Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 781: Chinese generals never make deals with others


The black shadow knew that Ye Yang was trying to test the strength of the power behind them, so he also revealed everything and showed his strength. He said all the names of the companies under Ye Yang’s name.

Ye Yang smiled faintly and shook his head.

The other party’s self-righteous behavior actually exposed the other party’s level.

The other party is indeed very powerful. He can even find out his overseas companies such as Johnson \u0026 Johnson Medical and Gulfstream Airlines.

He can also deploy snipers in the Magic City, a city with the best and most important security in China.

He even had the courage to trade with him even though he knew he was a general.

However, the other party knew nothing about his real trump card.

Whether it was the Black Technology Company or Hurricane Security, or even Thor Arms, the other party did not mention it.

Finally, holding the photon weapon, he walked on the world without fear.

He crossed his legs and asked calmly: "Trade? Since you know my identity, what do you want to trade with me? Power? Money?"

"Do you think I lack these two things?"


In the building opposite, the shadow almost wanted to throw his phone.

The methods of the bad guys are actually very monotonous, nothing more than two types: coercion and inducement.

As a result, coercion is obviously the worst option when talking to a big shot like Ye Yang.

Before the inducement, he was Versailles!

Yeah! Money? Power?

I don't lack anything!

He was speechless for a moment...

The person behind him simply gave him an impossible task!

He shook his head, threw these thoughts out of his mind, and then said:

"Mr. Ye is too confident. The creed of our organization is to believe that human desires are endless. We can always give you satisfactory chips, and if you go against us, even Mr. Ye will surely pay some undesirable price. It is better to live in harmony than to lose both sides. Mr. Ye can sit in the current position, so he must understand this truth, right?"

"Oh? Can you make me a general?"

Ye Yang asked with interest.

"...Mr. Ye must be joking..."

The black shadow almost choked to death by Ye Yang's words.

Damn, what kind of existence is a general! ?

If they have the ability to support people to this position, they will still talk to you in a humble manner about cooperation? China is all ours...

"Or can you give me 10 trillion assets? At least let me increase my assets by 10%~"

Ye Yang teased.

"I xxxx!!!"

Black Shadow was about to have a myocardial infarction. He felt that he couldn't continue the conversation. If he continued, he would be killed by Ye Yang's Versailles magic sooner or later.

"Ahem, Mr. Ye, we also came with sincerity. Can you give us some suggestions that are a little more practical?"

He was about to cry.

It was difficult for him to be caught between Ye Yang and the leaders of the organization!

"You can't even do these. Do you think the benefits you can bring are worthy of my heart?"

Ye Yang sneered and asked teasingly.

"... Then Mr. Ye, do you not want to talk?"

Black Shadow also heard Ye Yang's ridicule.

He really couldn't imagine that he really didn't take his life safety seriously after coming to this point! ?

He has been controlled by his own strength! ?

How can he still be so calm! ?

He had no choice. Coercion and inducement were useless.

He could only show his true colors.

"Mr. Ye, you should know that after you die, we can also infiltrate the high-level officials of the relevant parties in the Magic City and make them give up the pursuit of this case. Now, except for you, no one else knows that we exist."

"No one will really connect your death here tonight with what happened at the art exhibition tonight. We are still safe and sound, and you will only die in vain."

The black shadow threatened fiercely.

Just now, Ye Yang's Versailles had a psychological shadow, and now he had a reason to retaliate, saying in an extremely sinister way.

"Do you really think that it is so easy to control a Chinese general?"

Ye Yang's calm voice came from the headset.

"What are you talking about!? We have blocked the signal! Since you left Longmei Art Museum, every move you make has been under our surveillance!"

"You are now blocked in this restaurant by our people, and you can't get out!"

"See the situation clearly! You can't get anything from calling the sky or the earth! We have already controlled the situation!!!"

The more he spoke, the more panicked he became.

None of the five major countries eats for free.

Especially China, among the five major countries, China is the most mysterious, and is known as the mercenary desert in the international community. They know too well China's ability in security.

The other party is at least a lieutenant general.

He himself felt panic in his heart and had no confidence...

But the people above were too scary. If he didn't do it, he would be brutally killed, so he could only follow orders.

"Since you didn't want to talk to us from the beginning, why did you tell us so much! Since you still have a trump card, why don't you use it now! You are afraid! You are deceiving me!"

The black shadow was about to break the defense first, and roared repeatedly.

Talking to a super big shot like Ye Yang is a very stressful thing...

"Guess why I talked to you for so long?"

Ye Yang smiled evilly.

"You!!! Are you locating me!? This is impossible! We have deployed our own call frequency band! You can't talk to the outside world at all! You don't have a satellite phone at all!"

Black Shadow said angrily.

"It's been located~"

Ye Yang smiled lightly: "There's nothing you can do if you don't believe it. You can only speak with facts."

The shadow's hands were shaking. He saw the message from the shadow next to him:

"Your information has been exposed, and I order you to wait and commit suicide, otherwise you will bear the consequences."


The eyes of several dark shadows just filled with fear and disbelief.

I heard the sound of footsteps coming from outside the door...

The drone of armed helicopters suddenly arrived...

The police car drove at high speed from a distance, constantly shrinking the warning circle...

"Finally, I have something to say to you."

Ye Yang's voice suddenly became quiet: "Chinese generals never make deals with others."

The words fell.

The door has been kicked open!

Two teams of armed police rushed in with guns drawn.

Several black figures looked at each other, with helplessness and determination flashing in their eyes. When this task fell on them, they had this premonition...

Being in such a den of thieves, one has already been prepared for this day.

Without any hesitation, they bit the poison sac in their mouths, and their orifices bleed instantly, and they died suddenly on the spot...

"Report, the target is dead..."

The armed police reported in the team communication.

At the same time, on a certain floor of the building.

"Kill the target and then evacuate..."

The message flashed through the earphones. After receiving the message, Viper pulled the trigger that he had been waiting for for a long time. The fire exploded and deadly bullets rushed towards the restaurant opposite...

(Second update)

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