Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 744 A message from a familiar stranger?

"It's useless to be angry, you're all jealous!"


All Chinese netizens are very proud.

And countries all over the world are shocked by this news!

"China has developed controlled nuclear fusion first!"

"This is terrible!"

"This is too outrageous..."

The reactions of all parties are different, some are happy and some are sad.

In today's world situation, there are countries that follow China to develop, and some follow the United States.

Two-pole competition.

China has developed controlled nuclear fusion, which naturally adds a huge chip to the scale.

The United States.

"I have always said that he is a big problem!"

The seven-star general was so angry that his face turned blue.

"I really didn't expect that he could make breakthroughs in different fields one after another."

"But it's a little late now. It's too late for us to ask China to give us this technology. If we counterattack, they also have the technology to strangle us."

"Before the end of oil hegemony, we still have a chance to fight back."

"This is not a trivial matter..."


A group of American high-level officials are also in a dilemma.

The biggest difference between modern wars and previous wars is that superpowers have nuclear weapons.

Previous wars relied on sacrificing people to fight.

But now, once a war breaks out between nuclear countries, nuclear bombs will be dropped on the heads of heads of countries and those who start the war, so no one dares to start a war.

Especially American businessmen.

They don't fight for justice, but for the fundamental purpose of making more money.

If you start a war and end up being killed first, it's too ridiculous. For them, it's absolutely impossible to do.

"We should reconsider our strategy and attitude towards China."



China has passed the weak period steadily. Now even they themselves have realized that they seem to have no way to deal with China...

Inside Prince Gong's Mansion.

Ye Yang, the core of Storm, had just finished a game, took off his body suit, stretched his arms and walked out of the game room.

"How is the promotion of the body suit in the army?"

Ye Yang asked.

Tang Xinru took off her body suit on the game recliner beside her and changed her clothes in front of Ye Yang: "The military games developed are very realistic, and the supply speed is also very fast. Now the promotion speed in the army is extremely fast."

Ye Yang nodded.

The competition between the military is not only a contest of hard power between cannons and rockets.

Of course, it also includes military games, logistics follow-up speed and other soft power.

Tang Xinru looked at Ye Yang and felt that this man was unfathomable.

Before she came into contact with him, he didn't even have a position in the military.

It's been a short time.

According to inside information, Ye Yangyang might be able to stand in the most core circle of power through this matter...

If there is no free controllable nuclear fusion and aid construction.

Ye Yang can only get more money and a reputation to be remembered. But he already has fame, money? Just a number.

Not to mention that the national power department is paying money to provide welfare to the people every year. Even if the electricity bill is really divided into a small amount, the annual share is not enough for 5% of Ye Yang's wealth growth, which is not meaningful.

If this decision can really stand at that height, it will be 10 trillion yuan... No, no amount of money can compare.

She is not sure what kind of mind Ye Yang made this decision, but judging from the contact in the past few months.

He is just a real man who acts on impulse. It seems that he has not considered the complicated gains and losses behind.

He just made a choice because of his nature.

But what is annoying is that the decision he made casually is still the relatively best one...

Tang Xinru smiled when she thought of this.

"Why are you grinning so stupidly?"

Ye Yang patted Tang Xinru's head: "Let's go eat."


Tang Xinru nodded and followed him obediently.


Lunch at Prince Gong's Mansion is a huge project.

It's just like having a meal in the mansions of ancient princes and nobles.

There are hundreds of maids, housekeepers, and cleaners doing the work.

In addition, Ye Yang himself is more interested in eating, so the chefs of the state banquet in the back kitchen have to try their best to make something new for him.

For example, at noon today, we made a special lunch after an in-depth investigation of the eating habits in Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan.

Although the cost is only about one million, this meal is not cheap after considering the cost of investigation and research.

"Well, it tastes really good."

Ye Yang nodded and enjoyed it very much.

Eating all the delicacies in the world without leaving home must be a dream that many Chinese people are obsessed with.

After all, for China.

Food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Eating is one of the four major things in life.

After eating.

Ye Yang was lying on the sofa, scrolling through his WeChat messages.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. He actually saw a familiar stranger sending him a WeChat message.

"Han Caili? This woman never comes to visit for no reason!"

Ye Yang instantly felt... a little interesting.

This woman was a female classmate of their university who had a low sense of presence. She was almost invisible in the university. She was obsessed with marrying a rich man. She never bothered to interact with classmates in the university. She would dress up and go to nightclubs or some places where she could meet rich people to hook up with rich people.

At the university graduation party.

She hooked up with Zhang Wanmin, the chairman of the software company where she used to work.

She also wanted to show off in Han Pavilion, but ended up fighting with herself. The result can be imagined.

When Zhang Wanmin came to Han Pavilion for dinner, he saw Ye Yang holding a black dragon stepping on gold card and a commercial building, and dumped this wicked lover at that time.

After that, Ye Yang never heard about Han Caili again.

He estimated that after this incident, this woman would turn over a new leaf, face reality, and be a good person.

Open the chat interface.

Ye Yang was stunned.

"Wedding invitation?"

He was stunned.

It was only about a year since the last incident.

They are getting married?


After losing face in public, she jumped out of the shadows so quickly, found a new partner, and was getting married...


Ye Yang looked carefully.

She strongly begged Ye Yang to go to her wedding celebration.

Her words were so sincere that people almost cried.

Ye Yang thought about what to say to her.

WeChat and phone calls came.

"Hello?! Classmate Ye Yang? I haven't contacted you for a long time. How are you recently? I'm getting married soon, please come! I invited all the classmates this time, treat everyone to a meal, no need to bring red envelopes, I just want to make up for what happened last time!!!"

(First update)

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