Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 783 The little girl picking up water bottles

"Damn it! If you are afraid, you will die! If you are not afraid, you may still live! Let's catch him in our hands first!"

The murderer in charge encouraged.

"Come on!"

These gangsters were carrying knives crazily and rushing towards Ye Yang...

Ye Yang raised a cold smile on his lips.

With so many murderers, just one or two left to gather information is enough!

He wanted to vent his anger!

"Close your eyes and cover your ears."

Ye Yang patted Ye Xiaozi's little head.


No matter how nimble Ye Xiaozi was, she was now a little stunned by fright, and subconsciously did what Ye Yang said.

The wooden table weighing three to four hundred kilograms danced like a stick in his hands, causing a rumbling sound of air explosions.

Any criminal who came within six meters of him and Ye Xiaozi would die if they were touched, and seriously injured if they were rubbed.


There were constant sounds of bones breaking and blood spurting.

Soon, the five or six murderers who rushed up were thrown away like broken sacks. He was quickly hit by a solid wood table of three to four hundred kilograms. The consequences can be imagined!


Soon, the remaining three or four people completely collapsed psychologically.

Two of them were so weak that they knelt on the ground and kowtowed to beg for mercy.

The other two fled outside frantically.

I would rather be shot to death than provoke Ye Yang, a living demon again!


Outside the field, the captain, deputy captain and technical soldiers who saw this scene all fell into a daze...

This is people! ?

"Everything about General Ye today must not be spread to outsiders! Do you understand?"

The captain scolded repeatedly.

He thought of countless possibilities in an instant.

However, no matter what happens, I'm afraid the higher-ups don't want it to spread...


Anyone who can get into this position is not a fool, and they naturally know the truth that disaster comes from the mouth.


Things here come to an end.

The police officer responsible for the count reported to the team leader:

"A total of seven targets were found in the building opposite. The six people in charge basically committed suicide by taking poison. The remaining sniper died very strangely. The reason is still under investigation."


If something like this happens in China, it will definitely cause huge waves.

A thorough investigation order was issued from above, and the entire Demonic City was put into emergency preparedness.

Ye Yang took Ye Xiaozi back to Linjiang Villa and ordered the light and dark forces to provide more protection.

As for his parents, there is no need to think too much, because Xinghuang Mansion has deployed many protective forces before this, and Ji Province is his hometown, so people from all walks of life there will pay close attention to what is going on in Xinghuang Mansion.

He briefly told the investigation department about tonight's situation.

Those few thugs who were left behind were obviously chess pieces left to die. They knew nothing, and the possibility of extracting information was extremely slim.

However, this matter was all caused by Shen Qinglan.

There must be a huge secret hidden behind him!

All the secrets behind him must be dug out as soon as possible.

That night.

A mysterious meeting place.

On the round table, ten people wearing suits and leather shoes but wearing strange masks gathered together.

"It actually failed."

"Venomous Snake is one of our trump cards. His shots were almost perfect. Witnesses obviously heard two gunshots at that time. How could no one die?"

"I don't know, but this time the matter has been completely exposed. We have to keep a low profile recently. All relevant people on Shen Qinglan's line should deal with it as soon as possible. I don't want this matter to let our organization In danger..."

These masked men were discussing with each other.

They have always been hidden in the darkness, but now because of Shen's accident, they are very likely to be exposed!

Although their energy is powerful, compared with the whole of China, it is like a small tree shaking a giant tree.

Once exposed, they will be wiped out in an instant...

Because Ye Xiaozi was frightened, she pulled Ye Yang to sleep with her that night.

The next day, after comforting Ye Xiaozi's mood and sending her back to school, Ye Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

He was sitting on the Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost, and his eyes also flashed with a fierce light.

He knew that the organization behind Shen Qinglan had done so many illegal and money-laundering things and had not been exposed for such a long time. They must still have their own unique features.

It is difficult to find the other party's traces immediately.

He also issued orders to all the forces under his name to help inquire about the details of the organization behind Shen Qinglan.

With the strength of Black Technology Company and Hurricane, I believe it will be of great help to the progress of the whole matter...

He looked at his bandaged left hand. Although he now had the physique of a super soldier, he still had some difficulty when facing a large-caliber sniper rifle.

However, his amazing recovery power allowed him to basically heal the scratches from last night in one night.

He casually disposed of the gauze on his hand.

The investigation of the black organization is not urgent. As long as the other party exposes its existence, there is nothing to fear and life must go on.

After all, with Ye Yang's identity, it would be a joke if his normal life would be affected because an inexplicable organization wanted to kill him.

Not only to live a normal life, but also to have fun!

I drive a luxury car and drive around as I please, take girls out to eat, go shopping, watch movies...hey, just have fun!

As for the black organization, now it is like a mouse that is afraid of cats, unable to hide, and it dares to touch Ye Yang's bad luck again.

However, when they saw that Ye Yang didn't take what happened that night seriously at all and was playing with his female companions in the streets of Shanghai, they were still almost vomiting blood in anger!

Hey! At least treat us as human beings!

At this time, Ye Yang's car was parked in front of Ruth's milk tea shop.

Lin Xueer was buying milk tea in the shop...

"Da Da Da..."

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and saw a girl knocking on the car window.

She was about 70% good-looking, with a sunny appearance and wearing trendy beggar clothes.

Her voice was also very sweet: "Sir, do you have an empty water bottle?"

Ye Yang was a little confused. Didn't she buy the beggar clothes because of the trend? Is she a real trash-picking girl?

He sighed and prepared to give her an empty water bottle.

But when the girl saw Ye Yang's appearance clearly, her face turned pale, and she waved her hands repeatedly like a guilty thief, and then slipped away.

Ye Yang was stunned. This girl is a bit strange!

He looked at it carefully.

He found that the girl knocked on the windows of other cars again.

There were always empty bottles of water in the car, and no one would refuse such a cute girl.

"There are still many kind-hearted people!"

Ye Yang smiled.

However, what surprised him was that the woman threw the bottle on the ground after taking it!

Then, she picked up the bottle and threw it back into the car.

The driver was confused and was about to ask something.

The girl said righteously: "You really have no sense of public morality!!! Don't litter! Driving a BMW is amazing!"

After that, she turned back confidently and walked away, leaving the confused driver...

(Second update)

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