Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 794 After all, who would get angry with their grandson?

"That's Miss Qin Kelan!"

Someone spotted Qin Kelan getting off the plane and waved and waved the flowers in his hand.

"Miss Qin Kelan, I've heard of your name for a long time. Could you please honor me with a chat?"

"Miss Qin, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

"I was here first, is there a first come first served?"

"Love has no priority. I'm devoted to Miss Qin! You're just trying to get close to the Qin family!"

"It's so funny. My family is a family worth hundreds of billions, and your family has only tens of billions of assets. You're not qualified to say that I'm trying to get close to the Qin family! I think it's you who's trying to get close to the Qin family!"


"Here we go again..."

Qin Kelan sighed.

Although she had many suitors before, she was still very reserved. Since she was promoted to the core of the Qin family, these people have been like crazy, blocking the airport to confess their love...

It's really speechless.

Don't say that she is the core daughter of a family worth hundreds of billions, don't say that she already has someone in her heart.

Even if she were an ordinary girl, if she had a brain, she probably wouldn't like such a blind and fanatical pursuer, right?

"Money can make people's hearts move~"

Qin Wenxian looked at these second-generation and third-generation rich people from all over the country and smiled.

Qin Kelan shook her head: "Let's leave the airport quickly."

"I think we can take pictures of these guys. By then, with Ye Yang's little man's temper, I'm afraid these people will have to pay the price."

Qin Wenxian smiled evilly.

"Oh, don't cause trouble for him!"

Qin Kelan said repeatedly.

"Look how sorry I am for you. I see that he eats, drinks and has fun every day, and he doesn't have anything serious to do. Isn't it good to cause some trouble to make his life more colorful?"

Qin Wenxian sneered.


The two of them were joking here.

The Qin sisters who were originally expected to be trained were unhappy.

Especially Qin Keyan, who was the most valued before, curled her lips.

Isn't it just hanging out with a big shot? !


Just a chess piece of the family!

You are just a chess piece chosen by the family for marriage!

You can't become a big shot!

Don't think that the family spoils you now, humph, time will prove everything! ! !

She was holding back a breath of anger in her heart, and at this moment, she shook her head and wanted to leave quickly.


At this moment of noisy voices, the roar of a super sports car suddenly echoed.

All the second-generation rich people frowned.

Nowadays, this place is also a gathering of celebrities. The second-generation rich and the third-generation rich from all over China are here. Who doesn't have a few sports cars?

Who is this!

Dare to show off in front of these second-generation rich and third-generation rich people! ?

Show the throttle sound of a sports car? !

It's just showing off in front of Guan Gong...

When they saw the car that made the roaring sound, their contempt was instantly choked in their throats. It was not right to swallow it back, nor was it right to spit it out.

Koenigsegg One1!

The most expensive mass-produced sports car in the world, recognized by everyone, the king of super sports cars!

The price is 130 million Chinese Yuan!!!

Even among the rich second and third generations present, there are many billionaires and 100 billionaires behind them.

But looking at these people, no one has a Koenigsegg One1 in his hand!

"Big brother!"


Some of the rich second and third generations of billionaires were silent at this time. The car completely crushed them. They have the capital to show off!

When others show sports cars in front of them, they can only watch...

They have no right to fight back at all.

And the younger generations of the 100 billionaires looked bad.

"It feels like a strong enemy!!!"

Although they felt dangerous in their hearts, they refused to accept it.

The intention of driving the sports car here is very obvious.

That is, just like them, they came here to capture Qin Kelan's heart.

"Whose kid is this? How much money did your family make to buy a sports car worth hundreds of millions for a junior like you?"

"It's flashy and frivolous! I guess I don't have much ability, and I rely on my parents' love! I really don't know what to say. Don't look at my young age, I have billions of assets under my name! I manage them all by myself! This is called ability! I never envy my peers who drive famous cars or live in big villas! Only when you are strong yourself can you be really strong!"

A big-time king was full of arrogance, patting the Rolls-Royce he just bought next to him, vowing to beat the momentum of this newcomer.

Several second-generation rich people from the 10 billion group around him rolled their eyes, come on, big brother, you usually brag about your favorite car, and you brag more vigorously than anyone else!

Now that you can't compare cars with others, you start to say that you are really strong.

"Haha, I am not talented, but I have real estate worth 10 billion yuan to allocate!"

"You are too vulgar. Do you think managing your own business is a skill? I graduated from Harvard Business School! I have also made a name for myself in the international financial world~ This is real knowledge!"


For a while, all the kings who were stimulated by Ye Yang's Koenigsegg showed their magical powers.

Demonstrating their own strength.


The car door opened.

Ye Yang got out of the car.

The noise in the field suddenly quieted down.


"Damn! It's this big brother!"

"I didn't say anything just now, testify for me!"

The local young masters in the Magic City shut up instantly, as scared as mice seeing a cat.

The one who is close to the water gets the moon first. Most of the people present today are the second and third generation of the local rich in Shanghai.

"Didn't you have such an aura just now, trying to win the heart of Miss Ke Lan? What's wrong now? Are you scared?!"

The few young masters from other places saw that the local rich second generation in Shanghai was so scared that they dared not breathe, and they burst into laughter on the spot.

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, Mr. Ye, our fathers have to stand up and salute and treat him respectfully. You'd better not do stupid things."

"Don't persuade him, don't persuade him, let him go up and show off, let them experience the power of Ye Shenhao!"

"That's right, you have been strengthened, come on!"

The local rich second generation in Shanghai encouraged with a sly smile.

"If you let me go, I will go!? I won't go!"

The other rich second generations also smelled something wrong, and for a while, they didn't dare to be too rash.

The attitude of these local rich second generations in Shanghai towards Ye Yang

If you are scared of seeing a super-big shot of your grandfather's generation, it would be strange if there is no ghost...

The whole audience quickly calmed down.

From beginning to end, Ye Yang didn't say a word.

He just opened the door, got out of the car, and showed up.

As long as he stood here, it explained everything!

All the criticisms disappeared instantly because of his appearance...

He glanced at these rich second-generations indifferently, without any idea of ​​paying attention to them. With his current status and pattern, he naturally wouldn't care about the nonsense of these children.

Communicating with people of the level of General Dong every day, his mentality has unconsciously aged several generations.

Looking at these rich second-generations again, it feels like looking at grandchildren.

After all, who would be angry with their grandchildren?

(First update)

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