Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 789: All troops assembled

"Mr. Ye..."

It took Chen Wangsheng a long time to collect himself, patted the dirt on his body, and stood up.

Just now he escaped from despair.

Coupled with the sudden appearance of someone behind him, he lost his composure in shock.

Now, I have made up my mind, after all, I am still one of the leaders of the black organization, and I have a very deep mind.

"Haha, I'm the boss of the scrap iron factory in front of me! I come out to exercise at night! What can I do for you, Mr. Ye?"

Chen Wangsheng rolled his eyes and asked with a smile.

"You recognize me?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.


Chen Wangsheng was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing: "Oh, Mr. Ye, what are you talking about? You are a big star! You are a household name! Who doesn't know!"

"Boss Chen is quite clever."

Ye Yang nodded.

When Chen Wangsheng saw that Ye Yang knew his name at all, he already knew in his heart that the other party was eyeing the scrap iron factory!

He put his hands to his waist guiltily...

"Why were you so afraid when you saw me just now?"

Ye Yang asked with a faint smile.

"Oops! I'm so deep in the mountains and forests. Suddenly someone speaks from behind. Of course I'm scared!"

Chen Wang was smiling but not smiling, but he could hear it clearly!

The opponent is the Chinese Lieutenant General!

Since he has already set his sights on the scrap iron factory and appears here, he must be prepared!

The more he thought about it, the weaker his feet became. He was a life-loving person. At this time, his brain was running rapidly, trying to find a way out.

"What's in the bag?"

Ye Yang questioned calmly. Originally, according to the plan tonight, he was going to take someone to take Chen Wangsheng away for interrogation on the grounds of investigating tax evasion.

Use him as a breakthrough to find out the whereabouts of other core members.

Now only the scrap iron factory has been found to be the core headquarters.

However, the internal information is unclear, including the opponent's firepower, intelligence, staffing, and escape route.

Once the enemy is alerted, it will be difficult to end well, and it will also cause unnecessary casualties to the soldiers.

But as soon as he got here to take a look at the other party's factory, the other party came out of the hole under his feet with a look of disgrace and furtiveness.

It was late at night, and a timid person would probably be scared to death if he came here.

"These are all things used for sports, haha..."

Chen Wangsheng was sweating profusely. The pursuers behind him were probably coming soon, and he bumped into Ye Yang in front: "Mr. Ye, if you are fine, I will run first..."

With that said, he wanted to leave.

"Wait a minute."

Ye Yang said lightly.

Chen Wangsheng put his hand on his waist instantly: "Is there anything else, Mr. Ye?"

"Just a reminder, there's someone behind you."

Ye Yang crossed his arms with his chest.

Chen Wangsheng turned his head stiffly and found that there were two thugs in suits standing behind him.

Two thugs in suits crawled out fiercely. Just as they were about to kill someone, they saw Ye Yang and froze there.

"Haha! Boss, why are you here! The secretary is looking for you! There is a big financial problem, come back with us!"

Two thugs in suits, one on the left and one on the right, grabbed Chen Wangsheng and tried to run into the tunnel.

"General Ye, save me!!!"

Chen Wangsheng can no longer pretend at this moment. He will die if he goes back!

At this time, Lian Lian shouted in horror.

"Oh? Why did you start calling me General Ye?"

Ye Yang joked.

"General Ye, please stop playing tricks on me, an honest man! If you don't save me, I will die! I know the defense and situation inside very well! Please save me! Please! I am of great use!!! I tell you, I’ll tell you all!”

Chen Wangsheng spoke very fast, and his desire to survive was overwhelming.

"Boss, you are crazy again!"

The eyes of the two thugs in suits flashed fiercely, and they immediately took out their guns.

Prepare to kill Chen Wangsheng directly here.

Even if the two of them die, they can't let Ye Yang know so many secrets of the base!


In the distance, a sniper rifle was equipped with a silencer, and bullets were fired instantly.

The arms of the two thugs in suits were knocked off!


The two of them were fierce and ready to kill with a knife in the other hand.


Two gunshots were fired.

Two bloody holes appeared between the eyebrows of the two thugs...

"He is really a desperado, a man who wants to die."

Ye Yang shook his head lightly.

As scoundrels, these two can be considered loyal.

Chen Wangsheng collapsed on the ground, too frightened to get up.

Only then did he realize that in the distance, there were special warriors all over the mountains and plains! ! !

Say less about hundreds of people!

Whenever he took out the knife from his waist just now, it would turn into a sieve on the spot!

The special police, special operations, and military commanders in charge of this operation all came over.

"Good luck."

Ye Yang clapped his hands: "He is indeed an executive of Black Source, and he should have a lot of information in his mouth."

As he spoke, he opened the black bag.

"Oh, just a touch of gold?"

Ye Yang took out the bank cards and asked, "How much money is there?"

"One...more than 100 million."

Chen Wangsheng did not dare to lie.

"Why would you sacrifice your life for just over 100 million?"

Ye Yang shook his head: "I thought Black Source had done so many unscrupulous things, and the people in charge were richer. But in the end, just for this little profit, you did such an inhumane thing. ?”

Chen Wangsheng shook his head repeatedly: "I have been in charge of the scrap metal factory for so many years. I have not participated in those black things at all... I don't have any blood on my hands! I know that confession will be lenient! I know that I have not committed a serious crime, so I dare to confess to you! If my hands were stained with blood, I would not resist today and would commit suicide directly!"

Ye Yang patted Chen Wangsheng's head: "Who do you think you are? If you fall into my hands, life and death are not up to you! Do you understand?"

Chen Wangsheng looked at Ye Yang... Are you really a general? I think you are more like a gangster than me...

Of course, he dared not say this inner complaint.

"Okay, tell me everything you know, and then we will naturally count your crimes. We have preferential treatment for those who have a good attitude of admitting mistakes!"

The police officer next to him helped to play the red face.

"Okay, okay! This police officer is kind and easy to talk to!"

Chen Wangsheng repeatedly shook out all the information he knew.

He himself had no good feelings towards the black source.

If it weren't for the high income and being tied there, with his life and death controlled by the other party, he would have wanted to run away long ago.

At this moment, he wanted to tell the president's ancestors in detail.

"Just pick out the key points."

Ye Yang frowned.

The other party had actually noticed the unusual movement...

This operation is top secret. If the other party knows the existence of the Awakening Lion Operation, then the things behind it will be a bit tricky.

"Immediately change the original plan, tonight, directly assemble the whole army!"

Ye Yang's eyes were like lightning.

Want to run away?

Is China a place where these thieves can come and go as they please! ?


After saluting, several executives immediately went to coordinate and deploy.

Fortunately, he came to scout the place in person today and ran into Chen Wangsheng. If he followed the original plan, these alert scumbags would probably run away through the underground secret passage...

(Second update)

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