Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 750 The Zhang family was shocked and his wife was immediately abandoned


Zhang Mingyu's expression changed instantly.

If Ye Yang was just the identities he knew, it wouldn't make him afraid.

But so many big guys gathered together not only to speak for Ye Yang but also to put pressure on the Zhang family. Moreover, they are all Ye Yang’s subordinates!

This status has risen instantly!

Even more than the strength of the Zhang family!

He was shaken inside.

She looked at Han Caili uncertainly. This woman had caused such a big trouble and would be kicked out of the Zhang family sooner or later. But at the wedding banquet, after all, she was a bit unsightly... and it was detrimental to her face!

Before he could express his meaning.

Another group of big guys came together.

Among them are Fang Han from Jincheng Law Firm, Chang Jingkang, the first vice president of Liren Hospital, Fang Jinrong, vice president of the Chinese Music Association, Wan Chongshan, vice president of the Famous Car Club, Tang Ruguo, the boss behind the Crescent Hotel, Traditional Kung Fu Zhang Hongfeng, the president of the association, Han Ruxiu, the boss of Tang Han Zhihui, Chen Zongqing, the president of Jiading Advertising Company, and several of the world's top actors and actresses...

There was another wave of super bosses from all walks of life present, all coming.

If he was just a giant in the business world before, Zhang Mingyu saw Ye Yang's unparalleled influence in the business world.

Well, these big guys now come from all walks of life, and they are basically at the top of each industry! ! !

Wouldn't these be the same...

An ominous premonition flashed through his heart.

I saw these big guys all expressing their opinions: "Mr. Ye, he is our president/boss/dean/old friend... If you are disrespectful to Mr. Ye, this is the biggest negligence and apology! If If we don’t meet Mr. Ye’s request, we won’t have to have anything to do with the Zhang family in the future!”

"Holy crap! No way!!!"

If Zhang Mingyu hadn't experienced strong winds and waves, he would have been frightened and fainted!

Such influence!

This status!

So many big guys are working together to support him! ?

"I go……"

The balance in Zhang Mingyu's heart was completely tilted.

Ye Yang's status in his heart has risen rapidly, reaching an unparalleled level!

Even Zhang Mingyu, an important person in power in the Zhang family, was shocked to this point.

Not to mention the guests here.

Everyone's brain is blank!


They couldn't think of any other thought except this word.

No matter which force or identity these big guys represent, they cannot get in even if they squeeze their heads, and they need to respect them!

However, Ye Yang could do it all by himself!

These hidden identities, all rivers merge into the sea.

It constituted a terrifying impact that they could not resist at all, causing their emotions to fall into wave after wave of turmoil.


Zhang Mingyu was about to speak.

Then I saw those beings with the highest status sitting in the front row getting up! ! !


Zhang Mingyu was immediately stunned.

All the guests present looked at him out of habit.

No, it’s impossible! ?

These elites from all walks of life still have a concept.

Then, the classmates sitting at the same table were almost suffocated.

Any name among these people present, and if you look it up online, they all represent the pinnacle of an industry, they are all so popular, and they all make people admire them!

All the students felt an indescribable numbness.

It’s only been a year since graduation.

This man who once sat in the same classroom as them, taking the same course.

This has been achieved...

Is it close to a height that they cannot understand? ?


How on earth is it done! ! ! ?

A group of big guys sitting at the front also came over.

Zhang Mingyu felt that his hands were shaking a little.

Those placed at the front by the Zhang family are all big shots in the military and political circles!

Senior officials from the CPPCC, National People's Congress, government, and military.

All of them!

Among them, there were even ministerial-level and even lieutenant generals present!

And these big guys stood still in front of Zhang Mingyu.

Just from his position, Zhang Mingyu could see everything.

These top military and political bosses!

I am also on Ye Yang’s side!

In other words, in their eyes, Ye Yang's weight is more important than that of the Zhang family!

"The new daughter-in-law of this family has indeed gone too far."

"Major General Ye, we meet again..."

Although called Major General Ye.

Lieutenant General Chang Siwei looked at Ye Yang with a faint smile.

But in Zhang Mingyu's eyes, his words and expressions showed no affection for the younger generation at all.


Appreciation of comrades at the same level... even, admiration!


How can this be? !

"Business circles, cultural and sports circles, military and political leaders..."

Ye Yang's status in Zhang Mingyu's heart has been infinitely elevated, and it can no longer be described in words.

What kind of existence does he have! ?

Before today's incident happened, if someone had told him that someone could remain silent and receive unanimous support from all the big guys present, even sparing no effort to support him, Zhang Mingyu would definitely laugh at that person as being crazy.

But now, he had to suspect that he was dreaming...


All rise!

Everyone was completely shocked by this scene!

For such a powerful person, even if the Zhang family bows their heads, they can completely understand!

The bargaining chips on these two sides are completely disproportionate!

One is the face of the Zhang family, and the other is the mysterious Mr. Ye.

With the support of such power behind them, the face of the Zhang family is no longer important!

The most important thing is that the Zhang family was wrong first! ! !

They were wrong first!

Zhang Mingyu looked at Zhang Mingtao, the second uncle of the Zhang family who had the highest status in the Zhang family at the wedding.

He was the highest-ranking person in the Zhang family except the uncle of the head of the family!

Zhang Mingtao said repeatedly: "What are you still hesitating about! Get this unlucky star out!!!"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Zhang Mingyu looked at Han Caili, who seemed to have fallen into a state of stupidity with a panicked look, and poured out all the anger in his heart:

"According to the rules of the Zhang family, I now announce: Han Caili, the new daughter-in-law of the Zhang family, has no talent or virtue, and got into my family by fraud, and now she has caused a huge disaster! Now immediately abolish her status as the daughter-in-law of the Zhang family and cancel the engagement! Expel her from the Zhang family, and she will have nothing to do with the Zhang family from now on!!!"

On the scene


It was not until the three big men behind Ye Yang took the lead in applauding that the others in the field reacted and the applause roared!

"The Zhang family is indeed the top wealthy family in Beijing! The spirit and pattern are not comparable to ordinary families!"

"Being able to stop the loss in time is also a great hero!"

"There is a reason why the Zhang family can develop to this day..."

Listening to the discussions in his ears.

Zhang Mingyu was relieved.

Originally worried that the Zhang family would lose face because of this matter, he did not expect that the identity Ye Yang showed was too awesome.

So much so that the whole audience felt that it was natural for the Zhang family to abolish his wife on the spot.

Instead, the Zhang family gained some reputation as a great hero who knows how to adapt...

It's really an unimaginable result...

(First update)

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