Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 776: Shen Qinglan, the master of the art world?


Ye Yang smiled and pressed his hands: "Low-key, today we are all here to appreciate art. Everyone is here to visit, so there is no need to worry about your identity."

"Mr. Ye has a lofty vision. I must study hard to catch up with Mr. Ye!"

"That's right!"

All business representatives praised it.

Ye Yang couldn't laugh or cry.

However, a group of wealthy businessmen also saw that Ye Yang only wanted to go shopping with his sister tonight and did not want to cause any trouble. After the flattery was completed, he would retire.

"who is he?"

The young man in the middle, surrounded by girls, frowned and asked.

"This is a business giant from Shanghai. Even Mr. Xu Yuanhong has to respect him!"

"It is said that he is Mr. Xu Yuanhong's chosen son-in-law. He really wants to marry his daughter to him."

"This man has countless deeds in Magic City. Although he is younger than you, Mr. Shen, he is the well-deserved number one person in the business world of Magic City!"

Among the girls surrounding him, there were obviously daughters from wealthy families who were quite familiar with things in the business district. Naturally, they were also not unfamiliar with Ye Yang, so they kept talking.

"Oh, it turns out he's just a mediocre person who smells like copper."

Mr. Shen looked up sideways, as if he wanted to express his disdain.

"Yeah yeah!"

Many of these girls have been brainwashed by Mr. Shen, and they echoed this.

"Who is this person?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

Everyone present had great respect for him just now. This guy had his nostrils pointed in the sky, looking arrogant.

Thinking that you are extraordinary is something you have more or less experienced when you were a child.

After growing up, some people forget it and become ordinary people.

Some people hide it in their hearts and practice their ideals.

The former is regrettable, the latter is admirable.

However, people like this who still wear their pretentiousness on their faces when they are in their twenties or thirties are somewhat mentally retarded.

It's disgusting to look at.

"This man's name is Shen Qinglan, and he is said to be a famous figure in the art world in Shanghai!"

Ye Xiaozi smiled.

"Huh? A leading figure in the art world in his twenties?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile.

"Ah, because he became famous at a young age, has a literary character, is aloof and proud, and does not conform to the world, many young girls in the art world are fascinated by him."

Ye Xiaozi curled her lips: "But in my opinion, he is nothing more than a romantic, aloof and proud weirdo. Compared with you, brother, he is a scumbag."

Ye Yang laughed and patted Ye Xiaozi on the head.

The two were joking.

Shen Qinglan's frown deepened.

He is not only arrogant and arrogant, but also extremely jealous. He thought he was a young genius and looked at the world. He saw such a wonderful girl beside Ye Yang. This girl looked at Ye Yang with admiration in his presence.

He was filled with jealousy: "Huh! It's full of the stench of worldliness! It's vulgar! People nowadays... are so shallow!"

He couldn't help but walked towards Ye Yang directly.

After arriving in front of him, he didn't say anything. He raised his neck and stood still.

Ye Yang frowned and looked at this guy, what's going on...

He shook his head, not planning to pay attention to this guy anymore.

Unexpectedly, when the girl next to Shen Qinglan saw this, she said directly: "I haven't met Mr. Shen, the dean of the art world!"

Shen Qinglan raised her head higher.


Ye Yang looked at the lunatic in front of him. He came here to block the road, but he still wanted others to make friends with him first?

"Step aside!"

Ye Yang said lightly.

"Oh? Who is speaking in front of you? His words are so vulgar!"

Shen Qinglan raised her head and asked.

The brainwashed fans around me kept saying, "He's a rich man from Shanghai!"

"Money is nothing but an external possession, only art is eternal! In this sacred art palace, how can you say such vulgar words that tarnish art!?"

Shen Qinglan's head almost went up to the sky.

"Ah, it's my fault! Mr. Shen! I'm shallow!"

The girl who was fooled was extremely frightened and apologized repeatedly.

"However, today I will give you, a vulgar, lost lamb in this world, a chance to get to know me!"

Ye Yang frowned: "If you have nothing to do, go away! I won't restrain my temper just because this is some bullshit art palace."

Shen Qinglan laughed, he was here to show off. Generally speaking, rich people only care about face, and they don't understand the so-called 'art'. In order to make themselves stand out when they are rich, they usually follow art.

See an artistic master like him.

That's all humility.

I got used to him a little bit.

Today he showed his usual arrogance, but found that the young man in front of him didn't buy his account at all!

He glanced at Ye Yang in surprise, frowned and said, "Mr. Ye, if you don't want to get acquainted with me, why are you here at this art exhibition today?"

Ye Yang was stunned by the question.

Do you think this kid thinks that everyone here came to this art exhibition just to get to know him? !

Do you want to be so narcissistic and self-righteous?

This arrogance already makes people feel a little disgusting.

"That's right, you must have seen Mr. Shen Qinglan's works and came here to pay homage to him, knowing that there are his paintings in today's art exhibition, right!?"

The girl on the side said rudely.

"Asking this question is a waste of time and there is no need to ask it."

Before Ye Yang could speak, Shen Qinglan on the side frowned and replied proudly: "Who in the art world has not seen the paintings of my master Qinglan!? But what Qinglan can't understand is that you have obviously seen it How come the world-class art I created still has such a vulgar temperament, yet you don’t know how to be in awe when you see me, a master?”

"Heh, I've never seen your bullshit paintings."

Ye Yang frowned completely.

Originally, I just wanted to go out with my sister for a walk tonight to relax, and I didn't want to cause any trouble at all.

But, now, he has been disgusted, and it seems unrealistic to not want to cause trouble...

"What! There are still people in the world who haven't seen my Qinglan's paintings! That's right, some people are born vulgar and have dirty eyes, and they are not worthy of appreciating my Qinglan's paintings."

He turned his head and looked at Ye Xiaozi.

This is his ultimate goal: "But this girl is not like that. Your otherworldly temperament is the best among the girls I have seen in the art world. When you and I meet, we admire your otherworldly temperament. , Qinglan is also filled with excitement and can’t help herself!”

"Being seen as otherworldly by a dog like you, I suddenly feel guilty..."

Ye Xiaozi sighed in disgust.


Many people present were attracted by the conversation here. Listening to Ye Xiaozi's words, they couldn't help laughing...

(First update)

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