Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 752 Now, you are part of the Chinese will

"Major General Ye, it's time to confer honors. National-level and several other generals are waiting for your arrival."

Dong Anbang stood in front of Ye Yang and smiled lightly.


Ye Yang smiled and nodded.

He stood up, hugged his classmates, said goodbye, and left.


When Admiral Dong was here, no one dared to speak.

They all watched eagerly.

It wasn't until Ye Yang left with him that he breathed a sigh of relief.

The discussion was overwhelming like never before.

Everyone is guessing what is going on!


"Isn't he a major general!? And he was awarded a medal!?"

"It shouldn't be! Moreover, it is impossible for such a person to come forward to receive an ordinary honorary award!"


“It’s scary to think about it!!!”

Everyone looked at Chang Siwei.

Chang Siwei is a lieutenant general and should be the person present who knows the Chinese military the best.


Chang Siwei sat back down leisurely and laughed: "This Major General Ye was also recommended to the military by me at the beginning. He started as a major general, and now he has made huge and incomparable contributions to the country. Contribution, this time, when we meet again, you will be on the same level as me."

These are not military secrets. With his level, he can naturally say these words on such occasions. At the same time, it also increases Ye Yang's power.

Make sure everyone present doesn't mess with Ye Yang again.


This paragraph is just a few dozen words.

The amount of information is extremely huge! ! !

Zhang Mingyu and Zhang Mingtao both had their heads buzzing!

Ye Yang looked like he was only twenty-five or six years old at most.

Lieutenant General! ?

At least Lieutenant General?

Doesn't that mean...

It's not impossible for the general! ?

This is so dreamy! ?

Twenty-five year old core layer! ?

impossible! Absolutely impossible! ! !

There is also the word "incomparable contribution"...

China is so big that any contribution to the country can hardly be called huge. After all, national affairs involve all aspects.

Any breakthrough in any aspect is just a contribution worthy of joy.

This huge and incomparable contribution...

As a mere young man in his twenties, he really couldn't imagine anything that could be so huge and incomparable!

What can be described with this word is at least this contribution, which can fundamentally raise the entire country to a higher level of potential! Enter a new era of existence!

At least it must be on the same level as Yuan Lao’s cultivation of super rice, Franklin’s discovery of electricity, Newton’s discovery of the laws of kinematics, and Einstein’s discovery of the theory of relativity!

Zhang Mingyu and Zhang Mingtao looked at each other. This word came out of the mouth of Lieutenant General Chang Siwei. It was really...

Too scary!

"Gulu...we just now almost offended such a being!?"

"If we didn't handle it properly just now, the Zhang family should be destroyed!"

Only at this moment did Zhang Mingyu and Zhang Mingtao fully realize the weight of Ye Yang...

No one needs support.

He alone can dominate China!

He is an absolute super boss! ! !

Even the head of the Zhang family is far from comparable in status!

Before the age of twenty-five, he was ‘likely to be awarded the rank of general’.

This concept is too scary! ! !

At this moment, everyone present deeply remembered Ye Yang's face and name. After returning, they must let everyone in their power, from top to bottom, from old to young, remember this name!


China Overseas, Great Hall.

Today, the flowers are blooming and many high-end vehicles gather.

Leaders from the military, political and academic circles gathered together.

The cannons were saluted to the sky and roared endlessly.

The entire Zhonghai was filled with a grand atmosphere.

Ye Yang stepped out of General Dong's special military vehicle.

Surrounded by a group of generals, officials and dignitaries, he walked into the great hall.

"Major General Ye."

Many generals respect him very much.

One is out of admiration for Ye Yang, and the other is knowing that Ye Yang will be promoted today, and in the future, he may be his immediate boss.

Soon, we arrived at the center.

He saw all the big guys from the three parties holding medals or certificates, waiting on their seats.

He stood on the stage.

Many of China's top bosses were all looking at him.

First, there is academia.

China's highest lifetime scientific achievement award is directly awarded to the title of academician of the two academies.

One represents the highest honor in academia, and the other represents the highest status in academia.

It is the highest honor in the Chinese scientific community.

Mr. Zhong presented the award in person, and the audience burst into applause.

Next, there is the military world.

The top man in the military personally awarded the medal, changing the star from one to two!

"When I called you General Xinghua, you are indeed our true rising star in China!"

The award presenter smiled slightly, obviously admiring Ye Yang's achievements.

"In addition, you have entered the country's pre-selection list for general."

Ye Yang nodded.

He has been in the military for some time, so he naturally knows what this general pre-selection list means.

As long as you enter this list, it means you are a reserve general.

If nothing unexpected happens, he will definitely be promoted to general within five years.

Get the highest honor in the military.

Finally, it is the political world.

The honor is still awarded by the last awarder.

"The country will remember every hero."

He solemnly handed the letter of appointment to Ye Yang: "In this position, you are already one of the decision-makers of China, with the highest voting rights. After this, the highest direction of China has a part of your will."

Ye Yang was shocked and put it away solemnly.


This appointment is a vice-national appointment.

It is one of the highest powers besides the nine central ones.

The three realms have finished awarding honors.

The whole venue fell into a long applause.

They know that this man deserves it!

Until he came out of the venue.

Ye Yang looked at the honors all over his body. Any of these honors is what a generation of genius needs to spend his whole life to get.

He smiled faintly and shook his head.

There have been some subtle changes in his mentality today.

From now on, he is no longer just a part of the Chinese bloodline, but a part of the Chinese soul and will.

This change is a qualitative change!

He took a deep breath.

Watching the buildings of Zhonghai passing by the window, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Dong Anbang smiled and said, "Where are you going next?"

"There is nothing to deal with in Beijing, and it's time to go back to the Magic City."

Ye Yang said calmly.


Dong Anbang nodded: "There are indeed some things in the Magic City. If you want to go there, you can solve these things by the way. Now you are part of the will of China. In the process of dealing with this matter, any choice you encounter is up to you."

(First update)

Thank you for the birthday wishes from the fans!

Thank you very much~

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