Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 731: Rising from the bottom, help from all sides

"Originally, I thought he was a newbie, and his relationship was more mature than ours!"

"Can't afford to offend, can't afford to offend..."

A group of small luxury brands gave up on the spot and sat peacefully where they should sit, trembling.

As for the other luxury brands, they all thought it over before sitting back and preparing to take a closer look at the situation.

Only a few executives of Dolce \u0026 Gabbana felt very unhappy when they looked at Ye Yang.

So what if you are awesome! ?

You are here on behalf of Tang Han Zhihui this time!

Such a little-known small business just doesn’t deserve to be ranked in front of us!

But it's a pity that the organizer of Paris Fashion Week is a bastard who is determined to lick Ye Yang.

There is nothing they can do.

The organizers of Paris Fashion Week are French, and Dolce \u0026 Gabbana is an Italian company. It is only natural that they will be kicked out of the venue if they are angered.

Very angry.

But there is no way.

In the end, they could only sit down angrily.

snort! Let’s rely on strength to speak for a while! ! !


A brightly and coquettishly dressed host, who at first glance seemed to be in line with Europe's modern and avant-garde aesthetic, came on stage.

"Good evening everyone, Paris Fashion Week is about to enter a new edition tonight!"

“In this session, we attracted more than a hundred companies or individual designers to participate in our show, and we selected the brands that we think are the most distinctive and representative of the fashion and luxury industries, and then promoted them to the world! "

"Tonight, the world is watching us, and tonight, we will change the world!"


After the gorgeous speech, the beautiful BGM sounded.

The background wall behind him also lit up.

The logo of each company brand lights up on the background wall.

Although the seats were arranged at the front according to Ye Yang's status.

However, on the background wall, Tang Han Zhihui was ranked at the bottom.

There is nothing that can be done about this. After all, it has only been more than half a month since Tang Han Zhihui became popular.

The rankings here rely on sales data from previous years.

Tang Han Zhihui has only been in business for half a month, and of course there is no way he can compete with other brands in sales for a year.

However, the comparison tonight is the sales volume from the start of the game to the end of the statistics.

At this point, Tang Han Zhihui may not lose.

Ye Yang looked at the big screen.

Paris Fashion Week is about to officially begin, and Tang Han Zhihui's war in the international luxury fashion industry is about to begin!

As the host's words fell.

The first contestant appears.

Burberry is the world-famous luxury brand.


Ye Yang looked at the fashion models in the queue. Models wearing this kind of clothing would generally not choose those with too stunning faces.

The makeup doesn't look too good either.

Because if super beauties are allowed to walk on the catwalk, the beauty of the clothes themselves will be ignored, and they will lose sight of one thing and not know whether they are looking at their faces or their clothes.

However, if your face is not good-looking, you have to make up for it with your figure.

Generally, models are found based on fashion tailoring.

It can best highlight the characteristics of fashion.

This means that these models... have very, very good figures!

Ye Yang couldn't help but nodded.

The order of the competition is that the top-ranked companies will appear first, which will of course be more conducive to the increase in sales of these top luxury goods companies.


It's understandable that he got this opportunity by relying on his sales strength in the previous year.

Ye Yang looked at the fashion week live broadcast he had set up in China.

Countless Chinese people have been waiting for the channel for a long time.

This incident caused a stir in the country.

First, Dolce \u0026 Gabbana made an advertisement to insult China, causing public outrage, then Tang Han Zhihui became popular, then Ye Yang directly bet against all the anti-fans on the Internet, and then Dolce \u0026 Gabbana came in to interfere.

Hot searches one after another.

Let this Paris Fashion Week gain unprecedented attention in China!

Everyone has set their sights on this newly launched live broadcast program.

This is an event that established China’s cultural confidence!

Finally, there is a fashion brand that can stand up and compete head-on with other European and American luxury brands!

This time, we can’t lose!

Now that we are stronger, from now on, we have to go out!

When the competition started, they already had the intention to buy, but the Chinese rich who endured it all placed orders on the official website of the fashion week and started ordering Tang Han Zhihui.

What’s more, Mark Jin, Zhang Ming, Wang Silin and other older generation bosses have heard about this a long time ago and are waiting to cheer for Ye Yang today. They have already informed the wealthy executives below to stay at the live broadcast to buy clothes today.

Wang Sicong, Qin Feng, Mo Zhengzheng, Xu Xiaoxin and other young generation friends of Ye Yang already have a high desire to consume.

It doesn’t matter who you buy, of course you have to buy Brother Ye’s!

Wang Xiaocong directly gathered a group of young people from the Beijing circle and gathered in front of the TV in his villa.

"Everyone place an order with me! Support me, Brother Ye! Give it to Oli!"

Wang Xiaocong stretched out his hand: "I'll tell you a number, one second, one hundred pieces! Place an order quickly!!!"

Chinese Traditional Musical Instruments Association.

The association's big screen was also live broadcasting the fashion week in the Louvre. Several busty vice-presidents who favored Ye Yang were busy studying how to place orders.

Mo Zhengzheng and her best friends also spared no effort to use Tang Han Zhihui's various styles with the members nearby.

The association is full of wealthy women who would not blink an eye when spending hundreds of thousands of dollars, let alone a few sets of clothes that cost at most hundreds of thousands of dollars. Moreover, this dress is indeed designed with a unique concept!

"Hey, this is my master's company, and the things it produces are worth the money!"

Mo Zhengzheng suddenly turned into a super salesperson and tried her best to sell...

Many Ye Yang fans with consumption power also paid to buy.

It has been a long time since the upper circles of China have gathered together just to buy clothes...

National Sports Administration.

"This style is really good, with our Chinese charm! For the next Olympics, we will order our Olympic uniforms from him. Don't worry about the price. The orders have been issued from above. Mr. Ye has made great contributions to the country. Now... it's time for us to give back to him!"

Hurricane Headquarters.

The four military leaders looked at the screen in front of them with dignity: "Has the order been issued!"

"Yes! Just now, we grabbed... no, collected enough activity funds, and each of us has more than enough to order a set of high-end fashion orders!"

The heads of various departments below said one after another.


The Northern Army Commander adjusted the Canglang Army badge on his collar, his eyes sharp: "All troops, listen up! Buy them!"

(Second update)

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