Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 782 Is this a monster?


The bullet streaked through the air, leaving a brilliant trajectory.

The sudden gunshot made everyone alert instantly, but the killer was well hidden, and it was impossible to know the exact location at the first time.


The large-caliber bullet rotated in a spiral, and the kinetic energy was enough to penetrate the steel plate. If it hit a person's arm, it would be enough to directly explode the arm and shatter it.

The power is far beyond the reach of a pistol bullet.

Inside the restaurant.

The moment the fire lit up, Ye Yang's eyes suddenly became sharp.

With his current physique, he could already sense the danger in advance, but the danger did not fall on him. Obviously, this shot was aimed at Ye Xiaozi!

He stepped forward and grabbed forward suddenly.

The glass shattered at this moment. The bullet with an initial velocity of 900 meters was extremely powerful and the speed was extremely terrifying within a distance of less than 300 meters!

The moment Ye Yang came into contact with the sniper bullet, he knew that he could not hit it head-on, and immediately demonstrated the Chinese Tai Chi learning, rotating to unload the force!

Viper has a habit, that is, after firing, he must see the person being sniped being hit before he will evacuate.

In his sniper scope, such a terrifying scene appeared in his eyes...

The primary target was almost a residual image!

Almost the moment the gun was fired, it was intercepted on the sniper path!

Is this the speed of humans! ?

This process only took half a second. When he just had time to be surprised and the shock in his heart, Ye Yang instantly turned around in the same place.

"Not good!"

Having been in the international battlefield for many years, he has cultivated a sense of life and death crisis. At this moment, he felt the crisis of death!


He almost subconsciously fired the second shot!

Ye Yang had locked the opponent's position during the rotation, and directly threw the bullet out of his hand in the direction corresponding to this position.

Turn around to unload the force, use the force to fight the force!


In the air, the swift bullet shot by Viper and the shell thrown by Ye Yang actually collided directly!

The two bullets collided with a bang, and dazzling sparks were generated at the collision point.

The kinetic energy canceled each other out, and the metal block formed by the two bullets fell down helplessly...

The hair on Viper's body stood up!

This is definitely not a human! ! !

A layer of white sweat rose all over his body, and he stood up to retreat.

"The moment you shoot my sister, there will be no way for you to survive in the world!"

Ye Yang's eyes rose with a fierce look, and he picked up the chopsticks on the table with his right hand. With the power of Chinese martial arts and genetic warriors, he threw the chopsticks with all his strength!

At the moment of throwing, it seemed that the sound of a sonic boom was faintly heard!

Fortunately, the chopsticks in high-end restaurants are made of excellent materials, otherwise, the materials themselves cannot withstand this initial velocity that is almost equal to the speed of sound!

A chopstick, now transformed into the sickle of the god of death, quickly crossed the air.

In less than two seconds, it spanned more than 300 meters!

"He can see me!!!"

The moment Ye Yang threw the chopsticks, the extreme horror in the Viper's heart reached its peak! ! !

He stood up instantly and caught the heavy sniper bullet with his body!

He turned around and threw the shell, directly intercepting his second bullet in mid-air! !

Finally, he could clearly see the ambusher behind the glass wall at night 300 meters away! ? !

He was completely stunned.

What kind of monster is this! ?

However, before the horror in his heart completely exploded, the pair of chopsticks had instantly penetrated the glass, turned into a blood mark, and directly sank into his back of the head, jumped out from the middle of his eyebrows, and finally nailed to the concrete wall in front of him, sinking one-third, before it was completely stopped...

Consciousness instantly went black.

Until the moment of death, he didn't know what kind of monster he was facing...

Less than ten seconds after the Viper fell to the ground.

The SWAT team on the helicopter also broke in through the window...

It took them just over ten seconds to lock the location and break in directly. Their response speed was extremely fast.

They slowly approached the fallen Viper, looking confused.

Voice in the team:

Team member: "Is the sniper dead?"

Off-site commander: "How did he die? Did he take poison again?"

Team member: "There was a hole in his head..."

Off-site commander was puzzled: "Did he commit suicide with a pistol?"

Team member: "I don't know, the wound doesn't look like it was caused by a gun... It's very small, the diameter is about the same as the little finger... No, it's about the size of a chopstick."

Off-site commander was sweating: "How is this possible!?"

It was very dark inside. In order to prevent the fish from escaping by taking the elevator, the power system of the building was cut off.

So, for a while, no one could see the inconspicuous, cracked chopstick on the wall.

In the restaurant.

Ye Yang looked down at the four tables of observers who suddenly stood up.

They were completely abandoned.

The people above didn't even give them the order to retreat.

From the time the gunshots started till now, less than ten seconds had passed.

These observers were in a state of confusion. They had just understood the situation and didn't know whether to retreat or advance.

"First, tie up Ye Yang! He is a general of China! With him as a hostage, China dare not do anything to us!"

Someone shouted.

Outside the restaurant.

Hundreds of special police lined up and surrounded the restaurant.

"Captain, is it really okay for us not to go in? What if something happens to Mr. Ye..."

The deputy captain beside him asked anxiously.

"General Ye has clearly ordered us to plug the fish that slipped through the net outside. Although we are not in the same system, he is in a high position and I dare not disobey his orders."

The captain shook his head. He knew that Ye Yang had beaten up various world boxing champions and was also a martial arts star.

But life-and-death struggles and competitions are completely different things!

Is General Ye too arrogant! ?

"The surveillance in the field has been connected!"

The technical special police on the side quickly took the computer over.

"Everyone, stay alert! If there is anything wrong in a while, we must rush in immediately!"

The captain looked at the monitors in the field who were howling at Ye Yang, and his heart became nervous.


Ye Yang sneered and kicked the table next to him directly.

The three hundred-pound solid wood one-piece carved table looked like a toy in his hands.

All the special police outside the field who saw this scene dropped their jaws in fear.

"I... Is this a movie? Are you sure it's the surveillance footage in the field!?"

The captain asked repeatedly.

"It should be... definitely..."

The technical police were not confident in their skills for a moment.

The psychological quality of the special police was somewhat difficult to accept the scene in front of them.

Not to mention the thugs at the bottom of the black organization.

The thugs who rushed over with wolf howls were so scared that they stood still on the spot, their lips trembling.

"Come on!"

Ye Yang glanced calmly.

His heart was as cold as iron at this moment.

He would not let any force that threatened his family have a chance to survive!

(First update)

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