
Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and found that the atmosphere around him seemed a little strange.

It was only a few minutes after he arrived, and the originally noisy atmosphere in the store disappeared quickly. Looking around, there were only four tables with customers at the edge.

Ye Xiaozi also found something wrong: "Brother…"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and signaled Ye Xiaozi not to act rashly. Looking at the dishes on the table, he could now judge whether there were toxins or other strange things in the dishes after taking Qilin Jie.

"There is no problem with the dishes, food, and drinks."

Ye Yang was indifferent.

It seems that what is happening now has nothing to do with the store itself.


It is still unclear what the mentality and purpose of this group of guys who are hiding in the dark and unwilling to show up are.

There is no need to act rashly.

He smiled indifferently: "Eat as you want, don't care about these things."

Ye Xiaozi said, "Oh, what the brother said must be correct, so he didn't react much and ate heartily.

In the house opposite the building, the man in black who was hiding in the dark and observing with a telescope almost crushed the phone in his hand: "Damn it, how can you be calm! Do you really think that you are immortal just because you are a general!?"

"Is he really a general? A general goes out without guards or bodyguards? Isn't this too outrageous?"

In the house, several other black shadows frowned and asked.

"He can mobilize the special police of the Magic City in a very simple process. He must not be an ordinary person. Even if he is not a general, his status will not be low. We have reported what happened tonight, and naturally someone from the top will come to verify his identity. Keep an eye on him first, and don't act rashly before his identity is confirmed."


Several black shadows talked.

"It seems that this guy's identity is indeed not simple. Shen Qinglan, the watchdog, has been arrested for so long, and our boss behind us has not yet found out the specific identity of Mr. Ye."

"The higher the identity, the greater the threat to us. If necessary..."

"I hope the higher-ups will not make such a decision. If they take action against such a real high-level person on Chinese soil, I think at least we will not survive."


Several black shadows were anxious.

If it really comes to that today, they are afraid that they will become abandoned pawns. They know the cruelty of the organization behind them.

Otherwise, they would not have been lurking in China for so many years.

"As expected of a guy who became a general at such a young age, he is really calm."

"Are we just going to let him eat here? He will leave in a while, and we haven't found out yet. Should we take action or not?"

"There is signal interference there, and he should not be able to contact people outside. The entire restaurant is temporarily controlled by us, and there should be no big problems for a while."


Finally, Ye Yang and Ye Xiaozi both began to wipe their mouths and prepared to leave.

The leading black-clad man finally received the instructions.


Inside the restaurant.

No one had come in. In the hall, only the tables at the four corners were occupied.

Ye Yang chose the middle seat by the window on the left.

"No matter who these people are, they are all cowards. They waited for a long time and didn't show up even after the meal."

Ye Yang laughed.

If they dared to attack him, they must be very powerful.

Such an opponent must be wiped out in one fell swoop.

Although the other party put a signal jammer, if a mere jammer can make the customized mobile phone worth hundreds of millions in his hand lose the signal, it would be too unfair to the customization money.

His mobile phone has a built-in satellite communication system. Normally, satellite phones are very large.

There will also be a long antenna.

However, the black technology company spent only tens of millions to develop a small built-in technology for the satellite call system.

Satellite calls will not be interfered with.

At least it is impossible without the backing of superpowers.

A mere signal jammer has no effect in front of him.

He had already sent the message, but in order to completely draw out the forces behind him, he decided to stay a little longer to see if he could lure the snake out of its hole.

"What a pity, the meal is over, and he didn't even show his head."

Ye Yang was bored and prepared to get up and leave.

He didn't dare to meet or even contact him, let alone stop him.

But he was very surprised that the other party spent so much energy to set up a trap, and he finally sat in, but the other party exposed his existence, but did nothing.

This operation is really...

Too delicious.

However, just as he was about to get up, his cell phone finally rang.

"Mr. Ye, I kept you waiting for a long time."

On the other end of the phone, there was a voice processed by a voice changer.

"Playing tricks."

Ye Yang sneered: "I hate people who play tricks the most in my life. If you have something to say, come on."

"No hurry... I think Mr. Ye has also discovered that the surrounding signals have been blocked. The four seats are all occupied by our organization's death warriors, and they are armed with sharp weapons and are all martial artists. In addition, there are snipers lurking around, aiming their sights at the two of you. I suggest you stay there for the time being and don't act rashly."

The other party said in a turbid voice.

"Heh... It's been a long time since anyone dared to speak to me in a threatening tone."

Ye Yang's eyes darkened instantly: "Who are you?"

"Mr. Ye doesn't need to know who we are. You just need to know that you touched a red line tonight that we never want to be touched. We suggest that Mr. Ye stop as soon as possible and actively stop the investigation of tonight's matter. , let the matter pass as it is, and we will act as if we don’t know each other.”

"And if Mr. Ye is willing to cooperate, we will give him an absolute gift to satisfy Mr. Ye."


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

What happened tonight...

It should be about Longmei Art Museum and the arrest of Shen Qinglan.

"Are you the protective umbrella behind Shen Qinglan?"

Ye Yang asked calmly: "I said that this kid is so stupid and can still dance so happily in the art world of Shanghai. It seems that you guys are really extraordinary."

"Mr. Ye, you have a noble status. We have no intention of being your enemy. I hope you can understand the situation."

The other party said ‘sincerely’.

"Do you know my identity?"

Ye Yang asked with a sneer.

This is also a level of testing. Which level of his identity the other party can find out represents the strength of the other party.

"Yes, you are not only China's lieutenant general, but also a lifelong scientific achiever. You are also the behind-the-scenes controller of many trillion-dollar companies, with assets of at least 10 trillion yuan. I have to say that your achievements in all aspects are worthy of comparison. It is said to be the best in China, even if you look around the world, there is almost no one who can compare with it..."

"So, we respect you extremely and have no intention of being your enemy. We just want to sincerely conduct such an absolutely fair transaction with you..."

(First update)

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