Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 788 Why do you call me grandpa when we meet?

"It seems that we have done a very good job of protecting him..."

The president rubbed his chin: "We are at loggerheads with him. Recently, there has been news from insiders. It seems that the top management of Magic City has indeed made big moves, and it is very likely that it is aimed at us."


The senior executives nearby were whispering in surprise.

Although their men are all desperadoes.

But they are vampires who care about their lives. They only want to make money. Once anything touches their life safety, they will immediately panic.

"Didn't the higher ups give us orders?"

someone asked.


The president shook his head: "The person who gave me the clue was an insider planted by our China branch. The international headquarters did not give us any hints."

"It's definitely a bit strange."

All the senior officials frowned.

"Isn't it because the higher-ups gave up on us?"

As soon as this inference came out, the whole audience became anxious...

International senior officials, within China, have many high-ranking insiders. If it is really a big operation targeting the entire Black Source branch of China, the headquarters should be able to get the news.

"Unless China has another mysterious high-level person, whose information has not been released to the outside world at all, and those informants cannot access it... But this task was given to this mysterious high-level person, resulting in no information coming out... "

someone muttered.

"Hiss...if you say so..."

Everyone present shivered.

"So to say……"

"Is that Ye Yang just..."

They immediately thought of Ye Yang again.

This man is so mysterious that even the headquarters dare not say that he can find all the information about him. He suddenly rose up. Before college, he was ordinary. After college, he made rapid progress. Now he is a member of China's core level and ranks as a lieutenant general!

Even, according to the intelligence provided by the headquarters, it is very likely that he also holds an extremely high position, probably... deputy state!

"If this speculation is true, then..."

The president stood up and said, "It is important to be cautious in everything. As long as this speculation is more than 30% certain, we should choose to protect ourselves, inform the people, and prepare to evacuate immediately."


All the senior executives had been waiting for the president's words and quickly stood up to make arrangements.

"what about me?"

Chen Wangsheng was a little panicked. After all, he was a person who showed his face to the public. The scrap iron factory couldn't be demolished, right?

That's too eye-catching.


The president paused for a moment: "Your future work should shift from the bright side to the dark side."

Chen Wangsheng's face relaxed now. Working in the dark was the ultimate luxury. He was tired of working with scrap metal every day.

However, he is very clear about the behavior of the top management of Black Source, which is called ruthless.

He was not entirely sure what the other party's intentions were, and said with a smile: "Then I'll pack up my things first and take care of the things above so that I can evacuate."


The president nodded.

Watched Chen Wangsheng leave.

He waved, and two thugs in suits walked over.

"Follow him closely. If there is any sign of escaping, kill him immediately. If he really handles his funeral peacefully, keep him until we have completely withdrawn and make him an accidental death."

The president said calmly.


The two thugs in suits nodded.

The logic is very simple. Such an obvious person is too easy to be exposed!

The scrap iron factory had already aroused suspicion. If the factory director suddenly disappeared, just checking Chen Wangsheng's whereabouts might expose their whereabouts.

They don't intend to leave this hidden danger.

Chen Wangsheng is destined to die!

Chen Wangsheng basically figured out this logic while walking from the underground to the ground.

He paused for a moment, then noticed the footsteps behind him, and raised the corner of his mouth.

Being able to be the person in charge of the ground of Black Source is certainly not a simple role.

"Do you really think I'm a fool?"

Chen Wangsheng had been prepared for this day.

After entering his room, he turned on the recorder that he had recorded earlier and started playing it.

"Hello? Lao Li? Have you paid the electricity bill for our factory..."


Outside the door, two thugs in suits listened and felt that there was no big problem, so they just stayed outside.

inside the house.

Chen Wangsheng looked at the two stupid thugs in suits on the surveillance camera. Living here, of course, he had to be careful. He had used tricks inside and outside the house and installed surveillance cameras.

He chuckled, took out the gold bars and bank cards from the safe, put them on his back, and opened a secret door in the house.

Jumped in and started running away...

"Why are you always on the phone? Is the scrap iron factory so busy?"

Ten minutes later, two thugs in suits frowned and asked in confusion.

Fifteen minutes later...

"Hello? Lao Li, has the electricity bill for our factory been paid..."


"Has this conversation been played just now?"

The bald man on the left asked doubtfully.

"It seems...right...?"

The bearded man on the right frowned, and then shouted: "No! This old fox is going to run away!!!"

He kicked open the door and saw the tape recorder placed in the center, as if taunting them.

"What a bastard! Damn you idiot!"

The bearded man shouted angrily: "Follow me! Take his head and go back to do business!"


The bald man said again and again.

If they go back and tell Chen Wangsheng to run away, their lives will be short-lived...

Outside the port, there is a small hill.


Chen Wangsheng crawled out from inside with his baggage on his back, covered in spider webs.

He had been planning this day for a long time, and he carefully selected this escape route, which was renovated from an old air-raid shelter during the special period.

"Damn it! I'm alive!"

He laughed excitedly!

Looking at the more than ten kilograms of gold in his backpack and the bank card with hundreds of millions of deposits, he said: "From now on, the sky is high and the fish can leap, and the sea is wide and the birds can fly! I, Chen Wangsheng, am going to heaven! Luxurious cars, mansions, beauties, free and happy!"

"Why are you laughing, bro?"

"Hahaha... I laugh at the president's lack of plans and the two bodyguards who have lost their minds! If I were the president, I would have checked out the nearby escape routes and planted a killer here. I can't escape today even if I have wings. ah!!!"

Because he was so excited, he didn't think much about it and just blurted out what was in his heart.

However, in an instant, his scalp exploded.

Trembling all over!

"Turn around and see who I am?"

The voice behind him was young and powerful. There was no way that such a young man could run around this deserted port without any problems...

He turned around shivering.

He saw a young man with a smile looking at him.

"Holy shit!"

His legs went weak, and he fell to the ground in fright and squatted on his butt.

"You are that...Ye...Yeye..."

"Why are you so polite and call me grandpa when we meet?"

Ye Yang asked jokingly.

(First update)

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