Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 763: His Alma Mater Will Not Forget His Name

"I have a proposal now. Who is in favor of it and who is against it?"

After Ye Yang asked this question, all the alumni and school directors in the conference venue were stunned.


"Damn it, is this what the board of directors does!?"

"So domineering!?"

"Come up here and make demands directly, and then ask who is in favor and who is against!? Is this really like a knife to my butt? It opened my eyes!!!"


All the alumni who started companies and became presidents were confused.

Including the school directors, their faces were full of excitement. Unknown to others, if the principal had spoken like this during the board meeting, they would have left in disgrace.

However, what they didn't expect was.

During a video conference.

All the senior executives of Johnson \u0026 Johnson Medical Group were sitting there calmly.

Almost as soon as Ye Yang finished saying this, everyone nodded in affirmation.

"The boss made a wise decision!"

"I absolutely agree!"

"That's right!!!"

"Boss, do you still need to ask us!? We... have no right to object..."

All the directors were dumbfounded.

Ye Yang is now the absolute controlling shareholder.

The directors together are not as effective as Ye Yang alone.

The most they can do is make suggestions. Moreover, this matter has been communicated in advance, and it is basically confirmed that the boss has made up his mind. If they object again, they will be courting death.

Of course there was no objection.


"I go……"

"Is it that simple!?"

"If the directors on our company's board of directors were so easy to talk to, I would be happy to death!"

"Kneel down! Alumni Ye, you are simply a god!"

"Isn't that awesome!?"

The alumni were dumbfounded.

Even Chen Youcheng was confused and slumped in his seat, his eyes a little dull.

Good guy!

This is how the board of directors works!

Got it!

We will do the same thing when we go back!

"Well, if you have nothing to do, let's adjourn the meeting. You and the school will decide the relevant contracts yourself."

Ye Yang turned off the video conference directly and looked at the school directors and alumni: "It's OK."


The whole audience reacted for a long time before they nodded in confusion.

"Mr. Ye, this...this is simply incredible..."

Zeng Xueshan muttered.

The most outrageous thing is...

These senior executives of Johnson \u0026 Johnson Medical basically all speak Chinese...

If he read correctly, Ye Yang should be the only Chinese in the entire conference room!

Because of a Chinese boss, all the directors speak Chinese!

what does that mean! ?

Ye Yang works in Johnson \u0026 Johnson, the world's largest super giant medical group with a market value of 2 trillion...

Have the absolute right to speak! ! !

This right to speak is no longer powerful in the ordinary sense...

At least it’s an absolute holding!

Otherwise, those shareholders would not be like this at all.

Ye Yang smiled lightly and said: "It's all a matter of effort, don't worry too much. If there are other problems in the school that haven't been solved, I can also help solve them."

Although with his current status and energy, it is not impossible to force his alma mater to a higher level.

But Ye Yang himself hates backdoors and dark social phenomena.

When he was a commoner, he hated these privileges and the darkness of society. When he became a big shot, how could he follow in the footsteps of those evil people?

If his alma mater wants to make progress, he will help his alma mater make progress. There is no problem at all. He needs money and resources.

If he goes through the back door, plays dirty tricks, etc., his conscience will condemn him. This goes against his bottom line as a human being.

Totally unnecessary.

The saying that a dragon-slaying warrior will eventually become a dragon doesn't work for him!

"No, no, this is too much trouble for you! This is enough!"

The feeling of being instantly enveloped in light from the darkness!

Zeng Xueshan felt that Ye Yang was his sun!

The construction of the laboratory is only a small part of the cost of the laboratory. In the future, I want to cooperate with an international medical group, professional procurement, the cost of the cooperation project process, and their guidance fees.

That's the real boss!

Ye Yang directly wiped out all these expenses with one sentence, helping the school bear at least several hundred million in expenses!

This is simply amazing!

After a long time.

The school directors gradually accepted this result. Everyone was shocked and numb, and shook hands with Ye Yang with great gratitude.

As for those alumni, they all came together to get married with Ye Yang.

This alumnus is so awesome! ! !

Even Chen Youcheng, who had always maintained his identity and thought he was extremely powerful, finally had no choice but to lower his head and lower his attitude to marry Ye Yang.

Only Shao Kun was sitting there, trembling all over. This is a super boss!

I just wanted to pry into someone else's corner...

Will I be sunk into the Huangpu River tomorrow? ?


He was so scared that he cried.

damned! How could there be such a young super boss!

This world is so outrageous! ! !

"Outside this new institute, there will be a stone pillar record of donations. Now the school announces the list of people on the stone pillar..."

The school directors waited for a long time before announcing the list.

As the person who donated the most, of course Chen Youcheng ranked first.

"Now, we announce the name of this laboratory..."

The school directors were very serious: "Originally, we planned to call it the First Medical Laboratory of Magic City University according to convention, but in view of the unprecedented and incomparable donation made by alumnus Ye to our school, the school expressed infinite gratitude and named this laboratory as Ye Yang First Laboratory!"

"His name will be remembered by all students along with the teaching history of Magic City University!!!"

"His alma mater will never forget his name and selfless donation!"

The whole audience applauded warmly.

Today's donation process is really too incredible.

They are now convinced by Ye Yang.

At this time, only admiration is left.

The other person's pattern and realm are no longer comparable to those of us, and we can only look up to him!

Ye Yang smiled and pressed his hand, indicating that everyone was too polite.

Afterwards, it was the routine food session of the alumni association.

Before, the school raised funds, and after that, it was the exchange of resources and the exchange of alumni feelings.

This kind of small group formed by rich people is not uncommon.

However, Ye Yang had no desire to get involved.

After all, in his eyes, these people were just ordinary characters. He just talked with Zheng Xian and Lin Xueer for a while.

After three rounds of wine, the dishes were delicious.

A greasy middle-aged man came over with a sly look. As soon as he arrived in front of him, before Ye Yang asked him what he was here for.

He knelt down directly.

"I was too arrogant before! Too ignorant! I didn't know that Miss Xueer was your girlfriend! I am willing to apologize! Please don't take me to heart..."

Lin Xueer looked carefully and realized that it was Shao Kun.

Ye Yang was stunned. Seeing that Shao Kun's head was red, he asked hesitantly: "Who... are you?"

(Second update)

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