Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 729: Confrontation in front of the Louvre


Ye Yang opened his eyes.

"Okay, stop pretending to be serious."

Xiao Qingxuan patted Ye Yang's head: "You were just fucking me, but now you're pretending to be a meditation master. Is this an alternative cosplay?"

"Uh, this!"

Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Xuanxuan was still so straightforward!

After that.

He followed Xiao Qingxuan out of the meditation room.

He stepped on the helicopter, met up with Yu Momo and other girls, and flew to the Paris Fashion Week venue.

The helicopter landed on the specially built helipad on the banks of the Seine.

Ye Yang and a group of girls walked down the helipad and instantly attracted countless attention.

Foreigners have open views on matters between men and women.

Paris is also the so-called romantic capital.

As long as you are beautiful, you don't know how many flowers and confessions you will receive every day.

Ye Yang and the girls around him.

They are all the most beautiful among men and women.

One is handsome, and a bunch of beautiful.

In addition, they walked down from the helicopter.

Suddenly, a rain of roses and countless confessions of love fell in the field.

Although they were all spoken in French or English.

Ye Yang had passed the English Level 6 exam after all, and he was a computer major, so he was very familiar with English.

But French was a bit confusing.

"System, is there any black technology that can help me master other languages?"

Ye Yang asked.

The system has always been very concerned about Ye Yang's purchases.

"There are too many related black technologies. The host can search for language black technologies in the system mall and choose related products."

The system said.

Ye Yang followed the system's instructions and entered the mall page.

After searching, he found that there were indeed many related black technologies.

The cheap one, which is worth a few dozen face, is the real-time language converter, but it needs to be worn all the time, which is really too low.

The more advanced one has language potions. After taking the potion, you can understand the language that you can't understand, and then quickly master the other party's language.

But now taking out the potion to give yourself an injection is always a bit strange.

He finally set his sights on the last item.

Konjac chocolate.

After eating, the effect is the same as the above medicine, but there is no need to suffer the pain of needles, so it is more expensive.

"Damn, two pieces of chocolate cost one thousand face value."

Ye Yang shook his head, but still bought it.

After eating, as expected, the content of the people around him was instantly understood.

"He is simply a perfect male god!"

"The way he eats chocolate is so romantic! My blood pressure rises!"

"Are these girls gods!"

"Fashion Week is amazing. Every time Fashion Week is held, there will be many handsome men and beautiful women coming!"

There are also many whistling sounds one after another.

Ye Yang smiled.


Under the crowd.

They stood out.

And on the other side.

GD, the fashion staff of Dolce \u0026 Gabbana, also arrived.

"Fuck! I thought driving a luxury car here would be enough to attract attention, but they actually drove a helicopter here! Damn it!"

"The limelight was stolen!"

"This time, the headquarters gave us the task of sniping Tang Han Zhihui."

"It doesn't matter whether we win the award or not, but it is very important to the headquarters if they don't win the award!"

"That's right. Now in the Chinese public opinion circle, the other party represents those who support domestic luxury goods, and the other part is our supporters. As long as we smash Tang Han Zhihui and step on them, we can defeat their confidence, and our Dolce \u0026 Gabbana can still do business in China!"

"The president is so smart!"


All the GD employees looked at Ye Yang and his party with a sneer.

Ye Yang obviously also noticed the luxury car with the logo of the other company.

The two groups met before entering the gate of the Louvre.

"Yo yo yo, isn't this Mr. Ye! With such a high status, he actually came to see a small fashion show in person!"

The person at the head of the line was obviously a traitor. He was obviously a Chinese, but he ran out to be a dog for others.

Of course, the other party should be an American now, not even a Chinese, but a foreign "friend".

"If you can't speak, shut your asshole. If you say another disgusting word, I will immediately make you unable to speak again."

Xiao Qingxuan looked at the second devil coldly. She was a killer who was always on the battlefield of foreign mercenaries, but she still had patriotism.

What face did this kind of traitor have to shout here?

"Haha, Boss Ye is a famous international figure after all. He is so uncultured, but he will..."

The second devil wanted to be sarcastic.

Xiao Qingxuan kicked him directly.

Kicked the second devil away, his teeth were broken and blood was all over the ground.

"This! !?"

The executives of Dolce \u0026 Gabbana didn't expect that Ye Yang would dare to let his subordinates fight in a place like the Louvre in Paris, regardless of his status and position...

In their opinion, this was too incredible.

"Mr. Ye! You are too barbaric!"

"I must denounce you!"

The executives were so frightened that they could not speak clearly.

"It is only natural for people to teach a beast a lesson."

Ye Yang glanced at several senior executives of Dolce \u0026 Gabbana, and a sneer rose from the corner of his mouth: "It's better than you beasts in human clothing, eating other people's food and daring to insult the master who gave you food!"


All the senior executives were speechless. After all, they made insulting remarks to Hua first. If they really wanted to confront each other at this time, they still felt a little guilty.

In addition, Ye Yang is not like them, who pretend to be noble on the surface but are dirty on the inside.

He is absolutely a man of temperament. If he is unhappy, he will hit you twice in the presidential palace, and he will do it directly without any scruples!

Such people, who only care about interests, cannot understand.

They are afraid.

If they say something wrong, they will be kicked away later, which is not worth the loss.

"Haha, Mr. Ye, you have to prepare the funds for compensation in the gambling agreement in advance! Don't be unable to pay the money when the time comes!"

GD's senior executive said.

"You don't need to worry about this. 10 billion euros is nothing to me."

Ye Yang glanced at the other party lightly: "When you lose this time, you can apply for bankruptcy liquidation."


Several executives couldn't help laughing.

Although Tang Han Zhihui has been very popular recently.

But after all, he is too young!

It has been less than half a month since he was exposed to the public!

How can he compete with a luxury brand with a deep foundation like them! ?

And win a gold medal! ?

It's simply a fantasy! Too funny!

The rise of Tang Han Zhihui in the future may be inevitable, and even according to the current publicity efforts, it is inevitable to surpass them in the future.

But, it will never be this time!

Ye Yang looked at their eyes and chuckled: "The ending will explain everything, see you at the venue."

(Second update)

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