Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 753: Eating hot pot and meeting a naughty kid

"Relevant information on this matter is here."

Dong Anbang handed the portfolio to Ye Yang: "This portfolio cannot be shown to the second person."


Ye Yang nodded slightly and then put the file bag away.

Inside Prince Gong’s Mansion.

Ye Yang and Dong Anbang had a chat over tea for a while, and Ye Yang also learned a lot of inside information and top secrets.

Many of them shocked him extremely.

Sometimes, it is difficult to see the whole world from the perspective of the public. Only when your level is high enough can you have access to real secrets.

The world is so big that an ordinary person can only see a small part of it.

"Is the file task I was asked to handle this time related to a certain part of the secret you revealed to me?"

Ye Yang asked.

"Well, as for which part it is, it will become clear when you arrive in the Magic City and open the file."

Dong Anbang nodded slightly, then said goodbye and left.

Ye Yang was silent for a while, and there were some changes in his heart.

After coming into contact with China's real core secrets, a heavy sense of responsibility arose spontaneously.

There is a folk saying that if the sky falls, there will be a taller one to hold it up.

Only now does he understand what kind of pressure these 'tall men' at the top are under, and what kind of secrets they are carrying forward...

However, according to the information given by Dong Anbang, there is still a long way to go before the day when those dangers will completely erupt.

Ye Yang put away the files.

Soon, Lin Xueer and Zheng Xian were taken to Prince Gong's Mansion.

The students have been sent back by G950.

"Holy shit, Brother Ye, you really live in the palace!"

This was Zheng Xian's first time as a guest at Prince Gong's Mansion. He looked as surprised as if he were visiting a tourist attraction.

Ye Yang laughed: "I'm not good at bragging."

"Boss, you're awesome! You don't need 100 billion to buy this house?"

Zheng Xian just heard that one pillar inside costs about three billion!

"Well... the estimate is more than 200 billion."

Ye Yang nodded: "But I didn't spend much money."


Zheng Xian blinked, the original price was 200 billion!

No matter how cheap it is, it still costs more than 100 billion! ?

It didn’t cost much! ?

Brother Ye, you are so Versailles!

Ye Yang couldn't laugh or cry. This Prince Gong's Mansion was a prize given by the system when he spent 1.5 billion to buy a high-end villa: Galaxy One...

If calculated, this Prince Gong's Mansion only cost him 1.5 billion.

"But speaking of it, that 1.5 billion Galaxy One has almost fallen into dust since I bought it and haven't even lived in it yet."

Ye Yang decided to go there and have a look before leaving.

We visited Prince Gong’s Mansion and Galaxy No.1.

Zheng Xian said it was an eye-opener!

In the evening, Ye Yang and Lin Xueer, two young lovers who looked like newlyweds after a long absence, could no longer bear the longing in their hearts and let out all the surging enthusiasm.

In the night wind, there was a faint hum of the sun.

Lin Xueer is like a little girl picking mushrooms, pulling mushrooms, making mushrooms, and eating mushrooms.

It was done in one go, obviously, in the days when I was separated from Ye Yang.

She also delved into the practice of mushrooms a lot.

Sitting up at this time, the taste was also extremely long, which made Ye Yang say it was so satisfying.

The mushrooms and scallops were cooked until midnight before it was completely finished.

The two of them, who both ate happily, snuggled into a beautiful dreamland...

Early the next morning, Ye Yang took the two of them on the F1000 and flew to the Magic City.

Shanghai Hongqiao Airport.

"Boss, I know that it is all because of you that I have achieved such success so quickly. Without you, Zhang Wanmin would not have promoted me like this."

Zheng Xian said repeatedly: "I have always wanted to have a meal with you, Brother Ye, but you have been busy recently, and now we finally meet again. I want to treat you to a meal no matter what. I may not have much money, but I will try my best to treat you." You have a good meal.”

Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "With the relationship between the two of us, we can't even ask for invitations. Let's go and have a meal."

"Hello boss!"

Zheng Xian made hotel reservations one after another.

Although Lin Xueer also missed Ye Yang very much, she had talked about her love last night and was comforted, so she needed a good rest today.

By the way, give the two good brothers some space of their own.

Ye Yang drove her directly back to the flat floor of Linjiang Community, and then took Zheng Xian to a place to eat.

Zheng Xian decided to go to a high-end hotpot restaurant in Shanghai.

The Hall of Supreme Harmony on the Bund.

In the hot pot world of Shanghai, this restaurant is extremely famous.

It is said that the ancestors were royal, so they dared to call themselves Taihe Palace, and the hotpots in the store were all royal hotpots.

When we went upstairs, it was already dusk.

When the night view of the magical city first came up.

Here, you can easily catch a glimpse of the bright lights of Lujiazui, and you can also see the night of the magical city reflected by the rippling Huangpu River.

Outside the window, there are modern skyscrapers and historical buildings from all over the world. History and future merge here, complementing each other and complementing each other.

"It's quite pleasant."

Ye Yang stretched.

What you eat here is not only the food, but also the scenery and style.


Zheng Xian also made a good effort to spend money today.

Specialize in expensive and rare items.

After a while, the signature top-quality snowflake beef, frosty beef, air-freighted precious fruits and vegetables, and all kinds of precious crabs and shrimps were served one after another.

The king of sparkling wine: Krug Clos d'Ambonnay Blanc de Noirs, one bottle costs 15,000!


Just as the dishes were put into the pot.

There was a noise next to them.

A naughty kid next door was running all over the room, screaming and squeaking.

Zheng Xian frowned.

Such a beautiful view, but a naughty kid with no manners ruined the view!

His mood instantly became much worse.

Soon, the naughty kid ran to Ye Yang's side, looked at the table, looked up, and said as a matter of course: "This drink seems to be delicious! I want to drink it!"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and looked at the sparkling wine in his hand: "Ask your mother to buy it for you!"

"Humph! No!"

The naughty kid shook his head and said: "What I like is mine! Give it to me!"

Zheng Xian glared and said to the neighboring table: "Don't you take care of your children?"

The woman at the next table who was putting on makeup sneered and ignored the question.

"Will you give it to me or not!"

Seeing that his mother didn't care about him, the naughty kid got even more excited, and he put his hands on his waist, with a face full of pampering.

"Get lost!"

Ye Yang frowned and shouted.

He never looked at other people's identities when scolding them.

What adults, children, old people or women.

Anyone who did disgusting things and didn't respect others first didn't deserve to be treated as a normal person.

Repaying evil with kindness, how to repay kindness! ?

If you do something wrong, you will be punished!

What a bullshit reason to be young.

"You dare to scold me!"

The coldness in Ye Yang's eyes frightened the naughty kid, and he didn't dare to pester him anymore.

With a turn of his eyes, a trick was born from his heart...

(Second update)

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