Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 728: Louis XIV Castle

It was this man who brought her dream into reality step by step!

Until now, she has stood in front of the highest palace of fashion in the world! This was something I couldn't even dream of before...

Han Ruxiu's hand trembled slightly, she was deeply in love and couldn't help but kiss her.


Ye Yang's heart also flashed. This was in an indoor pool, with a mild temperature, a gorgeous atmosphere, and smoothness at your fingertips.

Those are the beginning of crime!

Once the fire is ignited, it is difficult to extinguish it.

The water splashes rise and fall together, and small waves turn into giant waves.

Concentrate and reach the top!

A flash of crimson rose from the bottom of the water.

Han Ruxiu has no experience, but Ye Yang has experienced hundreds of battles and developed two sides at once.

The joy quickly replaced the pain, causing Han Ruxiu to fall into an incredible frenzy.

After a long time, the pool fell into silence.


Ye Yang scratched his head. He originally planned to let Han Ruxiu have a good rest, but in the end he couldn't hold it back.

But now I am exhausted and go to sleep. A good sleep seems to replenish my energy.

Yes, it is like that!

He scratched his head, wiped Han Ruxiu's body, put it on the bed, and slept together.

the next day.

He took everyone to the Castle of Louis XIV.

The castle is huge and requires a good walk.

Buying the castle comes with a 60-acre garden.

In the garden, even if it is only early spring, you can see hundreds of flowers blooming.

Meticulously manicured and designed by the world's top masters, the greenery is pleasing to the eye just by looking at it, a typical European classical garden layout.

It does not have the splendor and majesty of Prince Gong's Palace, but it still has a unique flavor, revealing the sense of grace and wealth of the French aristocrats in the Middle Ages.

"This mansion is modeled after an old aristocratic house in the 17th century, but it was not built very long ago. The internal facilities are very advanced. The lighting is also very good. The living area is 8,000 square meters, including the external gardens, castle walls, statues, It’s impossible to estimate supporting roads and the like.”

As a master of materials and an all-around secretary, Yu Mo Mo naturally prepared lessons very well.

“This is located in the Acropolis of Versailles, so it’s not too far to go to the Fashion Week venue.”

Han Ruxiu asked.

"No, I will send a helicopter to pick you up when the time comes. It will be there soon."

Ye Yang waved his hand.

Versailles is very close to Paris.

If compared domestically, the distance from Versailles to Paris is far less than the distance from the Fifth Ring Road to the city center.


Han Ruxiu was speechless for a moment. She had actually forgotten what a boss her boss was. The distance was nothing!

According to the speed of the F1000, even if I want to go to Antarctica tonight, I can just go.

If you have money, the world is within your reach.

Without money, I have to walk from the village to the town to go to the market.

"Is this really...a mansion..."

After walking around outside and even before entering the palace, Han Ruxiu and the employees were all dumbfounded.

The most outrageous thing is that this Louis XIV castle has its own moat...

This is absolutely amazing!

Not only is there a moat, there’s also a fucking underwater meditation room underneath it!

The entire meditation room is surrounded by a moat and a huge aquarium. Being in it is like being in the deep sea. Sitting on the sofa, you can watch the sturgeons and carp in the quiet river in a daze.

Not to mention the employees, even the boss Han Ruxiu has never experienced this feeling before.

Only Ye Yang remained calm.

After all, he is also a man who has seen strong winds and waves.

After wandering around for a long time, I finished shopping outside and walked into the interior of the mansion.

The interior of the mansion retains the atmosphere of the Renaissance.

All kinds of murals and artworks that look cool and valuable at first glance, but don’t make sense on closer inspection, decorate the entire room with style.

Vast space, luxurious decoration.

Everything tells the extraordinary story of Louis XIV's castle.

"This is the castle's aquarium."

Yu Momo took the group for a walk.

The living area alone is 8,000 square meters, let alone other areas.

The entire castle, including the basement, has four floors.

The basement was developed into a century-old wine cellar.

The style is very retro, and the treasures inside are all extremely expensive and luxurious red wines.

Steam room and sauna, massage room, ball room, living room, kitchen, home theater, wine cellar, indoor squash court, indoor swimming pool and spa.

The Louis XIV Castle was designed with advanced technology in mind. All electrical appliances and lights in the home can be controlled through a mobile phone. Even if Ye Yang is not at home in the future, he can remotely control all the electrical appliances in the home as he wishes...

Take a walk around.

The employees were all in a state of sluggishness.

Is this the super mansion where the top rich live?


It’s incredible!

"Okay, after visiting my castle, everyone must be exhausted. Let's go to the cellar to get a few bottles of wine and have dinner."

Ye Yang smiled and waved.

Soon, the century-old red wine that had been collected was brought up.

These employees had never drank such high-end red wine before, and they were all too frightened to raise their glasses.

However, when Ye Yang raised a toast, they did not dare not to drink with him.

With nervousness and excitement, they drank perhaps the most expensive glass of wine in their lives.

Tonight's dinner is also pure French.

Since we are already in a French castle, it is quite ceremonial to have a French meal in the castle.

Because this meal is made by the chef in the castle, only the cost is paid.

So it is very cheap.

Including the wine, the cost is only about 10 million.

There are countless guest rooms in the castle, and Tang Han Zhihui's staff are arranged casually.

If it is based on the hotel standard, staying in Louis XIV Castle for one day will start at least one million.

This employee welfare is simply the best of all the big companies in the world!

"My experience today is enough for me to brag about for the rest of my life!"

"It's enough for three lives, haha... My house is less than one million, and the value of staying here for one night is higher than the house I have to pay for a mortgage for 30 years."

"It's so real..."


The employees cherish this treatment very much and couldn't sleep all night because of excitement.

Fortunately, there are still a few days before the fashion week, otherwise, let alone this mental state, even the dark circles under the eyes would be enough to deduct points.

In the next few days, the employees went to the fashion week to set up, familiarize themselves with the venue, familiarize themselves with the fashion, and rehearse.

Ye Yang and the beautiful secretary, beautiful bodyguard, beautiful housekeeper, beautiful subordinates and other beauties familiarized themselves with the newly purchased Louis XIV Castle.

By the way, he and the girls left their own unique marks in every place in the castle.

They had an extremely happy time.

In the underwater meditation room, Ye Yang sat in meditation in loose pajamas. The girl who had just put on her clothes looked over from the side: "Master~ Fashion Week will start tonight~"

(First update)

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