Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 751: Accidents continue, Mr. Dong arrives in person


“After all, how could you make such a big mistake!!! How could you put such a big shot like Mr. Ye in such a position! Do you know how big a mistake you made!”

Zhang Mingtao and Zhang Mingyu both shouted at Zhang Tianci.

Zhang Tianci tutted his lips. This time, he and Han Caili found their own list.

Ye Yang was invited by Han Caili, so naturally, everything was arranged by Han Caili. He actually didn’t know about it.

The two uncles knew this in their hearts.

However, now they must want him to take the blame.

He didn’t get angry, but just bowed his head and admitted his mistake: “I’m sorry, Mr. Ye! It was all because I was blinded by Han Caili and neglected it for a while. On behalf of the Zhang family, I apologize to you most seriously! After this banquet, I will go back to the Zhang family to accept the punishment!”

Ye Yang nodded slightly. He never cared about such boring and face-saving requirements as where to sit.

After all, he has enough face now, and he doesn’t need such empty things to show his status and face.

Zhang Mingtao and Zhang Mingyu both nodded slightly. This nephew was quite courageous.

The two of them and Zhang Tianci apologized to Ye Yang for a while, and then said that they could put Ye Yang and his classmates' tables in the front.

"No need to be so troublesome, this position is not bad."

Ye Yang waved his hand lightly.


Seeing Ye Yang's insistence, several people did not dare to force him, so they had to do so.

The audience was also relieved...

Zhang Tianci was a descendant of a wealthy family after all. No matter how unpopular he was, he was also influenced by the wealthy family. At this time, he was abolished on the spot. Not only was he not angry, but he took the initiative to apologize to Ye Yang. His attitude was extremely humble and won unanimous praise.

In the final analysis, no matter how much Han Caili pleased him, she was just a bargaining chip in his mind.

When Ye Yang's bargaining chips were far greater than Han Caili, who was dispensable and could be replaced at any time, he would not have any heartache or unwillingness.

After all, there are many women with fair skin, beautiful appearance and good sex.

As long as he slightly reveals his status as a wealthy family.

There are so many women like Han Caili who want to squeeze into the wealthy family.

And there is only one Ye Yang!

The second uncle and the eighth uncle were also quite satisfied with Zhang Tianci's actions.

This little nephew is not as bad as imagined.

He is quite sensible.

Fortunately, Mr. Ye is so stingy...

In Ye Yang's mind, this matter has little to do with the Zhang family. Now that the other party has apologized, his majesty has been demonstrated, and he is not in a position to pursue it.

Otherwise, he will end up with a reputation of being rude.

"Today, just treat it as an ordinary party for friends from all parties hosted by the Zhang family!"

Zhang Mingtao turned around, laughed, and his mentality changed rapidly: "The banquet is still the same, everyone eat and drink well, don't spoil the fun."

The various forces that were in doubt were finally relieved.

They regained their happiness just now, as if nothing had happened.

In fact, they all knew the purpose of coming today.

Zhang Tianci is just an abandoned child of the Zhang family, and Han Caili is an ordinary woman who doesn't know where she came from. In the final analysis, the purpose of coming here today is:

First, to give face to the Zhang family.

Second, it is because such a gathering of powerful people is rare, and they all want to come here to increase their personal connections and get to know more big men.

In other words, whether it is a wedding today, whether Han Caili is present or not, and whether they come to attend the party, it doesn't matter.

It's nothing more than a wedding turned into a gathering of the upper class!

No delay.

Zhang Tianci himself is just like nothing happened, constantly toasting people.

Zhang Mingyu and Zhang Mingtao looked at Zhang Tianci and nodded with satisfaction.

He lost a useless daughter-in-law with ill intentions, and was appreciated by the two elders in power in the family, and took the opportunity to establish relationships with big men from all walks of life in Beijing.

Zhang Tianci definitely did not lose this time.


A world where only Han Caili was hurt was born...

The classmates were all laughing and crying, and no one expected that things would turn out like this.

When Han Caili just started to attack, they were all trembling, thinking that they were really going to be kicked out.

But from beginning to end, Ye Yang didn't say a word.

A group of big men swarmed in and stood up directly!

The Zhang family was so scared that they not only kicked Han Caili out, but also abolished her wife on the spot! ! !

This was too shocking!

It made them say that they had learned a lot!

For a moment, an extremely distant sense of distance was born between them and Ye Yang.

Even though he was sitting in front of them, talking and laughing, very friendly.

But these students also understood that there was already a terrifying and insurmountable gap between themselves and Ye Yang...

Han Caili was just carried to the door.

The door was pushed open again, and Han Caili was hit so hard that her nose bled and she fell to the side.

It was too miserable...

The two heroic men who opened the door didn't even notice that they had bumped into someone.

Afterwards, a row of extremely heroic teams stepped in and stood on both sides.

This change made everyone present stunned. What the hell is this! ?

Today, at a small Zhang family wedding banquet, there are really many surprises!

A military leader covered with medals walked in.

The whole audience was in an uproar. Who is this leader! ?

Many top real bosses recognized who this person with military medals was...

Lieutenant General Chang Siwei stood up quickly: "Mr. Dong, why are you here!"

The one who came was one of the only thirty-six generals in China - Dong Anbang!

"Oh my god!"

Everyone was excited!


The most powerful general in the Chinese military!

There are only thirty-something generals in the whole of China!

The peak of the peak!

The core of the core!

When he stood there, he represented China to a certain extent!

The most important thing is that he was wearing a military uniform!

There is a common sense in the officialdom.

Wearing a uniform means that he appears in his position.

If he does not wear a uniform, he comes as a person.

Therefore, for a person in a high position, wearing or not wearing a uniform has a completely different meaning! ! !

Zhang Mingyu and Zhang Mingtao were both shocked.

The Zhang family did not invite this General Anbang to the scene!

Why did this super boss come uninvited! ?

They were so scared that they came over and exchanged pleasantries.

But Old Dong just smiled and nodded.

The two were not annoyed. After all, even if only the eldest brother of the Zhang family came, he was qualified to talk to Old Dong!

Chang Siwei greeted him respectfully: "Old Dong!"

Dong Anbang nodded slightly, his eyes swept across the scene, and soon saw Ye Yang, and walked over with a smile...

(Second update, tomorrow is Jiuyang's birthday, I may take a day off, if I have more time, of course I will continue to update~ Love you~)

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