Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 760 Alumni Association, held

"I don't want to meet you."

Lin Xueer also heard what the man's purpose was, and refused coldly.

"Don't be so quick to refuse!"

The man laughed: "I'm not a teacher in this school. I'm still your senior brother! Now I've made a name for myself. Getting to know me will definitely make your future career smooth. I can also introduce you to the entertainment industry and become a real big star!"

"Sorry, I'm not interested. My boyfriend can help me solve these problems!"

Lin Xueer stood up and prepared to leave.

"You actually have a boyfriend?"

Seeing that Lin Xueer was about to leave, the man said repeatedly: "My name is Shao Kun, this is my business card, call me if you need me! Your boyfriend is probably about the same age as you? So young, you can't handle things well. The entertainment industry is complicated, find me, and I can help you solve it."

Lin Xueer glanced at the business card.

This man is not boasting. He does have several industries under his name, but these industries are not too big according to her current perspective.

It is estimated that the total value is barely 1 billion.

Not even as much as she makes.

She didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Does this person look down on the income of the top female star of Douyin?

Her annual income is more than 100 million.

Moreover, it is pure cash, not valuation!

Not to mention that Ye Yang would go over to give her an unprecedented big rhythm whenever he had nothing to do, plus the big flat given to her.

Plus the unprecedented and unparalleled terrifying reward at the Douyin Carnival.

It can be said that Lin Xueer's personal assets are now at the level of 10 billion.

Even if this man pretends to be rich in front of her, he is not qualified. He still wants to compete with Ye Yang for who is richer?

I am afraid he is living in a dream.

"Brother Ye!"

Lin Xueer saw Ye Yang coming back and hurried over and directly took Ye Yang's arm.

"Huh? Who is that man?"

Ye Yang glanced at Shao Kun and asked.

"Oh, a greasy middle-aged man from the alumni association."

Lin Xueer pursed her lips: "Ignore him!"

Ye Yang laughed, but didn't care.

Lin Xueer is so beautiful that many people must have approached her. As for this guy now, he looks uncompetitive and doesn't even have the qualifications to be taken seriously by him.

Shao Kun's hand holding the business card froze in mid-air. This was too disrespectful!

He looked at the two people who were walking away with some jealousy.

"Damn! So you're hanging out with this celebrity! Humph, I know people in Huabo too. Do you want to compete with me? Too young!"

Shao Kun sneered and put away the business card.

This scene, in the eyes of the younger students next to him, couldn't help laughing.

"Haha, too embarrassing!"

"This greasy middle-aged man must be so jealous..."

"If I were him, I would find a crack in the ground to crawl into now!"



Coincidentally, several members of the alumni association also saw this scene.

One of them is Chen Youcheng, a star alumnus of Magic City University in recent years. He is only 28 years old, but he has a successful career. Although he is very young, he is already one of the most prestigious people in the alumni association.

"Haha, what a low-level method."

Chen Youcheng shook his head: "I have long stopped using this greasy way of chatting up."

"Haha, alumnus Chen, who do you want to chat up? What other methods are there? It's always others chasing you!"

"That's right!"

The other alumni praised him repeatedly.

"Haha, be modest!"

Chen Youcheng waved his hand, looking calm on the surface, but quite proud in his heart.

He looked at Lin Xueer's back and snorted: "People with real strength don't bother to pretend to be cool. Real strength can't be hidden!"

"Yes, yes!"

The alumni next to him said repeatedly.

"Let's go, the alumni meeting is about to be held. I wonder if they are looking for us again this time. Are they short of money? Or do they want to raise funds for something?"

Alumni all asked: "Youcheng alumni must know this!?"


Chen Youcheng laughed and waved his hand: "Yes, the school convened the alumni meeting this time because of the school's upgrading."


Alumni were a little confused.

"It is said that our school is going to apply for upgrading from 211 to 985, but it is still short of the quota. It is probably because of this matter that they want us to come and help."

Chen Youcheng said.


The faces of alumni all changed slightly.

If it is just donating money, they can still show their faces and pretend.

After all, there are not many people who can join the alumni association without money.

However, if it involves this aspect, I am afraid that there will not be many aspects that can be helped...

The things involved here are not something that can be done with money.

Very soon.

In the large conference room.

Alumni talked and laughed and sat down.

They were all ordinary students here back then, but now, they are invited back to participate in discussions as outstanding alumni by their alma mater and are respected by the school.

This feeling is also very good.

It is better than them earning one million or ten million.

After all, this is a manifestation of the realization of self-worth in life, the highest level of needs in Maslow's needs theory.


Several school directors looked around.

"Are all the people here?"

"Mr. Ye and Ms. Lin are not here yet."

A school director said.

"Well... let's wait a little longer."

The principal nodded with a faint smile.

"This alumnus Ye, has he just graduated for a year? His family doesn't seem to be very rich. Why do we have to wait for him?"

"Why don't we start first?"

Several school directors suggested.

"No, we have to wait."

The principal nodded firmly.

Although several school directors were a little puzzled, the other party was the principal, so they had to shrug and stop talking.

Chen Youcheng, who was sitting in the front row, frowned. Basically, the meeting was held when the most outstanding alumni arrived. The other alumni knew that they could not help much and would not care too much. What happened this time...

Zheng Xian was waiting leisurely, and Lin Xueer and Ye Yang didn't know where to find happiness.

According to Brother Ye's status, coming to this alumni meeting was a face-giving.

These idiots actually care whether their boss is late or not...


The door of the meeting room opened.

Ye Yang and Lin Xueer came over with a smile and sat in the first row reserved for them by the school.

Shao Kun looked at this scene, and a great dissatisfaction flashed in his eyes.

Why can these two people sit in the first row!

But he is in the middle! ?

This is too unfair! ?

He was very indignant!


"Since everyone is here, let's get started."

The principal said with a faint smile.


All the alumni also looked over and made sufficient preparations to show off.

They are all outstanding alumni, and most of them want to show the school how well they are doing when they return to school, so they will naturally not be stingy...

(First update)

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