Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 762 Now I have a proposal, who is in favor? Who is against?

"Of course I'm serious."

Chen Youcheng looked at Lin Xueer unwillingly, and she ignored him until the matter was finalized.

"I'm so angry!"

He was very upset. This was the first time he had encountered such a setback since he became successful!

My understated pretense method failed! ?

He frowned, and doubted himself for the first time.



The school director and the principal Zeng Xueshan looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

At least the funding problem was solved.

Originally, they expected that the alumni association could solve about a quarter of the funds, but they didn't expect that they would cover all of them in the end!

However, although they got an unexpected surprise, their biggest worry was still not solved.

They were still depressed after all.

As a 211 university, they were not particularly short of funds. Money was easy to solve.

It's just that relationships are hard to find!

They sighed.

"This alumni Ye arrived so late and hasn't spoken yet. It seems that it's not worth waiting as the principal said!"

Shao Kun spent an extra five million, and his heart was in pain, but he saw Ye Yang and Lin Xueer being affectionate with each other, but it didn't work at all.

Now that the donation process has ended, of course he is very angry.

At this time, he also squeezed out.

In an instant, everyone's attention was focused on the first row.

Even Chen Youcheng, who always felt that he was very strong and didn't think there was anything worth caring about in this world, looked over at this time.

He just wanted to see what confidence and ability this couple who didn't care about his existence at all had!

The school director also watched silently.

Only the principal, who had heard a little bit of Ye Yang's background, made peace with a smile: "Everyone is too enthusiastic. Before alumni Ye opened his mouth, the fundraising was completed. It's also..."

Ye Yang smiled and waved his hand: "Mr. Principal."

The school director frowned. The principal was obviously trying to make peace for you!

How can you be so ignorant!

And interrupt the principal's speech! ! !

Shao Kun also sneered. You interrupted the person who was trying to smooth things over. You can't blame others for the embarrassment later.

Only the principal looked at Ye Yang expectantly, waiting for his next words.

Ye Yang stood up, glanced at the people with different expressions, and smiled faintly: "I know that the difficulty of the school this time is not actually economic, but that it cannot contact and cooperate with the top international medical group."

"Oh! You don't need to tell me! Who can't see it?!"

Shao Kun complained in his heart, but when Ye Yang stood up, he saw the big explosion watch on Ye Yang's wrist, and he was a little nervous. If this watch is real, then this kid probably has some strength.

So, he didn't dare to say too much.

"Yes, this dilemma has been put in front of everyone, and it seems that everyone has no way to solve it. Could it be that, alumni Ye, you can solve it!?"

Chen Youcheng couldn't help it. He always pays attention to being calm and pretending to be cool in comfort.

But now, he can't help it!

He is obviously the best existence in Magic City University!

At the age of 27 or 28, he has become one of the most powerful members of the alumni association. His connections and influence are top-notch. He has no solutions or clues at all. Ye Yang looks several years younger than him. Could he have a solution? !

He was uneasy!

"Yes! Mr. Ye, what you mean is that you can contact..."

Several school directors were originally a little desperate. When they heard Ye Yang's tone, they straightened their backs, like students waiting for their teacher to announce the news.

"Not contact."

Ye Yang said lightly: "The first medical group that the school is considering now, Johnson \u0026 Johnson Group, is my industry. I can make the decision to place Johnson \u0026 Johnson's laboratory in China at Magic City University."



Everyone was shocked by the news.

They originally thought that Ye Yang had connections to contact Johnson \u0026 Johnson Pharmaceuticals at most. Unexpectedly, he said directly that Johnson \u0026 Johnson was his own industry! ?

This is too many times beyond expectations! ! !

Or rather, they had never dared to think of this situation before...

Johnson \u0026 Johnson Pharmaceuticals, that is the world's largest medical group!

Trillion-dollar market value!

Extremely strong, and extremely advanced medical technology.

Several school directors looked at each other, and they all felt like they were in a dream.

Among the three major medical groups, Johnson \u0026 Johnson is the one they least hope for, because it is too difficult to contact...

"Mr. Ye, is what you said true!?"

Zeng Xueshan's title changed.

"Of course."

Ye Yang nodded slightly: "I can also waive all cooperation fees. This is not only to support my alma mater, but also to export the technology sharing of international advanced groups to China. This is what I have always wanted to do. Since the school now has this intention, I might as well put this idea in my alma mater."


This is the pattern!

The alumni of the alumni association present all swallowed their saliva.

The pattern of others has long been no longer to pretend to be a rotten fish and shrimp like themselves.

But look at the world and care about the country!

What kind of state of mind can be achieved!

They were all filled with shame.

Especially Shao Kun, who wished he could find a hole in the ground to crawl into.

Only Chen Youcheng said calmly: "Mr. Ye, this is not a trivial matter. You may have some shares in Johnson \u0026 Johnson, but before a large group like Johnson \u0026 Johnson makes a big move, it needs a shareholder meeting to decide, right? You are alone The decision may not be final yet.”

"This is indeed a problem..."

Even if you are a group owner, if more than half of the directors disagree, it is useless!

Foreign countries or capital have the final say.

Ye Yang smiled faintly, saying more is useless, seeing is believing.

He directly opened the video conference and cast it on the big screen in the hall.

He was not just chatting with Lin Xueer just now, he also ordered Yu Momo to contact the Johnson \u0026 Johnson Group and arrange things in advance before he stood up to explain the situation.

He never boasts.

Only when you are fully confident can you speak.

"This is!?"

Looking at the tall conference room over the video conference, the school directors all said in surprise.

"That's what the members of the Johnson \u0026 Johnson Healthcare board of directors decided to do."

Ye Yang said lightly.

Everyone was shocked when they heard this. After all, these are super bosses with trillions of shares, and their size is beyond their comparison.


The school directors' lips were trembling a little, and they couldn't understand why Ye Yang directly gathered the shareholders and held a remote meeting...

This is so straightforward and reckless!

"Now, I want to put the laboratory that the company is bidding for in China at the University of Shanghai. Who is in favor of it and who is against it?"

Ye Yang didn't talk nonsense at all and went straight to the point.

Everyone present fell into a horrifying silence for an instant...

(First update)

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