
"What's going on? Who is this person?"

"He looks so young, and the two girls next to him are also top-notch!"

"……Are you here to steal my love?"


There was a lot of discussion at the scene, and almost all the students were attracted by the whistle that was clearly a provocation.

The atmosphere was tense. Blowing the whistle directly to destroy everything was arrogant!

Not giving Wang Taihao any face at all!


"Driving a 'land first-class cabin' and accompanied by such a beautiful lady, this unfamiliar young man must have an impressive background!"

"Yes... What level of rich second generation must one be to be able to afford such a super luxury car worth tens of millions!"

"And he even dared to dismantle Wang Taihao's stage! He is really brave.……"

"Hehe, there's something interesting to watch."

These students are usually under closed management and rarely look at their phones. Naturally, they haven't watched the number one video on the Douyin hot list last night.

Otherwise, they should be worried about whether Wang Taihao will be beaten.

After all, Xiao Qingxuan's terrifying martial arts value is not just talk.


"Who are you?"

Wang Taihao frowned and looked at Ye Yang, who got out of the car with a strong aura and a transcendent temperament, with hostility rising subconsciously.

"You keep interrupting me, Wang Taihao. Do you think your life is too long?!"

Ye Yang's eyes were also quite cold. He didn't take Wang Taihao seriously at all. He walked straight towards Ye Xiaozi.


Ye Xiaozi was stunned by Ye Yang's domineering appearance. Only then did she confirm that this young man, who drove a super luxury car with two bodyguards and exuded the aura of a superior, was her biological brother!


This call of"brother" made the whole audience quiet down.

Then, an endless discussion suddenly broke out.

"What!? This young man... is actually Ye Xiaozi's brother!?"

"Isn't she a goddess of the common people? This brother drives a Bentley, so he is from a common people family! What is my family? A beggar family!"

"Maybe he is a super boss that he knows outside? He just recognizes his brother?"


The crowd was stunned.

The contrast was too great!

Originally, everyone thought Ye Xiaozi was from an ordinary family... But then this super upgraded Bentley Mulsanne drove in.

Everyone was shocked.

"He... he is your brother?"

Li Wanrou blinked, obviously also quite surprised.

He had seen Ye Yang's photo before, sunny and handsome.

But, compared with him today, he is not the same person at all!

That kind of superior temperament, that kind of spirit and spirit that transcends everything and incomparably strong self-confidence...

In the tense state of urgency and fear, seeing such a young man made Li Wanrou feel a little strange in her heart. When

Ye Xiaozi saw Ye Yang, she suddenly felt a surge of courage, directly pushed away Wang Taihao's arm, and threw herself into Ye Yang's arms, her body trembling.

Just now she pretended to be strong and stubborn.

But facing the coercion of a super prince like Wang Taihao, how could she not be afraid and scared in her heart without support!?

The moment Ye Yang appeared, she directly disintegrated her pretended strength.

Feeling her sister's slightly trembling body.

Ye Yang's eyes flashed cold.

With his wealth at this point, there are very few people and things that can touch his emotions.

But today, he was angry!

"Thank you for protecting my sister."

Ignoring Wang Taihao, Ye Yang smiled faintly and nodded to Li Wanrou who was walking over.

"It should be, after all, Xiao Zi is my best friend."

Li Wanrou looked at Ye Yang with shining eyes.

The confidence in this young man's eyes was not a disguise at all, it was a manifestation of absolute confidence...

He could drive such a luxury car and bring such a beautiful girl with him.

"I guess Xiao Zi's brother is not as simple as she said... However, even if he has a certain amount of power, how can he compare with Wang Taihao, the super prince who ranks first in all kinds of second-generation Baoli! ?"

She smiled slightly, and deliberately reminded Ye Yang of Wang Taihao's identity in her heart, so as not to make today's incident too big.

However, before she could say anything.

Wang Taihao's eyes were filled with endless jealousy.

The woman he was eyeing had long been considered his personal property by him, so how could she throw herself into the arms of other men!?

""Who are you?!"

He said angrily in a cold tone.

He knew Ye Xiaozi's family well, and he didn't think Ye Yang was really her biological brother.

"Are you deaf?"

Ye Yang raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth:"I, Ye Yang, Ye Xiaozi's brother, have a problem?"


This sentence instantly made the onlookers gasp.

He didn't even bother to cover up and just started to confront her!

"It’s so fucking cool!"

People who usually don’t like Wang Taihao secretly exclaimed

"Damn! He dared to call Wang Shaolong... This young man is too brave! ?"

"So manly! So safe... I really want to have a brother like him!!!"

Some girls looked at Ye Yang with starry eyes.

"……Heh, if he offends Young Master Wang, I don’t think he will be able to leave Baoli High School today."

Someone also directly determined Ye Yang’s ending…

(First update, there are three more to come!)

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