Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 754 He is just a child

"Bah, bah, bah!"

The child spat directly into the hot pot and then wanted to run away quickly.

But before he could escape, Ye Yang grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him directly from the ground into the air.

The child's limbs were shaking wildly, trying to break free.

However, when he realized that it was impossible to break free from Ye Yang's hand, he screamed: "What are you doing! Let me go! Ah!!! Mom! He beat me! He bullied me! Wuwuwu... …”

The woman next to her who was extremely indulgent in her child's evil deeds and didn't care about Zheng Xian's accusations gave up immediately when she saw this scene.

He stood up immediately, grabbed his child, and held it in his arms: "Be good! It's okay, it's okay! Mom will seek justice for you!"

The naughty child is still crying.

It caused the diners on the side to frown and look over.

"What's happening here!"

"have no idea."

"Since just now, this child has been screaming and making people upset. Now he is crying again."

"have a look……"

A group of people looked over.

"How could you do this! You are such an adult and you are arguing with a child! He is still just a child!"

The woman angrily accused: "Two such big men teamed up to bully my children, you have no shame!"

"Bullying children?"

"This is wrong!"

"That's right!"

"Let's see, that may not be the case."

"Yes, one-sided words cannot be trusted."

Most of the people who eat here are of some financial means and will not be easily led astray.

"Are you blind?"

Ye Yang frowned and asked directly.


The woman was stunned for a moment and couldn't believe it, and then she said angrily: "Are you a man! How dare you insult us women in public! I'll tell you when you're done! I'll take a photo of you and post it online! Expose you ! Let you be insulted!"

Zheng Xian was a little panicked. The Internet world opened its mouth. Now whoever records the video will be polite.

Netizens are not like the high-quality people who dine here. They have too strong preconceptions!

Ye Yang, on the other hand, was overjoyed: "Hurry up and record it! If you don't record it, you're a bitch!"


The woman took out her mobile phone. Seeing Ye Yang like this, she didn't dare to click on the video.

Scoundrels and villains like them have always bullied the weak and feared the strong. If you were tougher than them, they were scared to death.

It's a pity that in reality, when encountering this kind of thing, so-called "smart people" will lose money to avoid disaster, say forget it, and then encourage evil spirits.

When more evil people are used to them, they will complain angrily: Why are there so many evil people in society? Why is the social atmosphere so bad!

Those who do not examine themselves at all are also among those who condone evildoers.

This kind of person may appear to be 'very smart', but in fact he is a huge fool.

If you don’t want to bear the pain of building a good social atmosphere and just want to enjoy the sweetness of social welfare, how can there be such a good thing?

However, Ye Yang is not this kind of person.

He stood up directly: "Why don't you record it? Record it!"

The woman was immediately frightened and took several steps back, her hands trembling.

"In any case, your child just asks us for something out of nowhere! If we don't agree, he spits in our hot pot! It doesn't make sense!"

Zheng Xian frowned and added.

"So that's it!"

"This naughty kid is so outrageous!"

"I'm getting angry!"

"How did this parent teach him! Why is this child's quality so low!"


The onlookers frowned and felt very unhappy.

"Haha, he is just a child! What if he spits in your pot! Is his saliva poisonous? Can he poison you all?!"

Women are unreasonable and confident.

"Good guy!"

"No wonder the children are so rubbish! Parents are not good birds either!"

"Who is this person!"


The customers at the next few tables were also very angry.

"Oh, stop farting here, lose money, or get into trouble, it's your choice."

Ye Yang sat back calmly.

Ordinary people are afraid of trouble and don't dare to tangle with evil people when encountering such things.

But judging from his experience, most of these evil people are just paper tigers. If you try to be more serious with them, you will be scared to death. They are just bullying honest people.

"Haha! Compensate?"

The woman sneered: "You think I can't afford it! I think you are quite rich, but because of a child's normal behavior, you make us lose money! You are crazy about money! There is no way you can lose money!"

Ye Yang clicked his tongue: "Normal behavior? Then your nature is really disgusting."

"You dare to call me disgusting! I will fight you!"

The woman said and was about to rush forward, but was immediately stopped by the waiter.

Ye Yang glanced at her lightly.

It was the waiter who saved her.

Otherwise, in his eyes, all men and women are treated equally and if they dare to make a move against him, they will be kicked back.

If anything happens, as long as he is not kicked to death, with the strength of his legal team, it will be within the scope of legitimate defense.

Evil people need to be dealt with by evil means.

What about the Guba civilization?

Civilization is for good people, and fists are for throwing at evil people!

"Madam, you are really going too far! You have seriously destroyed the dining atmosphere of our restaurant. If you do not agree to this gentleman's private mediation, our hot pot restaurant will take the initiative to help this gentleman call the police!"

The owner of the hot pot restaurant shouted angrily.

"No, no, no!"

The woman's momentum was instantly eliminated by the large number of people.

When she heard that they really had to call the police, she was also afraid.

People with a guilty conscience have a natural fear and awe of the police.

"What bad luck! Haha, you've come to such a high-end restaurant to eat, but you're still short of this little money! I curse you to be poor in the future!"

The woman was furious, but she had no choice but to ask, "How much is it!?"

The waiter counted the food on the table, added it up, and then said, "This meal is 95,000 yuan in total. Even if you remove the two bottles of champagne that were not affected, it will cost 65,000 yuan! But according to the surveillance, your son vomited several times, which must have affected the tableware and drinks. Including the cleaning service fee, a total of 100,000 yuan needs to be compensated."


When the woman heard this number, she was almost scared to death on the spot.

She is just an ordinary white-collar worker. Her sister gave her a consumption voucher so that she dared to come here to consume. After all, even an ordinary meal here costs 5,000 yuan.

You know, she only makes 100,000 yuan a year!

The pressure of life in the Magic City, 100,000 a year, will make life very, very hard, plus there is a naughty child, now her savings are less than 100,000 yuan.

It is extremely typical: I don't even have 100,000 yuan, but I look down on the woman who buys a house worth millions.

"Hiss... I met a big shot!"

"Haha, not surprising, these two people are wearing luxury brands, and the clothes alone cost hundreds of thousands. That Mr. Ye is even more amazing... I can't even tell where some of the brands on him come from, probably more expensive."

"Fuck, awesome!"

"I laughed to death, told her to be unreasonable, and she got her comeuppance today!"

(First update)

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