Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 771 Want to play the pig and eat the tiger in front of Ye Yang?

"Goudan, why does this person look so much like you!"

"Damn it! It can't be you!"

Several ghost-fire boys and girls looked at their mobile phones and Wang Goudan, and said in surprise.


Wang Goudan had just escaped from the Internet world and was still immersed in the state of thinking that he was the omnipotent keyboard god. He was fearless and grabbed the other party's mobile phone and took a look at it.

"You're famous!"

"Yes! Haha! You are famous this time!"

Several of the will-o'-the-wisp boys were bad friends. At this time, they all laughed and patted Wang Goudan on the shoulder: "You are so awesome! I told you a long time ago not to act awesome online. You must be a keyboard warrior." Listen, have you met a real boss now?"


Wang Goudan instantly felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured down on him.

The whole person was shocked and collapsed on the ground.

"Holy crap! He's actually a real boss!"

Wang Goudan was completely stunned.

Five thunder strikes!

I pretend to be cool online every day, but I didn’t expect that this time I actually provoked a real boss!

Wang Goudan seemed to have remembered something, and he repeatedly found Ye Yang's comment section and begged for mercy.

"Boss, I was wrong! Please let me go!"

"I kowtow to you!"

"Ugh... I'm just a little trash, a street gangster, I'm nothing, please let me go!!!"

Ye Yang looked at these messages calmly and blocked them directly.

People always have to pay for the things they do wrong.

If begging for mercy is useful, then the murderer doesn’t have to pay with his life! ?

I suggest that this bastard Goudan should quickly go to the police station to change his name, then undergo plastic surgery, and finally start a new life! ! !


I punished a keyboard warrior, so comfortable!

He was in a much better mood.

"By the way, Xia Yu came to play with me today."

Ye Yang rubbed his chin, looked at the time, and then drove the Bentley towards the shopping street agreed by Xia Yu.

Bentley soon arrived at Devil No. 6 Shopping Street.

Xia Yu was wearing a white T-shirt today, a black polka-dot skirt underneath, a casual khaki round-brimmed hat on her head, and strappy summer sandals.

She was obviously dressed very simply, but paired with her temperament, it was extremely eye-catching.

"Let's go."

Ye Yang tilted his head.

Ever since he went to the Jade Mining Group, Xia Yu was assigned to a idle position with high salary and little work.

"Dear! Finally see you again!"

Xia Yu was almost bored. When he saw Ye Yang, his eyes lit up and he immediately hit someone with the ball.

Ye Yang laughed and patted her head.

"Come on, let me take you around today to release your energy."


Xia Yu raised his fist, full of energy.

In a clothing store.

Ye Yang sat there, smiling and watching Xia Yu change clothes.

No matter what the beautiful woman does, if you look at it from the side, it will be extremely pleasing to the eye!


"Sir, do you want to serve me?"

Ye Yang turned his head and saw that the person asking the question was familiar, so he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: "Yan Fu?"


Yan Fu looked surprised and turned his head away: "You recognized the wrong person!!!"

Ye Yang rolled his eyes, why did he meet an acquaintance in an unexpected place again...

This Yan Fu was in the next class in their high school. He studied abroad directly from college. I heard that he went to a very impressive Ivy League school that was ranked among the best in the world.

Why did you come here to be a waiter? ?

His family is obviously in good condition, and he has also been admitted to a prestigious university. There is no way he will work as a waiter in a store after graduation! ?

"You are Yan Fu, I won't admit it!"

Ye Yang nodded, still very confident in his memory.

"Why do you have to point out my name!!!"

Yan Fu said with a look of sorrow and anger: "I know! Now you can go to such a high-end luxury store to spend money! Seeing that I, a former top student and an old friend who still has money in the family, actually work here as a waiter, it's so humble. When I serve you, your sense of superiority will rise, and you will be ready to mock me!"

Ye Yang was confused.

What a magical brain circuit this is!

I just saw an acquaintance and said hello... As for being so dramatic! ?

Customers and shop assistants who came in either wanting to buy something or just looking around were all attracted.

"Holy crap! How could you do this! You completely ignore friendship!"

Possessed by Yan Fu, his eyes burst into tears: "You know, I went to study in the super awesome Ivy League, and my family used to be very rich! Now I'm like this! You didn't have any ability before, and you only passed one exam Ordinary 211 people want to laugh at me when they see that their jobs are better than mine! This is human nature, I understand!”

He spoke louder and louder: "But how can you mock me in public! You simply don't care about the face of your old friend! It's too much!!!"

Ye Yang couldn't laugh or cry. Was he suffering from persecution delusion?

The surrounding customers were all latecomers, and those who knew what had happened before were all pointing fingers at the moment.

"This Ye Yang looks like a star, but I didn't expect him to be like this!"


Being rich and unkind is something that is despised by the world.

It is even more outrageous to ridicule old classmates after they become successful.

Ye Yang listened to the discussion around him and gradually realized that something was wrong.

This guy……

He came prepared!

He didn't want to play dumb and eat the tiger, did he?

He looked at Yan Fu: "What do you want to do?!"

Yan Fu's eyes turned, why didn't this guy fall for it!

The guys who used the routine before would have called him a psychopath by now, and then he would take the opportunity to expand his momentum, and then, turn around and perform the performance of playing dumb and eating the tiger in front of everyone!

He is such a psychopath!

After all, his parents are rich enough, and he can't find a reason to struggle.

The only motivation to live is to keep looking for opportunities to show off. This is a new idea he came up with recently.

However, it seems that his old classmate doesn't seem to cooperate at all...

(Second update)

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