Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 743 Controlled nuclear fusion! Shocked the entire network

"Mr. Ye, we are here today to witness the birth of this technology..."

Admiral Dong pondered for a moment.

After all, the significance of this technology is simply too great...

"I am a member of Huaxia. I will provide free technical support for Huaxia Power Grid's energy source exchange. In addition, I will also provide funds and manpower to help reorganize the power grid terminals."

Ye Yang waved his hand nonchalantly.

Money means nothing to him anymore.

Doing something that has never been done before or since, fulfilling the ambitions of the past, realizing the feelings of childhood, attracts him even more.


General Dong knew Ye Yang's patriotism.

I just didn't expect that his decision in this regard would still be so shocking!

Ye Yang didn't think there was anything strange.

It is completely unreasonable to him to make so much money and not give back to society.

"Mr. Ye..."

General Dong shook his head: "This time, I have to refuse! Your sacrifice is too great. If you really implement it like this..."

Ye Yang smiled slightly: "For me, this is not about sacrifice, but about building my own home. Whatever you have the ability to do...

Even ordinary people will want to decorate their own homes after making money, let alone their own country? This has been my dream since I was a child. I want the country to become better because of me and the world to change because of me..."

"I didn't have this ability before, but now, I want to realize these dreams one by one!"

"And...just do as I wish!"

He looked at General Dong with piercing eyes.

Admiral Dong was stunned, and suddenly his eyes turned red.

Everyone in the audience was shocked by this.

The original decision drafted by the Supreme Committee was to try to obtain technical assistance from Ye Yang, and then share the annual income generated by the power sector with Ye Yang's company.

The country provides a vast market and huge electricity revenue.

And Ye Yang provides the technology.

But now Ye Yang's decision is enough to shock everyone!

Not only will they provide technology for free, they will even provide funds in return to help restructure the power grid terminals!

General Dong took a few steps back and stood up to Ye Yang, a standard military salute!

All the officers, bosses, and scientists present firmly showed their greatest respect to him!

This silent touch and shock filled everyone's heart... and inspired a sense of cohesion that no one could ignore.

Because we were born in China!

Ye Yang directly took out the contract that had been prepared for a long time: "You can take it back and show it to the power company. If there are no problems, try to start this project as soon as possible."


This incident has completely changed the views of several top bosses on Ye Yang.

If Ye Yang was a patriotic businessman in their hearts before, then now, they are true comrades.

As long as they are people who have the true ideal of nation and country.

All are true comrades.

But I was moved.

They were in trouble again.

What kind of honor should be given to Ye Yang this time?

This contribution is simply too great...

But if it rises too much at once, it is against the rules.

The lack of promotion is completely inconsistent with Ye Yang's contribution that is enough to go down in history.


What title and honor should I give Ye Yang in return?

They're going to have a hard time.

However, Ye Yang is not in a hurry, the project is still important.

The press conference was already the next day.

Great Hall.

Reporters swarmed in.

"Excuse me, is the news about the success of this controllable nuclear fusion device project true!?"

The spokesperson stood on the podium, smiled and nodded: "Not bad!"

The whole place was excited!

The suffocation caused by the pretense of the Kingdom of the Universe these past few days was gone in an instant!

One hundred and two seconds is nothing!

I made it directly!

The first one in the world to overcome this difficulty is China! ! !

Everyone else, just follow behind and eat ashes!

Immediately, there were overwhelming reports.

Such a great scientific breakthrough will bring great changes to the world and society!

"Controllable nuclear fusion has been achieved!?"

"This Ye Yang... I have never heard of it before! A genius scientist who suddenly appeared!?"

"It's Ye Shenhao, the one who makes money on Douyin!"

"F*ck! This... is completely irrelevant! This feels so super-dimensional!"

"I've long thought this kid could do it!"

“Ye Shenhao yyds!!!”

"This is what you call an entrepreneur! Spend the money you earn on research and development!"


"I just want to know, does this have anything to do with my monthly salary of three thousand?"

"Of course! The United States is developing so fast because they have oil hegemony. If we uniquely master controllable nuclear fusion technology, we will monopolize the energy of the next era! Our per capita wages and living standards will increase rapidly. ! By then, the purchasing power of three thousand Huaxia coins will even exceed the current ten thousand Huaxia coins, and the income will skyrocket! How wonderful will it be in those days? Go ahead!"

"Damn it! If that could happen, I would call him my reborn parent!"



Popular science and publicity about controllable nuclear fusion suddenly exploded in China!

And the external network.

The Koreans were dumbfounded.

It’s only been a few days! ?

All we can do is stop the activities! ?

"This is impossible!"

"How can China be ahead of us!?"

"Did they steal our advanced technology?"

"Hurry up and steal their technology, and then we will apply for a patent in advance! Humph!"

"That's right! Whoever gets it first will own it! This technology belongs to our Great Cold Netherland!"


The people of the Universe God Country are all furious!

On Tiktok.

The news of China's successful controlled nuclear fusion directly flooded the screen!

The world is trembling and shocked by this matter!

"Haha, you have to use your thief talent again!?"

"This time, you won't have another chance!"

"You vassal states, jump again!?"

In the comment area, Chinese users are extremely proud and confident to confront those angry users of the Great Cold Netherland.

"You cheated!"

"You must have stolen our technology!"

Some people were dissatisfied.

"Haha, your technology of generating electricity for more than 100 seconds is still a long way from stable power generation. Don't you think before you speak?"

"That's right! I guess there are no good mental hospitals in South Korea. I advise your patients to apply for a visa and come to China for treatment. We are very advanced in this regard!"


Their indignation attracted disdainful ridicule from the Chinese side.

"Wow! We are so angry! Ah Xi!"

(Second update)

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