Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 765 Misunderstanding?

"Oh! This is a long story."

Ye Tong smiled bitterly. She always thought about others, and the problem she encountered was not something that ordinary people could solve.

She also knew the conditions of her cousin's family.

It is estimated that it will not play any role in this matter.

Although I know that Ye Yang is a good student and can probably get a high salary of 20,000 to 30,000 yuan a month in Shanghai, he is still an ordinary person after all.

If I tell him, according to my cousin's personality, I am afraid he will get involved, which will only add to the trouble.

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and stopped asking.

With his current means, it is still very simple to investigate some ordinary people's things.

There are obviously some things involved in this, and he knows his cousin's personality better.

It is probably a troublesome matter, and he doesn't want to get himself involved.

"Let's not talk about my business first. Is this your girlfriend? She is so beautiful!"

Ye Tong looked at Lin Xueer.

Going out shopping with Ye Yang, of course you have to dress up well, plus the already stunning and gentle appearance of the girl next door.

At this moment, Lin Xueer was definitely a super beauty who was the absolute focus wherever she went.

Lin Xueer nodded shyly: "Hello, sister!"

Ye Tong was also relieved. The other party seemed very friendly!

She did not change her attitude just because she was a waiter.

It seems that she likes her cousin very much.

"She is the Lin Xueer I mentioned. We are childhood sweethearts."

Ye Yang smiled.


Ye Tong nodded in understanding. This little girl has liked Ye Yang since she was a child. She heard Ye Yang talk about it twice when she was a child.

"So what do you do now, cousin?"

Ye Tong was relieved and naturally felt a lot more relaxed.

"I, I am now..."

Just when Ye Yang was about to tell the truth.

But he saw that Ye Tong's face was not very good.

He turned his head and saw a Ferrari parked outside the door.

Two people got off the Ferrari.

One of them was wearing flowered shorts, big sunglasses, blonde flip-flops, and was about 28 or 29 years old.

After the two entered the door, the two waiters who went up to greet them were pushed away.

The elder sister who said she was on duty for Ye Tong frowned and said, "Xiao Tong said she didn't want to see you anymore, why are you here again? Is it over yet?"

"What does it have to do with you, old lady? Get out of the way!"

The younger brother next to the blond brother directly pushed him aside...

Ye Yang frowned, but from this short conversation of just a few seconds, he tasted a lot of information.

Ye Tong was afraid of causing trouble for Ye Yang, and said repeatedly: "They are here to find me, I will go out to deal with them first..."

"No, it's okay to meet here."

Ye Yang said lightly.


Ye Tong was a little anxious. This silly cousin, wouldn't he not see that these two people are not here with good intentions?

"No buts."

Ye Yang smiled and said, "I just noticed that you seem to have some troubles recently, cousin. These troubles come from these two guys, right?"

"Yes... but not all."

Ye Tong sighed and nodded to admit that her cousin was indeed a top student with sharp observation skills: "But these two people are not simple, cousin, you should not..."

"Trust me."

Ye Yang gave Ye Tong a calm look.


For some reason, Ye Tong really sat down again.

My cousin seemed to have a completely different aura from a few years ago.

While talking, there was a feeling that people had to trust.


Brother Jintou brought his younger brother to this single table by the window.


He looked up and down, snorted, and tilted his head.

The younger brother understood and threw a stack of money on the table: "You two, go away, this woman belongs to our brother Cheng!"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, smiled faintly, and threw all the money back to Brother Jintou's face.


Feng Xuecheng frowned: "Oh!? I met a tough guy."

He looked at Ye Yang carefully and recognized him: "Ah~ It turned out to be that... star."

Ye Yang is a kung fu master in the movie.

When they saw him, they were a little scared and didn't dare to really fight for a while.

What if he is really as good at fighting as in the movie, wouldn't it be a waste of beating.

"...I am the son of Feng Yanhe, chairman of Beijing Yanhe Group. As an entertainment industry, you should have heard of me, right?"

Feng Xuecheng laughed: "I was offended just now. I apologize, but I have something to do with this woman. I hope you can also have some vision and give me face."

Ye Yang didn't even look at Feng Xuecheng: "Get lost."


Feng Xuecheng frowned.

"You are shameless!?"

The younger brother was anxious and was ready to jump up to show off, but as soon as he stretched out two fingers, he was grabbed by Ye Yang, turned over, and then sent out in the opposite direction with force.


The sound of a broken bone was heard, and the push directly sent the younger brother several meters away, hitting the glass wall, and cracking the glass wall.


This moment, everyone present was shocked.

Ye Tong blinked, when did her cousin learn martial arts! ?

She was entangled in that incident in the past few years, and she rarely used her mobile phone. She would not use it if she could, just to avoid that incident.

She did not dare to go home, for fear that those people would chase her home and cause trouble for her family.

Naturally, she did not know Ye Yang's situation.

"How dare you attack?"

Feng Xuecheng stared in disbelief. He thought that after he told his family name, the other party should at least give him face.

"If you dare to speak rudely again, I will beat you up too."

Ye Yang looked over coldly.

Just one glance, Feng Xuecheng was chilled.

This man was not kidding!

"You lunatic! Who is he to you!"

He stepped back several steps, avoiding Ye Yang and looking at Ye Tong.

"He is my cousin."

Ye Tong shook her head and looked at Ye Yang: "Cousin, it's not what you think. Although Feng Xuecheng is annoying, he is not a bad person. Don't really beat him up..."


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

Cousin, is it possible that he guessed wrong?

It's not the second generation of the rich who forced the marriage, but there is another hidden story?

He raised his chin with interest: "Sit down."

The poor little brother covered his fingers and sat on the ground in pain.

Feng Xuecheng asked someone to send his younger brother away, then he sat down: "Hehehe, it turns out to be our younger brother, sorry for being so rude."

"What do you mean by our younger brother? I have nothing to do with you!"

Ye Tong warned sternly.

"Okay, okay, it's just a matter of time."

Feng Xuecheng spread his hands and said repeatedly: "Brother Ye, you must have misunderstood. If I hadn't helped your cousin to avoid being hunted down in the past two years, your cousin would have met with an accident long ago! You still dare to thank me! You actually want to beat me up when we meet! I'm so sad!"

(Second update)

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