Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 735 Oh, my dear old friend, can you do me a favor?

On the way back to the Chateau Louis XIV in an Airbus helicopter H155 worth 15 million US dollars.

Han Ruxiu smiled broadly as she counted the cooperation achieved at the venue today.

These big brands, if they were in the past, would have been impossible to come into contact with, but now, they are all asking themselves to sign some cooperation projects!

This wonderful feeling is really incredible...

And all these changes are because of the man beside me!

Ye Yang looked at Han Ruxiu looking at her in a daze and smiled sideways at her: "Why, you're making too much money, are you having fun?"

"Hmph! Straight man!"

Han Ruxiu pouted and stretched out her pink fist to hit Ye Yang on the chest.

"Ha ha."

Ye Yang pinched her little face and said, "You must get used to being the boss of the world's number one luxury brand as soon as possible."


Han Ruxiu nodded firmly.

"Being number one is not our goal. Our goal is to achieve the ultimate goal, so that Chinese aesthetics can truly integrate into the world's mainstream aesthetics."

Ye Yang looked at the bustling night view of Paris outside the window and said calmly: "Our goal has never been to be the best in the world, completely change the world!"


With his sudden seriousness and his handsome face, Han Ruxiu was stunned for a moment.

This is the man who truly stands upright!

The Airbus Helicopter H155 was originally used for military purposes. It may even be used for trans-oceanic missions, so it was sold for about 100 million Chinese coins. However, after Ye Yang's men bought it back, they carried out targeted modifications.

It only cost RMB 10,000 to fully adjust its performance. The noise caused by the high-power military power was basically eliminated, and the transport cabin was eliminated, increasing the space and comfort of the ride. And retains its powerful speed to the greatest extent.

If this kind of modification were placed in other companies, it would cost at least 30 million. It has to be said that Ye Yang has a full range of professional talents!

Soon, the Airbus helicopter H155 landed on the tarmac inside the castle.

As soon as I got off the plane, I received a report on the results of the bet on whether I could win gold at Paris Fashion Week.

The result this time was that he was specially approved by the state to bet on a 'small and micro' agreement similar to the sports lottery.

is protected by law.

Therefore, those who want to run away have been enforced, and those who have no money have been classified as dishonest people and will end up disastrous.

They have all experienced the tragic consequences of being arrogant, speaking out, and hating the country to smear someone online!

The incident was made into various videos and articles, which were continuously spread on major platforms.

Make those who see it happy.

"There is only this official account of Dolce \u0026 Gabbana. The account was canceled overnight. We contacted their branch in China but couldn't get in touch. We were afraid they wanted to pretend to be dead."

Yu shrugged silently.

"Want to blame me?"

Ye Yang smiled.

This was the first time he met such a courageous foreigner!

"First, all stores in the country are forced to discount their prices to pay off their debts."

Ye Yang waved his hand lightly: "From now on, if this brand steps into China, I will chop off one of its legs!"

Everyone present felt Ye Yang's decisiveness, and their hearts went to the point of mourning for Dolce \u0026 Gabbana.

After all, no company that really makes its boss angry will end well...

"Their domestic stores are worth about one-third of their actual total value, which is about three billion euros, and there is still an outstanding debt of seven billion euros."

Yu Momo did some calculations and calculated the domestic valuation of Dolce \u0026 Gabbana in almost a few seconds.

"Leave the rest to Jincheng Law Firm."

Ye Yang picked up the phone, looked for the contact person, and called Ivey...


In a roadside barbecue food stall.

"How is it? I didn't lie to you, did I? You didn't understand why I abandoned the world's top lawyers and came to China, right?"

Ivey was drinking beer and bragging to several other foreigners at the same table.

"Hey, Ivy, it's only been a year since I last saw you, and you feel like a different person."

"Where is the aristocratic temperament from before!"


Several other friends who came to China to visit Ivy, including those who were once among top international lawyers, scratched their heads when they saw Ivy's free and easy appearance now.

"What a nobleman!"

Ivey waved his hand: "Our boss, you are the real aristocrat! Real aristocrats keep a low profile, do you understand? Who is playing that trick with you! I have seen through it! Alas... we used to be all low-key. Fake aristocrat, just talk about the roadside stalls, whether the barbecue and beer are good or not, it’s all about whether you feel comfortable or not!”

"'s really cool to say that."

“And Hua Xia’s iron barbecue is really unique and delicious!”

Several top lawyers raised their eyebrows with great enjoyment.

There are also hierarchical divisions in the legal profession.

Internationally, Ivey and his deskmates are basically regulars in the top 10 lawyers list.

There is a lot of energy behind it.

Some connections can even lead to the back of the Senate of the United States or the Chancellor of England.

None of them understood why Ivey came to China to develop in the first place.

Now that I have some free time, come and have a look.

After a few days, my eyes were opened.

Not to mention anything else, the delicious food alone made them not want to leave.

"You've been talking about your new boss these days! Is he really that awesome!?"

"Yes, yes, tell us!"

Several lawyers were extremely curious. They knew exactly how proud Ivy was more than a year ago. How come after meeting this new Chinese boss, he even knew that there was a word called modesty in the world?

What a strange story!


Seeing that several of his lawyer friends were interested in him, Ivy was ready to keep them in suspense and tell them about his boss's legendary deeds.

At this time, the phone rang.

"Fuck! Boss!!!"

Ivy stood up straight and answered the phone respectfully: "Any instructions?"

"Well, there's something I need you to do."

Ye Yang briefly talked about the bet with Dolce \u0026 Gabbana.

"Does it involve a lawsuit between China and foreign capital... Dolce \u0026 Gabbana, I remember it was a company in Italy..."

Ivy glanced at his Italian lawyer friend who was still tasting Tsingtao draft beer next to him, and a sly smile appeared on his lips, then he patted his chest and promised: "Don't worry, boss, this matter will definitely be handled beautifully for you! Wait for my good news!"

"Well, that's it."

Then Ye Yang hung up the phone.

And Ivy, with a smile, looked at the Italian: "Oh! My dear old friend! Can you help me?"

(Second update)

Jun (defense) Yang: 1054 (screen) 117 (shield) 329

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