Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 795: See the whole picture from a small perspective?

"Is this Ye Yang?"

The girls of the Qin family all looked at Ye Yang.

Qin Keyan looked at Ye Yang carefully and frowned slightly. It was this man who made Qin Kelan surpass her status in the family.

He did show his extraordinaryness the moment he showed up, without saying anything.

As soon as he got off the car, he instantly shocked all the children in the Magic City, including the self-esteemed second-generation rich people of the 100 billion group, who were extremely respectful.

This really made her very concerned.

But, the Qin Group is an international trading company!

A Chinese businessman, no matter how powerful, how could the family instantly promote Qin Kelan to a core position?

And she was legitimately going to be engaged to the son of an international tycoon!

This status is actually not as good as Ye Yang! ?

She couldn't believe this anyway. After all, Ye Yang looked like he had just graduated from college. Even if he was a superstar in the world, superstars were nothing in front of real financial tycoons.

The Qin family must value the family behind Ye Yang.

But in the Ye family in the Magic City, I have never heard of anyone who can rival the international giants!

Even if we look at the Chinese business world, there are no more than ten people who can rival the international financial giants, and none of these ten people are surnamed Ye!

She has always been very unconvinced.

The factional struggles in the Qin family are still very serious, and information is not shared. They only know that Qin Kelan's status has been improved because of Ye Yang.

But how powerful Ye Yang is, with the power of their branch, it is still impossible to find out.

However, it is obvious that these weak shrimps below cannot be tested.

At this time, below, the young masters have automatically separated into two groups, making way for Ye Yang.

Qin Kelan trotted down the plane gangway and gave Ye Yang a solid hug.

She whispered in his ear.

"Finally see you again, I miss you so much..."

Ye Yang looked at Qin Kelan's slightly red face and smiled gently.

Qin Kelan had told him on WeChat before that she was arranged by the International Qin Group to receive core business training. She must have suffered a lot during this period.

He patted Qin Kelan's little head: "Me too."


"It turns out that Miss Kelan is Brother Ye's girlfriend!"

"We are wrong! We were just talking nonsense. Brother Ye, don't take it to heart. We are also on a family mission..."

"Yes, yes!"

The local young man in the Magic City was shocked when he saw this scene and kept apologizing.

They were actually poaching Ye Yang's girlfriend just now! ?

Fortunately, they were just pretending to be cool with each other, otherwise they would be miserable if they were caught by Ye Yang...

Even the group behind them couldn't bear Ye Yang's anger, let alone these young people.

Which of the forces in the Magic City that opposed Ye Yang, from big to small, was not tossed to extremes?

"What a bunch of cowards."

Qin Keyan frowned, it seems that she can only come forward herself.

She came up and smiled faintly: "Kelan, this must be Mr. Ye, whom our family admires, right?"

Ye Yang looked at Qin Keyan. He had experienced too much now, and he could see through a person's thoughts at a glance.

This was related to his experience, and also to his physical fitness and Chinese martial arts.

In Chinese martial arts, there is a saying about observing the qi.

If the physique is good, the perception is also stronger, and a person's slight expression changes cannot escape his gaze.

So, it is not a lie that those in high positions can see through a person at a glance.

Although Qin Keyan hid it well, the sour taste still could not escape Ye Yang's perception.

When he was chatting with Qin Keyan, he heard Qin Keyan say that now her status in the Qin Group has risen.

With Ye Yang's current grasp of human nature, seeing Qin Keyan say this, he basically understood everything.

This is a rat that has touched the cheese, and it came up to sell jealousy.

He raised his lips. As Qin Kelan's man, he naturally had to clear all her troubles. This was his promise to his woman.

Since the other party wanted to come up and sell jealousy today.

Then, he would take this opportunity to clear all worries for Qin Kelan!

"Mr. Ye, you don't know that Kelan's status in the Qin family has risen because of her relationship with you! Now she is already the core!"

Qin Keyan smiled.

"As her boyfriend, I should know more than you and know more than you."

Ye Yang said lightly.

Qin Keyan's face changed slightly.

This Ye Yang is too arrogant!

He didn't take her seriously at all! ?

She sneered: "I know that Mr. Ye is a noble and powerful person behind him, but I can't understand why my fiancé, who is also the son of an international tycoon, doesn't have the good fortune of Kelan and is promoted by the family?"


The scene suddenly became abuzz with discussions.

It is worthy of being an international Qin family!

Miss Qin Keyan is actually the fiancée of the son of an international financial tycoon! ?

This! ?

This is breaking news!

Marriage is always the most powerful way to increase family strength!

A father-in-law who is a financial tycoon, this weight is very heavy! ! !

"Maybe it's because you are really unlucky."

Ye Yang taunted mercilessly, leaving no room for negotiation.


Qin Keyan frowned, glanced at Qin Kelan, and smiled faintly: "Mr. Ye is not polite."

Ye Yang smiled faintly: "The son of the world's richest man has to call himself a junior in front of me. If you are just the son of an ordinary international rich man, it is natural that you don't get the same promotion as Ke Lan. "



The foreign young men who didn't know the truth took a breath when they heard this.

What a Ye Yang, the rich man!

How arrogant!

At the age of twenty, he actually said that the son of the richest man had to call himself a junior when he saw him! ?

Note that it is not a peer relationship, but calling himself a junior!

Doesn't that mean that Ye Yang put himself on the same level as the world's richest man! ?

What is his support that makes him so arrogant at such a young age! ?

However, the local young men in the Magic City were not shocked. This was the existence that made Wang Silin apologize in person and Mark King bow his head and call him boss!

Basically, he will be the undisputed first in the next selection of the richest man in China.

They don't know whether they can have an equal relationship with the world's richest man. They only know that in China, Ye Yang is qualified to speak loudly to any businessman in the world.

"Mr. Ye's tone is really unique in my life, but I don't know if your strength can match your tone."

Qin Keyan smiled lightly: "Of course, whether what you said is true or not, I, a little girl from a small international family, have no way to verify it... However, we can get a glimpse of the whole picture!"

(Second update)

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