Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 734 The rising trend is unstoppable

This wave of Saudi prince's assistance directly led to a wave of enthusiasm.

Especially at this time of Paris Fashion Week, many wealthy foreigners are paying attention to the news in this regard.

At this time, when you hear this heavy news, you know that Tang Han Zhihui's value will rise again.

Sales have soared rapidly, and many investors want to invest in it.

Unfortunately, Ye Yang really doesn't like the investment of 10 billion or 800 million euros, and signaled Yu Momo to reject it.

He has no shortage of money, but fame.

When Tang Han Zhihui becomes famous, he will naturally step by step to the world's number one position.

Asking for these investments in advance is purely a bargain for these ill-intentioned foreign devils.

You know, just before the start of this fashion week tonight, Tang Han Zhihui's market value was less than 3 billion euros.

In the future, Ye Yang wants to make Tang Han Zhihui the world's largest luxury brand with a scale of more than 100 billion euros!

Let these guys invest now, and the future will be dozens or hundreds of times the profit!

Ye Yang sneered.

Today, Louis Vuitton's market value is about 200 billion US dollars, 1.4 trillion Chinese yuan.

As the only luxury brand in the world that represents Chinese culture, how can Tang Han Zhihui not be worth 200 to 300 billion Chinese yuan?


"Oh my god!!!"

Soon, they saw a scene they didn't want to believe...

Tang Han Zhihui's ranking actually surpassed Dior and rose directly to third place!

There is a big gap between the top three and the bottom. Once you squeeze in.

The gap is not so obvious!

The amounts on both sides are rising rapidly.

Tang Han Zhihui and Louis Vuitton competed for the second place for nearly three minutes!

Almost every time the rankings of the two brands are refreshed, they will be reversed.

This dreamy scene is incredible and absurd for the frequent visitors in the fashion industry...

A small brand from China, which has no background and fame, and a market value of billions of euros, which was not even heard of last month, is actually competing with the world-renowned super luxury brand: Louis Vuitton for the second place! ?

Everyone watching this scene was dumbfounded.

Only in China, there was a cheer.

Even those who couldn't afford it whistled happily.

So happy!

"Haha, isn't it still not the first place!"

"That's right! He still has to pay!"

"A villain succeeds! A loser!"

The black fans didn't give up until Huang He gave up, and they were still shouting, exerting their last bit of energy online.

As for the leaders of Dolce \u0026 Gabbana, they huddled in their seats, trembling, their hearts about to rise to their throats...

"Don't be the first!"

"Don't be the first!"

"We're done for if we're the first!"

"Get down!"

They all silently prayed in their hearts that God would show up soon.

However, it would have been better if he hadn't thought about it. Once he thought about it, Tang Han Zhihui's growth became even more fierce, leaving Louis Vuitton behind and rushing towards the first place...



"What's going on!?"

All the responsible persons regretted not falling: "Has God given up on us?!"

They were all trembling.

Until Tang Han Zhihui's sales broke through Chanel's amount.

Directly became the first!

"It's over!"

They all sat back in giving up, and the whole person exuded a gray breath.

It's completely over!

"Chanel fights for face! Go back!"

Only Artuso has not given up, twisting his arms and body in an extremely funny way, as if he was casting a spell, which was ridiculous.

After all, this is his last straw.

It was he who proposed to spend 10 billion euros to bet against Ye Yang, and the company's top management approved it!

If he really loses in the end, the company will have to pay 5 billion euros in cash!

This is almost all of Dolce \u0026 Gabbana's cash reserves!

He couldn't imagine the consequences of losing...

At this time, he could only cram for the last minute and recite all the gods he could think of, hoping that it would be useful.

However, it was obvious that cramming for the last minute was useless.

After becoming the first, Tang Han Zhihui's sales volume was getting further and further behind Chanel.

Until the end, everyone knew that no one could catch up with this data.

The executives of Dolce \u0026 Gabbana leaned back in despair, including Artuso, with dull eyes. This time, it was completely over!

Everyone in the field fell into a long silence.

Until the end of the last show, many of them remained in a dull state.

Until the organizer announced that Tang Han Zhihui won the gold medal of this fashion show.

Everyone woke up from their astonishment.

"Pa Pa Pa..."

The applause went from sparse to full and warm.

Everyone who understands knows that in the future, there will be one more real giant in the international luxury goods industry!

After this, Tang Han Zhihui's shares will experience an unimaginable surge!

No one could have imagined that in the luxury brand world, which is known as the most difficult for newcomers to rise, there would be a brand that could rise so quickly.

From entering the public eye to now, it has only been more than half a month, and it has taken root in the international luxury market, and even...

Defeated three major brands in a row.

Topped the rankings and won the gold medal!

There was jubilation in China.

From nothing to the top, it was too fast!

pride! ! !

"Ye Shenhao, he is awesome every time he says it and does it!"

"too strong!"

"Tang Han Zhihui, number one in the world!"

"Where were those black men just now!? Why didn't they say anything!?"

"I'm afraid my face hurts so much now that I can't even speak, yet I can't even make a sound!"

"Laughing to death..."


In the live broadcast room, everyone was laughing and laughing.

As for those black men, they all received the deduction information. Not to mention whether they could afford to pay five times as much, the principal they borrowed is gone anyway.

Dolce \u0026 Gabbana, on the other hand, canceled its account overnight and prepared to run away and default on its debts.

If we don't run away, I'm afraid the whole company will get involved!

Artuso sneaked out of the venue with his senior staff in despair.

After breathing the fresh air, he felt that he could do it again, and sneered with great confidence: "Haha, so what if we win! We can be an international company! It is us who have the final say in the lawsuit. If we refuse to pay, we will refuse. A Chinese signature The agreement has nothing to do with us! I wonder what he can do to make me hand over these tens of billions!"

He sneered, waved his hand with confidence, and left with his men.

In the venue, many big shots came forward to celebrate.

They were not like Dolce \u0026 Gabbana, who had offended Ye Yang to death before.

Capital is chasing profits, and there are always opportunities for cooperation between big brands. At this time, they saw that Tang Han Zhihui's rise was unstoppable, and they immediately prepared to turn enemies into friends and came to meet Han Ruxiu, Tang Han Zhihui's executive director.

The reason why they dare not come to Ye Yang is because they know that they are not qualified yet...

(First update)

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