will be certified with the fashion gold award. It represents the level of brand strength to become the world's fashion leader."

Han Ruxiu introduced.


Ye Yang nodded slightly: "How is this popularity generated?"

"It depends on sales."

Han Ruxiu said: "When a brand is popular enough, and the brand has the ability to bear and digest so many orders. It can prove its strength."


After knowing it roughly, Ye Yang also nodded slightly.

After knowing that he could be on the Paris Fashion Week, Jia Ding took a few more advertisements and promotional pictures about the Fashion Week, which would probably come in handy at that time.

The Fashion Week is very close.

He casually opened his mobile phone and looked at the gambling background. It must be said that there are still many people who hate the country.

The gambling funds have reached 200 million.

At least more than 10,000 people participated in the gambling.

Giving this kind of scum a good lesson is what the country wants to see, and this is the positive significance of this matter.

Of course, there are many speculators here.

They are sure that he can't get the first place in Paris Fashion Week, so they invest money to make a fortune.

After all, a tenfold rebate is more profitable than any business!

Just about to exit the gambling program.

I saw that the betting funds suddenly rose to 10 billion.

He raised his eyebrows and laughed.

This new bettor is none other than GD, who blatantly registered the name!

This brand that insults China is so bold!

The key is that there are still many foreign slaves kneeling under the post, groveling and groveling, looking as disgusting as they can be.

"Invest 9.5 billion, that is, 1 billion euros to bet with me?"

Ye Yang laughed.

The annual sales of the entire GD company are 2 billion euros, and the market value is about 30 billion euros.

The cash flow of the entire company is also 5 or 6 billion euros.

Directly take out one-fifth to bet with yourself! ?

Haha, it seems that this brand is really thief-hearted!

A few days ago, the GD brand just published a promotional advertisement that disrespected China and was blasted by netizens.

Not only did he not apologize, the designer even went further and said that the Chinese were shit and gangsters.

So tough.

Obviously, he was furious because of the recent setback in sales and company market value in China, and wanted to find someone who was against him to slap him in the face.

Now it seems that they have set their sights on Tang Han Zhihui.

"Didn't you say you wanted to create China's own brand? I will kill your own brand, so you have to buy mine! I am the only one who has it! You have to buy it even if you don't want to!"

Below the news of GD's bet, there was also a message.

"A mere new brand dares to challenge GD, an old luxury brand with a long history and infinite heritage! Just wait for the loss! GD has won the first place in this Paris Fashion Week!"


Ye Yang sneered: "Is this a declaration of war..."

Han Ruxiu had swam over at some point, and was furious when she saw the news on the screen, but she still said: "GD's strength is still unquestionable. It is a very powerful brand and is the favorite to win the Paris Fashion Week this time."


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "How many favorites are there this time?"

"Five, but we are not one of them."

Han Ruxiu shook her head.

In any case, for the foreign luxury fashion commentary community, Tang Han Zhihui is just a rising star.

Even if the advertisement is loud and everyone likes it for a while.

But these ‘old nobles’ naturally don’t want to accept it.

After all, the promotion of the new nobles will threaten the status of the old nobles, and they all want to squeeze Tang Han Zhihui out.

Especially, Tang Han Zhihui is still a Chinese brand...

Chinese-style luxury goods are still a blank in the international market.

As long as Tang Han Zhihui succeeds, there will be countless brands imitating it to challenge these old nobles!

That will be a very headache for them!

So, this time, although Tang Han Zhihui is only targeted by GD on the surface.

But the real hidden opponent...

is the whole world.

All the existing old luxury brands! ! !

Challenge the international old nobles, challenge the European and American aesthetics, let the beauty of the East truly gain a foothold in the international market, and lay the first hurdle for the export of Chinese culture! ! !

You know, there are many civilizations in the world, including African civilization, Middle Eastern civilization, Latin American civilization, European and American civilization, Chinese civilization, and so on.

Europe and America are just a few countries, and they cannot represent more than 200 countries.

However, Europe and America are the only countries that are exporting culture internationally!

It is time for China to join this cultural war!

"Boss, have a good rest. I am afraid that the Paris Fashion Week will not be easy."

Han Ruxiu looked at Ye Yang with a sharp gaze, and a feeling of admiration rose in her heart.

(Second update)

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