Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 732: Soaring all the way, the whole audience was shocked

For a time, the Chinese territory was in turmoil. This fashion week, which was rarely mentioned in the Chinese territory, was once a storm.

In the Chinese high-level, a storm was set off!

Even ordinary people wanted to try their best to buy the cheapest to support Tang Han Zhihui.

Game enthusiasts: "Last time, the somatosensory suit took advantage of Ye Shenhao so much. Let's spend more than 10,000 to buy another piece of his clothes to support him!"

Movie fans: "This Chinese martial arts style clothes are fucking cool! I'll buy it!"

Live fans: "Alas, I robbed Ye Shenhao's big bag worth hundreds of thousands, and now I have made some money by doing business with this money. Why don't I give him a million in return to thank him!?"

Fans of appearance: "Buy!!!"

In the venue.

On the brand sales wall.

Tang Han Zhihui, who was originally at the bottom and no one paid attention to him, almost at the moment of opening, his sales went up.

Instantly broke through hundreds of brands and reached the waist.


Han Ruxiu had never expected this situation to happen. After all, he still didn't have a complete understanding of Ye Yang's influence.

She originally thought that the brand would be released very late, and the brand's position was extremely far behind, so no one would come to buy it.

She was prepared to be lost in the crowd.

However, what she didn't expect was that Tang Han Zhihui's rise would be so fast!

She tilted her head and looked at Ye Yang.

Ye Yang's eyes didn't pay attention to the brand wall at all, but were concentrating on watching the fashion shows.

"Is all this in his plan!?"

Han Ruxiu found that she couldn't see through this man more and more.

She poked Ye Yang and motioned him to look at the brand ranking wall.

Ye Yang glanced casually. In just a short while, Tang Han Zhihui had directly jumped from the last batch to the top 100, and almost every time the screen was refreshed, the ranking would jump several places.

"Why hasn't it reached the top ten yet? It's a bit slow."

Ye Yang spread his hands.


Han Ruxiu blinked in disbelief.

This is the world's most powerful fashion brand competing together!

He actually thought that it only took more than ten seconds to rush from the last place to the top 100, which was natural, and even...

he thought it was too slow!

This...this this this!

Ye Yang smiled lightly and said calmly: "Except for the first place, I have never thought of other results."

"Ah this!"

Han Ruxiu stuck out her tongue. She thought she could just stand out a little this time.

Unexpectedly, the boss was actually aiming for the first place!

This pattern and courage are really not comparable to me!

No wonder he is a world-renowned entrepreneur, a super rich man, and I am just the boss of a small factory! ! !

This mentality is too different!


Other super brands have not noticed this brand that is rising steadily.

After all, their goal is also to aim at the gold medal.

Especially the person in charge of Dolce \u0026 Gabbana, his tail is even higher than the sky.

"Haha, weren't you so arrogant just now!? Now it's time to compete with brand strength, where is your brand!?"

"Ah? I can't see it no matter how hard I look! Where is it!? Where is it!?"

He smiled delusionally while scanning the wall with his eyes.

However, after just a few glances, he was stunned.

"Huh? Found it. I didn't expect it to be quite high...more than 50."

He frowned, a little unhappy.

It's just a small brand that has just emerged!

Why is it ranked more than 50! ?

In his opinion, this kind of inexplicable oriental broken brand should be left far behind by them, and they can't even see hundreds of places!

It shouldn't even have the qualifications to enter Paris Fashion Week!

"Haha, but fifty...uh, forty-seven...uh, forty..."


Before he finished his sentence, Tang Han Zhihui's ranking had jumped up more than ten places.

At this moment, Artuso completely realized that something was wrong.

"What's going on!? Shit..."

He straightened up and began to pay attention to Tang Han Zhihui.

He found that he was jumping up the rankings at an outrageous and unbelievable speed! ! !

Just a few seconds after he straightened up, he directly broke the sales records of the top three or five and rushed to more than 30! ! !

"How is this possible!? Is the screen broken!?"

He immediately went to see the sales data changes at the top of the list. It was not much different from previous years, and there would be no problem at all.

It's not a screen problem...

But, but how is this possible! ! !

Artuso was completely confused.

Several other Dolce \u0026 Gabbana executives obviously noticed this and widened their eyes.

It was completely hard to believe their eyes.

"It's incredible."

They all felt under great pressure.

However, Artuso just sneered: "Haha, it's just 30th place, it's impossible to compete with us. We are an old brand in the international market for many years. Not only is the brand power awesome, but the sales power is also super strong. They can't compete with us."

"At this rate..."

All the executives were sweating.

As soon as Artuso finished speaking, Tang Han Zhihui had already entered the area of ​​​​more than 20 people!

It's already very conspicuous.

This is clearly not slowing down with time, but it is getting stronger and stronger with time, and it is getting more and more awesome!

"Artuso, this..."

"Don't panic!"

Artuso raised his head: "Haha, it's easy to get into the top 20 or 30, but it won't be so smooth after entering the top 20. He will definitely not be able to get into the top 10, don't worry. If he can get into the top 10, I will jump directly from the building outside... um..."


"Stop talking!"

Before Artuso finished speaking, his mouth was covered.

Before he got angry, the one who covered his mouth moved his head towards the statistics screen: "See for yourself!"


Artuso's pupils were shaking!

Damn, just when he hadn't finished his words.

Tang Han Zhihui's sales have already reached the tenth place! ! !

This, before he said it, he was slapped in the face!

How can it be so fast? !

Prophet-type slap in the face! ?


He wanted to find a hole to crawl into...

He was filled with mixed feelings of shame, fear and worry, and didn't know what to say.

More and more people in the venue paid attention to the strange brand logo that was rising all the way.

"Oh, my God!"

"Look at the tenth... no, the ninth... no... anyway, it's this Chinese brand that is rising all the way!!!"

Tang Han Zhihui's logo was the only one made of Chinese characters at the venue, and it was highly recognizable.

After rushing to a high enough position, it almost attracted the attention of the whole audience!

For a moment, the entire Paris Fashion Week venue was filled with sighs...

(First update)

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