Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 764: Meeting my cousin


Shao Kun was also confused, who am I...

It turns out that people have never paid attention to themselves from the beginning to the end! ?

Lin Xueer suppressed laughter beside her, and then told what happened on the playground.

"Oh~ you are the wretched middle-aged man Xue'er mentioned."

Ye Yang rubbed his chin.

He didn't care at all. After all, this level of entertainment could not pose any threat to him. He was like an ant and would not be taken seriously.

The alumni next to me couldn't help laughing when they saw this scene.


Shao Kun stood up, looking extremely embarrassed, but he still said: "Boss, it's all my fault... Even if you don't remember me, this apology still needs to be said."


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

Shao Kun reluctantly said: "As a small family, I have nothing to apologize for. I can only barely afford the company's shares. I am willing to transfer 20% of the company's shares to you for free."

Twenty percent is almost a market value of 200 million.

If these two hundred million can be exchanged for the equity participation of such a billionaire, it will be very profitable.

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "Since you have this intention, go and report to Huaye Group."

Of course he would not directly invest in the company. His current reputation is worth more than 200 million.

With Huaye indirectly holding the shares, this problem does not exist.

"Ye...Boss Ye, Huaye Investment, isn't it also yours?"

Although Ye Yang's attempt to buy shares was defeated, Shao Kun was stunned when he heard Ye Yang's tone.

Reporting to Huaye?

Doesn’t this mean that Huaye, the largest international investment company spanning Asia, Europe and the United States, belongs to Ye Yang! ?


It’s a bit too scary!

Ye Yang nodded slightly, there was nothing to hide.

Everyone who noticed this scene took a breath of cold air.

That is the largest investment group in the world!

Directly and indirectly control the shares of tens of thousands of large, medium and small companies.

The energy is extremely large.

It was the integration of the three major investment companies of China, Meili, and Europe!

"I never expected that Mr. Ye would have such an amazing identity besides being the boss of Johnson \u0026 Johnson Medical Group!"

All the alumni were shocked.

Compared to this extremely young alumnus, I have lived like a dog for so many years.

Especially Shao Kun, he felt like there was a lump in his throat.

He is already in his forties, and he has only managed to acquire a fortune of one billion!

Just a year or two after graduation, he already has assets worth trillions!

As a human being, how could I be such a waste!

Everyone originally wanted to come back and show off their strength, but when they came back, they found that it was so tragic.

It’s so irritating that people are so different from each other! ! !

After eating and drinking, the alumni meeting ended.

Ye Yang took Lin Xueer to play all night in the bustling night of the devil world.

Finally, he returned to Linjiang Community to take a look.

On the flat floor, enjoy the wonderful night view of Linjiang with Lin Xueer.

In front of this wonderful night view, we can meet each other honestly and the winding paths lead to tranquility.

Ye Yang looked at Lin Xueer's little face and said with a smile: "I just like the innocent look on your face~"

"Hmph! Bad guy...well..."

The next day, Lin Xueer didn't get up until noon because she was tired.

My stomach is already growling with hunger.


Lin Xueer's face turned red in embarrassment.

"I drank so much milk last night, I'm hungry when I wake up."

Ye Yang joked.

"Go away! Big bad guy! Ignore you!"

Lin Xueer flashed her little tiger fangs at Ye Yang.

"That's a shame."

Ye Yang sighed: "The lunch I just ordered requires someone else to accompany me."

"Have you ordered something delicious?"

Lin Xueer turned away.


Ye Yang shook the car keys: "Let's go, I heard that beautiful women will not refuse delicious food!"


Lin Xueer rolled her eyes and went to wash up honestly.

Soon, we arrived at the Tai'anmen restaurant where we had ordered food.

In terms of price, this restaurant is not particularly good in Shanghai. It only costs two to three thousand yuan per person.

However, now that Ye Yang and Lin Xueer are old lovers, there is no need to have a big meal every time.

Occasionally going out to eat in an ordinary ordinary restaurant is quite charming.

The land price in Magic City itself is expensive.

Plus expensive decor and elaborately prepared dishes.

The per capita price of two to three thousand yuan is not expensive.

However, the average price is two to three thousand.

In fact, after setting a meal, if you want to eat the best set menu, you still need 20,000 to 30,000 yuan.

Ye Yang and Lin Xueer were both a little hungry and pretended to eat.

While eating, Ye Yang also noticed that the waiter who came to deliver the food looked familiar.

I thought about it carefully for a long time.

That's when I remembered her identity.


When the girl came to deliver food next time, Ye Yang called out.

" you have any orders?"

The girl lowered her head, as if she was afraid of being recognized.

"Cousin Ye Tong...!?"

Ye Yang asked with some surprise.

" got the wrong person."

The girl shook her head and turned around.

"Sister, you took me to catch frogs when I was a kid. I recognize you."

Ye Yang stood up and said firmly.

The girl paused for a moment, then turned around with a wry smile: "You recognized me after all."

She looked up.

Lin Xueer blinked and looked at Ye Yang's cousin.

As expected of the excellent genes of the Ye family, although she is dressed quite simply, she looks very pretty at first glance.

If she dresses up, she will definitely be one of the few beauties in the crowd!

"Cousin, please sit down. I haven't seen you for a long time."

Ye Yang was very happy.

This cousin Ye Tong is the elder sister of the third uncle Ye Jianjun in the countryside. When I went home for the New Year's ancestral worship, I heard from the third uncle that cousin Ye Tong went to Beijing to become a drifter.

How did we meet in a restaurant in the Magic City?


Ye Tong scratched her head.

"Huh? Sister Tong, your cousin? So handsome! Your family has great genes. I'll help you for a while, you go!"

An older sister next to him smiled and pushed Ye Tong.


Ye Tong sat down and looked at Ye Yang and Lin Xueer.

She was afraid that Ye Yang would recognize her just now.

In her mind, Ye Yang must have spent a lot of money to bring his girlfriend here to eat. If she knew that his relative was a poor waiter, would it affect her cousin's love?

What if her cousin's girlfriend disliked her cousin's family, wouldn't that ruin her cousin's good fortune?

So she never dared to expose herself.

Unexpectedly, her cousin... How could he be so stupid!

"Didn't the third uncle say that you were in Beijing? Why did you come to the Magic City?"

Ye Yang probably knew his cousin's concerns in his heart, but he didn't care about them. He just wanted to know about his cousin's recent situation.

The third uncle didn't even know that his cousin had arrived in the Magic City. It seems that his cousin encountered a lot of difficulties...

(First update)

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