Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 777 Master? I think you are Teddy

There were all kinds of people present, and many wealthy businessmen couldn't stand Shen Qinglan being so pretentious.

However, they do have status in the art world, and anyone who had conflicts with them in the past would be taught a lesson in the end.

So, in the end, everyone just turned a blind eye and just regarded him as a clown. When they had to deal with him, they would call him a master with a pleasant face, but in their hearts they had already cursed his eight generations of ancestors.

Today, this kid actually dared to offend Ye Shenhao.

I guess it ended badly...

"Girl, what you said made Qinglan heartbroken. If there is a chance in the future, Qinglan will personally teach you what art is. I think girl, you will be able to..."

As Shen Qinglan spoke, she even reached out to hook Ye Xiaozi's little hand.

Ye Yang frowned for an instant, and his hand was like a dragon's shadow, instantly grabbing Shen Qinglan's wrist.

"what do you want to do!?"

Shen Qinglan looked threatening.

However, he didn't wait for him to become arrogant again.

Ye Yang exerted force on his hands.

Shen Qinglan's wrist made a crackling sound instantly, and it was obvious that the wrist bones inside were completely shattered into powder!


He screamed, obviously unable to believe that Ye Yang dared to take action under such circumstances.

"you you!"

He almost fainted from the pain.

However, Ye Yang pushed him back with his backhand, pushing him backwards and smashing several paintings behind him.

"How dare you attack him!"

"You're done!"

"Don't think that just because you have money means you're great!"

Several girls who admired Shen Qinglan screamed.

The wealthy businessmen around him also smacked their lips. They had heard before that Ye Yang was a truly ruthless person.

Moreover, he is still a ruthless person on the surface.

Most people only dare to be ruthless in the dark, not because they don't want to be ruthless in the open, but because they don't have the strength.

As for Ye Yang, they had seen a strong man who could demonstrate his dignity and majesty no matter where he was, without being affected by anything.


"After all, this is a matter in the art world. I'm afraid this matter won't end well."

"You underestimate Mr. Ye's strength too much."

"It's not that I underestimate Mr. Ye. The public opinion behind these so-called artists is very powerful! Moreover, they can also label others. Maybe they will label Mr. Ye as a bully, although it will not cause any harm to Mr. Ye. It’s hurtful, but it’s also disgusting!”


There was a lot of discussion in the field.

Ye Yang sneered, actually wanted to touch his sister?

And in front of him?

Looking at the entire Magic City, who dares to be so arrogant!

"A mere lackey is worthy of talking about art. If you are a master of art, I think you are the teddy of the literary world!"

Ye Yang sneered.


Shen Qinglan was so angry that she gritted her teeth, rolled her eyes in pain, and couldn't speak for a while.

Ye Yang looked at the female art students who wanted to bite him, and a pityful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "You are really pitiful."

"Why do you say that about us!"

"We are Mr. Shen's students! We are his followers!"

"That's right! We also have forces behind us. Although you are very powerful, you must pay the price for beating Mr. Shen!"


"Is it?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "You are so convinced that he is a noble and holy, so-called 'pure artist'? All he pursues is pure art?"

"Why not sure!?"

"We have been following Mr. Shen for so long, of course we are sure!"

"Haha, you don't want to smear Mr. Shen! This is not something you can do in just a few words."

Several women said in succession: "Our family Qinglan is a noble person with noble pursuits and ideals. Compared with trash like you who only knows about money, and compared with those common people who are busy with the world, they are simply not the same person." Species!"

"He really doesn't look human."

Ye Yang nodded.

The secret information about the entertainment industry that Wang Xiaocong gave him contained many secrets about so-called 'masters'.

Although Shen Qinglan was not mentioned, he also knew what the so-called art circle was like and what the rules were.

Who really engages in art claims to be a master?

This kind of person who seems to have no ability at first glance, but is brought to the front desk, is just a chess piece of the capital behind it.

He directly called Wang Xiaocong and asked Wang Xiaocong to find out the details of Shen Qinglan.

Three minutes later.

The message was sent back, along with a voice message.

"Brother Ye! Has this Qinglan little brat offended you? I will expose his information directly on the Internet."

Ye Yang glanced at the information and sneered: "I didn't expect the money laundering capital behind you. You have a great background. No wonder you dare to be so arrogant."

"What capital!"

"What money laundering!"

"Don't slander our cultural leaders out of thin air!"

"Yes, we can sue you for slander!!!"


These women, who swore to defend Shen Qinglan to the death and even counted money for others after being cheated, said with excitement.

Rich businessmen also gathered around, all curious.

They also want to know what is going on behind this.

Shen Qinglan is a sudden rise in the Shanghai art world in the past two years, although they know that there must be capital behind it.

But the hand seemed so big that they didn't dare to check or touch it.

Now that Ye Yang has found it out in three minutes, it can be seen how many levels their information intelligence is behind Ye Yang...

Now that Ye Yang has the evidence in hand, he strolled to the front of the exhibition hall and directly took a painting by Shen Qinglan in his hand.

On this painting, there are three messy lines, which are mixed together in a mess, forming a ball of wool that a three-year-old child can draw: "Come, everyone, take a look, what art is there in this painting?"

"Haha, it's just bullshit!"

"My nephew's three-year-old scribbles are better looking than this thing."

"I'm also very curious about how this kind of thing is put in the exhibition. I have wanted to criticize it for a long time, but I'm afraid that others will say that I don't understand art. Since Mr. Ye has asked, I will tell the truth... This is fucking shit!"


The upper-class people present all laughed.

They all claim to be upper-class and rarely swear. This painting is put here and everyone calls it shit. How outrageous is that?

"This is art! You don't know how to appreciate it! Vulgar people!"

"That's right!"

Several girls hurriedly defended him.

"Oh? Then what kind of art is this?"

Ye Yang raised the painting.


The girls were speechless for a moment. They were just idiots who were deceived by Shen Qinglan's sweet words. In the four words of chicken feather art, except for the first two words, they knew nothing about the last two words.

"But this painting that has nothing to do with art was sold at a sky-high price of 180 million Chinese yuan at the auction!"

Ye Yang raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "Guess why?"

(Second update)

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