Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 741 Artificial Sun! Ten billion US dollars in research and development funds

Today, many Koreans posted videos on tiktok.

It was about their artificial sun (nuclear fusion thermonuclear reactor) that made a huge breakthrough and broke the previous record of China.

In the video, they were full of bragging. If they were just celebrating themselves, it would be fine, but they had to drag China into the comparison. It would be fine if they just compared it, but they also stepped on China's technology.

They said that they were a powerful country in the universe and that they would surpass China in technology in a few years.

Their arrogant look made Ye Yang frown deeply.

"Is the Kingdom of the Universe starting to make trouble again?"

Yu Momo came over and saw that Ye Yang was a little unhappy with the video. He couldn't help but joked: "Breakfast is ready, let's go downstairs to eat, master~"

Ye Yang looked at Yu Momo, and his heart was slightly relieved and nodded.

The breakfast was very rich. It was the meal before the French emperor. The ingredients used were better than the emperor at that time, and the wine they drank was also more mellow than him.

A more comfortable enjoyment than the emperor represents the cost price of hundreds of thousands of ingredients.

But Ye Yang no longer cared.

He had too much money to spend.

Uncle Zhao Benshan, the king of sketches, once said that the most painful thing in life is to die without spending all the money.

He now eats 10 million worth of food every day, which is only 3 billion a year.

Only 300 billion in a hundred years...

Why not eat?

After taking a sip of red wine.

Ye Yang frowned, feeling a little unhappy.

Like South Korea and India, South Korea always gives people an unprecedented pride with blind self-confidence.

Whenever there is such a thing that is slightly ahead of China, China is always pulled out to show off, giving people a face of a villain who has succeeded.

He is now also a senior figure in China.

Naturally, he is quite unhappy with this move.

He directly called the black technology company. After he lit the sky lantern at the Crescent Hotel, he received the energy upgrade black technology chain, among which the artificial sun technology is being developed.

"Watson, how long will it take for our artificial sun project to be completed?"

"Report to the boss, we have completed one-third of the process, and it will take another half a month for the final splicing and data debugging."

Watson reported.

"Half a month..."

Ye Yang shook his head: "If you want to speed up, is there any way?"

"In fact, for us, this is just a relatively basic technology,"

Watson said: "It's all because the current civilization's technological level is too low. It's difficult to find relevant materials. Although we have technology and drawings, we still have to make the materials ourselves..."

Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Watson, this artificial intelligence, is not weaker than a real person in terms of his ability to complain.

"If you want to solve the time problem... ahem, you still have to add a little research funding, boss!"

Watson's voice weakened a little at the end.

Ye Yang rolled his eyes. It feels like he's been playing misery for a long time, because he's short of money!

Say it earlier!

This is the easiest thing to solve, okay!

"How much does it cost? Tell me."

"Ahem, if it's done in a week, it will cost 5 billion. If it's done in three days, it will cost 10 billion...US dollars."

Watson said repeatedly.

"What if it's done faster?"

Ye Yang asked.

"Well, if it's done faster, the quality of the project can't be guaranteed. The cost performance is too low and it's not worth it."

Watson said repeatedly.


Ye Yang nodded slightly: "Then let's do it. Let these sticks jump for three days."

"Guaranteed to complete the task!!!"

Watson asked for the funds and smiled happily. As long as there is money, everything can be solved.

The low level of science and technology on Earth today is also caused by too little research funding.

The largest project for thermonuclear fusion reaction devices in the world: the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) project. China, the United States, the Soviet Union, Europe, Japan, India, South Korea and other world's strongest countries are all involved.

The budget for the entire plan is only 5 billion US dollars...

5 billion US dollars, too little!

Ye Yang spent 10 billion US dollars on the back-end plan alone. With the mature technology chain, how could it not be fast to build?

After the call.

Ye Yang said to Yu Momo: "It seems that we have to return home in advance."

"Huh? Why?"

Yu Momo was a little stunned. Ye Yang did not let her take care of the affairs of Ye Shenhei Technology Company.

So she was not aware of the artificial sun.


Ye Yang roughly told her about his scientific research company, which had developed a breakthrough technology for artificial sun.


Yu Momo was stunned.

She was a top student. Even if she chose the Department of Economics, Management and Finance in the end, she had studied mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology in high school, and she was a university bully.

Of course, she knew what this meant...

"You mean... this breakthrough is likely to be achieved in one step, and a stable and controllable nuclear fusion reaction device can be obtained!?"

Yu Momo stood up, and her whole body was numb.

Even if Ye Yang said that he could actually develop Gundam, or even that he was Tiga, she was not as shocked and surprised as this news!

What is the essence of the development of modern human civilization?

It's energy!

Coal, electricity, and oil support the veins of civilization.

Countries compete for the three major energy sources.

What does it mean to master controlled nuclear fusion?

It means that the entire civilization is about to move towards the next new era!

First of all, the raw material for controlled nuclear fusion is seawater.

For the current human civilization, seawater is inexhaustible and impossible to use up.

Theoretically, nuclear fusion can make one kilogram of seawater release the energy of 300 liters of gasoline!

Moreover, the element in seawater that is actually used for fusion: tritium, can be converted and recycled through lithium.

It is truly inexhaustible.

The most important thing is that the fusion products produced by nuclear fusion are pollution-free!

This is simply the most ideal and advanced energy for human beings today, at least in the past thirty years, which only exists in fantasy!

But what did the boss say...?

He said that he may have mastered controlled nuclear fusion! ?

This! ?

Yu Momo felt that his blood was about to boil.

If this is true, then the boss is the pioneer of the next era!

He will definitely leave a name in history, and I am afraid that he can be written into human history together with Einstein's name, immortal forever!

"Haha, don't be so excited."

Ye Yang waved his hand: "The details are still unknown, let's go back and see what the results are."


Yu Momo said repeatedly.

Out of physical instinct, she quickly began to organize the trip back to China, but the shock in her heart made her still in a state of mental shock and emotional numbness until she stepped on the plane...

(Second update)

The principles and related technical details of nuclear fusion are relatively complicated. The relevant things are in the article, and I will try to explain them as simply as possible. There must be some details that are vague for simplification. Those who understand this aspect don't have to worry about it. You are right~

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