Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 772: Can you call yourself a rich man if you have tens of billions of dollars? Can you talk


Ye Yang sneered: "Are you playing monkey tricks?"

"See the big guy!"

Yan Fu immediately shouted: "After he made money, he looked at poor old classmates like me as if he were looking at monkeys! I am so miserable! How can there be such a big difference between people?" !”

He was so dramatic that he even squeezed out a few tears.

He winked at the girl next to him.

The girl immediately understood and said repeatedly: "You loser! You deserve it!"

Yan Fu pretended to be in disbelief: "Xiao Sui'er! You!!!"

"I have long wanted to be with you as my classmate! I want to abandon you!!!"

Xiao Sui'er snorted: "Losers don't deserve love!"


As he said this, Xiao Sui'er rushed forward and hugged Ye Yang.

Ye Yang sneered and refused directly: "I'm not interested in you at all."

"Didn't you already secretly communicate with me about the music? Do you want to reject me now?"

Xiao Suier pretended to be very sad.

"I'll go! This is still a scumbag!"

"He actually stole his old classmate's girlfriend!"


"Oh! I was a little skeptical just now, but now I'm a little convinced!"

"It's so tragic!"

Everyone is beginning to believe it. After all, as long as normal people are not crazy, who would act in such a big show just to show off! ?

Ye Yang rolled his eyes: "Take a good look at what my girlfriend looks like! You're so cool, I'm blind and I'm asking you to secretly seduce the song!"


The entire discussion suddenly stopped.

"Damn it...the angle is weird, but it's very convincing!"

"It's more than convincing, damn, it's so right!"

"His girlfriend is really pretty!"

"Better looking than a big star!"

"If I were this brother, I couldn't give up such a beautiful girlfriend to find such a three-no!"



Seeing that he couldn't hide it anymore, Yan Fu couldn't help but sweat profusely, but the play had already begun and he couldn't give up halfway.

Many people are visual creatures and only have preconceptions.

Whoever shouts louder is justified.

Whoever shoots the video first has the right, no matter what the situation is, let alone whose side the reason is on.

Blindness is the nature of mediocrity!

He firmly believed this, and when he came up he took Xiao Sui'er's hand and burst into tears: "I am so sincere to you! But you betrayed me because of my classmate's money! How could you be willing to leave me! It makes me so sad~"

Xiaosui'er kicked her back: "Get out! Who wants to be with a poor guy like you! You're short and poor! There's no chance for us!"


Ye Yang watched the two people acting from the side and almost laughed out loud.

Is this too funny?

However, he is the one in authority and knows what is going on, so it is not necessary to just watch those people.

"Okay! Okay! You said I was short and poor! I will make you regret it!!!"

He shouted angrily and walked towards the back room...

Soon, he was a poop superman and walked out directly.

This time, he had changed from his work clothes to an expensive suit.

Suit and trousers, leather shoes, expensive watches, and more than a dozen bodyguards, you can be called the Dragon King!

Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. The corner of your mouth was crooked. That was the scene in the vulgar advertisement where you welcome the Dragon King!

"What's going on!?"

All the guests looked at this scene in confusion. What kind of drama is this! ?

"Hmph! How about it! Didn't you expect that? I'm actually tall, rich and handsome! I just tested you! If you don't dislike poverty and love wealth, I will give you, a good brother, a chance! What a pity..."

He looked up to the sky and sighed: "You can't stop mocking me until I reveal my true identity! I didn't expect you to be such a person!"

"I graduated from a prestigious school! I returned to China and started a business directly, and I am worth hundreds of millions! I actually opened this luxury store!"

Yan Fu shook his head: "You really disappoint me!"

He turned to look at Xiao Sui'er again: "And you! You are such a woman! I give you this divorce note! I told you before, thirty years to the east of the river, thirty years to the west of the river, don't bully the young man into poverty! Now, it’s too late for you to beg me!”

Xiao Sui'er pretended to be surprised, then quickly knelt down and hugged her thighs, begging for reconciliation: "No~ I was wrong! I love you with all my heart!!!"


Yan Fu was extremely satisfied in his heart. He thought that his routine was successful and looked at Ye Yang with disdain: "Haha! Just now you and I were like fireflies competing with the bright moon, but now I am also an existence that you can't reach. ! This instant change of identity makes you very uncomfortable!"

"Hmph! You deserve it! A villain like you who dislikes poverty and loves wealth! You should tremble under my glory!!!"


Ye Yang frowned. I'm afraid this kid has lost his mind and wants to pretend to be a pig to eat the tiger. He is just as disgusting as the person who wants to show off at a class reunion and suffer first.

However, this guy turned this routine into a script, and it can be said that what he did is even more advanced.

People who are not mentally ill really cannot do this.

Xia Yu felt embarrassed and dug his toes on the floor of a villa: "Let's go and ignore this guy! He is so unreasonable."

Ye Yang sneered: "Since he wants to show off, then I will play with him!"

Now that he has left, in the eyes of the onlookers, it has confirmed the facts that the other party said!

He, Ye Yang, is a person who will not offend others if they do not offend me.

He will not care if he offends others, but if he offends himself and wants to step on him to show off? I will twist your head off!

He pursed his lips: "What brand of luxury store is this?"

"Burberry Shanghai Branch."

Xia Yu blinked, not quite sure what Ye Yang was planning.

Ye Yang nodded and sneered at Yan Fu: "Although I don't know what's wrong with your brain, you're still too young to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger in front of me!"

"Haha! You're a little too arrogant, aren't you!?"

Yan Fu laughed: "Do you know who I am! My family is a billionaire! I own two or three luxury stores, with hundreds of millions of cash flow!"

"Oh? Billions... dare to call yourself a rich man? A few hundred million, also called cash flow?"

Ye Yang shouted coldly: "In my eyes, you are just a frog in the well!"


Yan Fu was a little unsure. He also knew that there were many big men in the Magic City, but he knew whether Ye Yang's family had money, otherwise he wouldn't have chosen him to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger.

In his mind, Ye Yang should be an ordinary 211 graduate, with a monthly salary of about 20,000 yuan. He finally got a beautiful girlfriend and was ready to cut his meat to buy a luxury item for his girlfriend in the store!

However, looking at Ye Yang's tone now, could it be that he kicked the iron plate?

(First update)

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