"Oh my gosh, what's this?"

"The super upgraded version of Bentley Mulsanne! At least 40 million! ? More than twice as expensive as Bugatti Veyron!"

"Could it be that some important person has come to our school?"

"Or is it some other step arranged by Wang Shao?"


When the classmates saw the Bentley luxury car driving in, they were all a little surprised.

Wang Taihao frowned, feeling a little unhappy.

After all, today was the day he confessed his love. If this super luxury car drove in to attract attention, it would be like a loss of face for him and ruin the atmosphere he had painstakingly created!

"I'll deal with you later.……"

Although he was a little unhappy, it was clear that confession was a higher priority.

"I don't want to."

Ye Xiaozi frowned and refused clearly:"I have said it many times, I don't like you!"

Although she wanted the other party to get out of here quickly.

But Ye Xiaozi knew that she was just from an ordinary family. If she angered the other party, it would be a big trouble. So, although she felt unhappy, she still had to calm down her emotions.

To be honest, she felt that people like Wang Taihao were very disgusting!

People have many emotions.

It is understandable that the rich have the resources and ability to realize the multiple emotions in their hearts.

However, Wang Taihao pursued girls just to prove his own awesomeness, and despised others for the bragging he had boasted about.

It was just for face and lust, without any emotion.

The first eight school beauties are the best proof.

As long as you successfully sleep with them, you will be kicked out the next day.

The other party just wants to fulfill his ambition to sleep with all the school beauties.……


Wang Taihao was already a little unhappy because of the mess. Seeing that Ye Xiaozi was still talking in the same tone as before, the smile on his face gradually faded:"I am sincere to you, and I even created this situation for you."

"If you don't agree to my request, you will be too disrespectful to me! Do you want to embarrass me in front of the whole school?"

Ye Xiaozi frowned:"What does your embarrassment have to do with me? Just because you like me, I have to be your girlfriend? What do you think of me? Commodity?"


Wang Taihao sneered. In his heart, there was nothing wrong with what he said, but he still forced a smile on his face:"Xiao Zi, I know you are too concerned about my ex-girlfriends. I have cut off all ties with them."

"I really love you!"

"I don't believe it.……"

Ye Xiaozi didn't want to bother with him anymore:"Get out of the way, I want to go out with my brother today! Don't waste my time!"

Then, he pulled Li Wanrou and wanted to leave.

"Oh my god, the only person in the whole school who dares to slap Wang Shao in the face like this is Ye Xiaozi"

"Oh... I love her, she is worthy of being our commoner goddess!"


"Ye Xiaozi!"

After being talked about like this, Wang Taihao's face immediately turned gloomy. He stretched out his hand to block the way of Ye Xiaozi and Li Wanrou, and threatened in a low voice:"Don't be shameless!"

"Before, my attention was focused on the eight people behind you. Now that you are targeted by me, there is no chance of escape. I advise you to be sensible."

"The money I spent on setting up the venue today is enough for your whole family to earn for a lifetime! As long as you stay with me for a few days, you will get much more rewards than this!"

Li Wanrou couldn't bear it any longer:"Wang Taihao! Don't go too far!"


Even with Wang Taihao's background, he dared not offend Li Wanrou too much.

This is why he chose Li Wanrou as the last one to pursue.

She is the most difficult bone to chew in the entire Baoli High School.……

"Wanrou, this is a matter between Ye Xiaozi and me, I advise you not to interfere."

He narrowed his eyes and his voice was a little cold.

"Xiao Zi's business is my business."

Li Wanrou stood in front of Ye Xiao Zi and looked at Wang Taihao without showing any weakness.

"Wow! This is the highlight! The sister and the brother are at loggerheads! This scene is amazing!"


Li Wanrou's status among the girls is similar to Wang Taihao's status among the boys.

They are both top figures on campus.

The confrontation between the two also made the onlookers climax on the spot.……

"Li Wanrou...I advise you not to mess with me."

Wang Taihao said coldly:"Your family has some power, but compared with what I have behind the scenes, it's nothing. If I want her today, even the king of heaven can't stop me! You are just a girl from an ordinary family, and you dare to put on airs in front of me! ?"

"Then you try it!"

Li Wanrou also gritted her teeth, but she was obviously not confident enough.

After all, she was just a weak woman. If the other party wanted to use force today, she would not be able to protect Ye Xiaozi.

Ye Xiaozi was safe before because Wang Taihao's main focus was not on him.

Li Wanrou could help her block the harassment of ordinary rich second-generations.

But today, it was really dangerous...

The classmates also saw the situation and secretly worried about Ye Xiaozi and Li Wanrou.


Just when the atmosphere was at its most tense and people were about to get angry and fight, a discordant horn sounded.

The sound was deep, melodious, and extremely high-pitched.

It instantly became the focus of the whole audience.

"Fuck you!"

Wang Taihao turned around, his face dark with anger. After seeing that it was the Bentley, he cursed directly:"Are you deliberately making things difficult for me! ?"


The car door opened.

Two beautiful sisters escorted Ye Yang on both sides and walked out of the Bentley.

The atmosphere suddenly became subtle...

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