Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 761 Can’t you just look at me?

"Principal, please tell me first how much money you need to donate this time."

"Yes, we all come here with the intention of giving back to our alma mater. Just ask, there is no need to be embarrassed."

All the members of the alumni association are in Liandao.

They can't wait to show off their financial resources.


The school directors all have bright eyes.

The principal coughed twice and smiled: "Of course the school needs financial support from alumni this time. Next, I will explain the troubles the school is encountering now."


All the alumni came in high spirits and were ready to wait for the principal to speak.

Compared to simply giving money, if you can use your connections to solve troubles in the school, it will be more face-saving!

It’s better to show that you have the means!

"Yes, our school is now going to hit the 985 universities. We have met all the other conditions. Now, there is still one professional indicator left."

The principal stood up and explained the ppt.

Universities in China are divided into different levels.

985 is recognized as the best grade, while Modu University is the 211 grade located on the second level.

Now if Modou University wants to be rated as 985, it must meet the requirements of 985 universities.

"Our strong majors have all obtained international certification and met the upgrade standards. Now we are still short of a top major with international certification."

Principal Zeng Xueshan explained: “Our school’s medical major is the most promising to be certified as an international seven-star major in recent years. However, now, it still lacks an international-level medical laboratory for cooperation and exchange.”

"First of all, the school is temporarily short of the construction amount of this laboratory building. After all, this is not within the scope of public education funds."

Zeng Xueshan rubbed his hands: "In addition, as for this and the cooperative medical laboratory project, we are now interested in the project bidding of several of the largest international medical companies."

He turned the ppt to the next page and showed it to everyone.

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

Good guy, these three medical companies chosen by the school happen to be the three most powerful medical companies in the world!

What an appetite!

But come to think of it, if it hadn't been for the establishment of a laboratory in cooperation with the world's top medical company, it would be difficult for the school's medical major to be selected as an international seven-star major.

Look at the three medical companies on the ppt: Johnson \u0026 Johnson, Hofmei, and Pfizer.

Among them, Johnson \u0026 Johnson, the world's number one, happens to be its own industry.

Ye Yang smiled lightly and shook his head. You can really meet your company anywhere!

I don’t blame coincidence, it can only be said that he is involved in too many fields now, and he has achieved a high level in each field, so it is not surprising at all to encounter him.


All the alumni scratched their heads.

These are the three most powerful medical groups in the world!

Not to mention that there weren’t many people present who worked in the medical field. Even if they did, they wouldn’t be exposed to that level at all!

That has to be the best in the world!

How is it possible!

"Let's talk about laboratory funding first... If it doesn't work, we will cooperate with top domestic companies..."

Seeing the reactions of everyone present, Zeng Xueshan also looked awkward and said quickly.

Anyone who has taken an undergraduate degree in medicine will know how big the gap is between domestic medical standards and those abroad.

If it cannot be in line with the top international companies, it is impossible to evaluate the international seven-star major this time.

If you want to further apply for 985... it will be even more difficult.


Jian finally returned to their pretentious forte of donating money.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'll donate half a million!"

An old man raised his hand.

"I have one million. This is the first time I've come back in so many years. I want to be generous."

Another middle-aged woman said with a jeweled smile.


Shao Kun looked around, good guy, the opportunity has come!

He immediately said directly: "Oh! This alma mater needs me. I have made some achievements over the years, so just donate... 8 million!!!"

Originally, he wanted to donate three million to show off, but when he met Lin Xueer today, he immediately raised the amount.

Unfortunately, most of the people in the audience were in awe.

Lin Xueer didn't even turn her head.


This time it can be said that he lost his wife and lost his troops.

He spent an extra five million, but no one even looked at him...

What bad luck!

He was so angry that he gritted his teeth. Could it be that one more look at that handsome boy was worth more than five million? ! !

So angry! ! !

The so-called outstanding alumni generally have an annual salary of RMB 700,000 to 800,000 and have a certain status. They are considered outstanding alumni.

The people Ye Yang comes into contact with on weekdays are all the most pinnacle beings in China.

Although around him, there seem to be countless people with tens of billions and hundreds of billions, and China seems to be full of rich people.

But in fact, even top students from 211 schools can be considered outstanding alumni if ​​they can earn 7 to 8 million a year.

With an annual salary of one million and the title of president, someone like Zheng Xian is considered a key outstanding alumni.

Therefore, most people only donate hundreds of thousands, and only a few can donate millions.

Therefore, when the school director looked at Shao Kun's face at this moment, it was like seeing his own daughter-in-law, his eyes were shining!

After the people behind have spoken.

The alumni in the first row started to speak.

Most of these alumni have really made a name for themselves and can be called local bosses. At least they will donate 50 to 10 million.

Chen Youcheng pinched his chin and looked at Ye Yang and Lin Xueer from time to time.

He found that these two people were not shocked by the pretense of these alumni from beginning to end, and even... they seemed to be a little deaf and just chatting there.


He smiled lightly and crossed his legs. It seems that only by showing his true strength can the woman pay attention to him.

"The total amount of funds needed to build this laboratory, minus the donations from these alumni just now, I will cover it all."

Chen Youcheng said lightly.

He thought he had mastered the essence of pretense. The free and easy way of throwing out huge amounts of money so casually was the strongest pretense!

As expected, the whole audience was stunned by this sentence.

"Oh my god!"

"Is this true?"

"I've heard about alumni Chen's success, but I didn't expect that he could easily come up with so much money!"

Everyone was shocked.

This is a free donation, with no return!

A world-class medical laboratory costs a lot of money!

Even if the other alumni have donated about 50 million yuan, it will probably cost more than 100 million yuan to build an international medical laboratory.

The school directors all stood up in surprise: "Alumni Chen, are you serious about this decision?!"

Chen Youcheng was naturally very satisfied with the atmosphere on the scene and nodded proudly, but when he saw Lin Xueer, the beautiful woman was still flirting with Ye Yang and didn't even look at him.

His face was instantly embarrassed...

(Second update)

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