Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 740 Father says goodbye to son and smiles


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and was slightly surprised when he saw the man who suddenly rushed out.

Elaine stood up, bowed to Franços Mayer, and then introduced each other.

Ye Yang smiled, feeling that it was me who beat his son just now.

He looked at this man who looked a bit feminine but seemed to be fast and powerful. He didn't expect that this was the second richest man in France, the leader of Ouyalai.

Ouyalai is also the crown jewel of the European beauty industry. With a market value of US$200 billion, it is already considered a super company.

Looking at the whole of France, there are few companies that are better than it.

Honeymayer then stood up and said angrily: "Dad, why did you hit me! This kid is seducing your future daughter-in-law!"

François Mayer shouted angrily: "Shut up! How unbecoming you are in front of Mr. Ye! It is a disgrace to our Mayer family! There is no aristocratic etiquette at all!"


Honeymayer was too frightened to speak.

The most important thing these big European and American families value outside is their aristocratic appearance. When his father used this name, it proved that he was furious inside. If he didn't know what was right, his father would probably kick him out of the house.

In his heart.

Being kicked out of a family is a small matter, but losing inheritance rights is a big deal.

It's not a big deal if your biological father dies, no, it's better if your biological father dies and you can directly inherit tens of billions of euros of wealth, which is great.

But his dirty heart was not known to Francois Mayer.

Francois Mayer only felt that although this son was useless, he just lacked polish and there was still hope of salvation.

"Apologise to Mr. Ye!"

François Mayer pulled Hani over and said fiercely.

"Why should I apologize to him!? With the strength of our family, do we have to submit to anyone in France? Even if the President of France comes, I will do whatever I want!"

Honey chuckled.


François Mayer shouted angrily. He had just seen how William treated Ye Yang. After asking around, he found out that Ye Yang was the big boss behind the Centurion Club! ! !

What an identity this is! ?

What kind of relationship and energy does it represent! ?

Can't be offended at all!

If he offends the French President, he won't be able to affect much business, but if he offends Ye Yang, the business will suffer a big loss!

No matter how powerful the president is, his influence is limited to his own country. Moreover, sitting in that position, many decisions and policies cannot be made according to his own preferences. In a capital country, the president cannot easily deal with a really big capital in the country. , because the power of the consortium has penetrated into every aspect, including City Hall and the Senate.

But if he offends Ye Yang, big bosses all over the world may close the possibility of friendly exchanges with him!

The loss is the international market.

In his heart, Ye Yang was at least as important as the President of France.

Even in terms of priority of communication, it is still exceeded.

His own son was so arrogant in front of the other party!

As expected, rotten wood cannot be carved!

He looked at Hani who looked indifferent and never admitted his mistakes, and for the first time he made the decision in his heart that he must open another small account.

Although he has many lovers outside, his son only has one now.

Now it seems that no matter how much it costs, we have to get another one!

Otherwise, the glory of the Mayer family will definitely decline in his hands!

Not only is he a playboy, but he also has no business vision. Don't be afraid of squandering money, as long as you earn it back, but what Haney showed tonight completely disappointed Francois Mayer.

Hani also didn't expect that his lost property inheritance rights would be completely deprived of him at this moment.

"If you insist on your own opinion, you will no longer be my son, François Mayer!"

Franços Mayer's anger gradually disappeared, and his tone was calm, as if he was talking about an ordinary little thing.

Hani was completely panicked now. If his father beat him up in anger, he still thought he wanted to save him, but now he looks like this...

I am ready to give up on him completely! ! !

He was so frightened that he knelt down: "Dad! Oh no! Mr. Ye, I was wrong! Please forgive me!!!"

Ye Yang glanced at him lightly: "You not only have to apologize to me."

Hani glanced at the whole audience, and it took him a long time to understand Ye Yang's words. He quickly climbed to Ailian's feet and cried: "I was wrong just now. Please forgive me. I will never harass you again. I will disappear into your world!"

Elaine sighed. After all, the Mayer family was their family's ally. Now that Franços Mayer was still present, she at least had to give face to the elder who had helped her.

So, she also smiled at Ye Yang.

"Okay, get out of here."

Ye Yang waved his hand: "If I see you bullying others again, the problem won't be solved by a few barks!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Honeymayer quickly thanked him and ran away in a mess.

Several other fair-weather friends who came over also dispersed for a while.

Francois Mayer also sat down, planning to take the opportunity to chat more with Ye Yang.

Big chaebols like them, the masters of the house, usually have many children. In addition, due to competition for family property, family ties are generally relatively indifferent.

Foreign chaebols and groups often see countless news of killing relatives for the sake of justice. They are the same family, but sometimes they are willing to turn against each other for a little money.

It's quite ridiculous to think about it.

Without the warmth of family, how much subjective happiness can you get even if you have more money?

You bought a huge castle, but the only person you can trust in the castle is yourself. You are always tense and suspicious of others. It's no different from a huge cage.

Seeing that the second richest man in France took the initiative to curry favor with Ye Yang.

More and more French upper-class celebrities noticed this and took the initiative to inquire about the news. After knowing Ye Yang's identity, they took the initiative to further deepen their relationship with Ye Yang.

Even if they said one more word, it would be fine.

In this way, Ye Yang made a lot of "friends" in the top circles of Paris in one night.

Although they may not be emotionally close.

But as long as the huge business empire behind him does not fall, the name Ye Yang will be extremely important in the upper class of France in the future!

The next day.

Ye Yang and Han Ruxiu woke up together in the big bedroom of the castle.

The sun shines on the big white legs sticking out from the quilt, warm and white like jade.

She was obviously exhausted from the long journey last night.

Han Ruxiu probably won't wake up for a while.

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head, then opened his phone and scrolled through Tiktok (international version of Douyin).

As he scrolled through it, his brows quickly furrowed...

(First update)

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