Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 800 People must pay the price for the evil they have done

"You think I don't dare?"

The female boxers always took out the spiked knives in their arms.

"This is what is written on Taobao. It is a legal self-defense knife for single women when going out! The sisters on Weibo recommended it to me! If I stab you to death with this knife, your family will have to compensate me! Do you know?"

The female boxing fighter looked arrogant and laughed.


When they saw her actually taking out a knife, everyone was so frightened that they quickly moved away from this scourge.

"Everyone on the Internet says that female boxers are stupid. I really saw it today!"

"Why are others deceiving you? How did such a person grow up!? He was sold and counted the money for others."

"That's right!"

"You actually believe there is something legal about stabbing someone with a knife, oh my god!"

"But that businessman is also awesome. He enjoys eating steamed buns with human blood so much. For such an unscrupulous businessman, if he doesn't go bankrupt and close down, he gets hit by a car on the road, and gives birth to a child without an asshole, I'm sorry for the evil he did!"

"That's right, that's right..."

After keeping a safe distance, the crowd whispered incessantly.

Ye Yang frowned.

I checked on my phone and found that it was indeed there. It seems that this store owner is also an instigator who is afraid of chaos in the world!

He sneered and would take care of the merchant later.

"Apologise, or I'll stab you!"

The female boxing fighter raised her neck, extremely proud.

"You have committed such a big crime and you still expect others to apologize to you? Go to the bureau and reflect on it."

Ye Yang said calmly.

"Why are you so awesome? Do you think having a little money is a big deal!? My sisters on Weibo will support me! You disgusting Guo Nan will never stand up!"

The female boxing fighter became more and more confident as she spoke and rushed over.

There was also a hint of evil in Ye Yang's eyes. He himself hated evil as much as he hated evil. This kind of garbage that pollutes other people's views is more hateful than killing people!


With a slap, the female boxing fighter was thrown away on the spot and hit the car. She suffered multiple fractures in an instant and collapsed directly on the ground.

"How dare you hit a woman! You are committing a heinous crime! I want to arrest you!"

When Xiao Wang saw this scene, he was so angry that his nose was crooked, and he was about to come forward in a fierce manner.

Ye Yang glanced at him coldly: "Are you blind? Can't you see that she wants to kill me?"

"That girl just said a few angry words! She didn't really stab you to death! But you hit her hard! You are really not a man!"

Xiao Wang was so angry that he accused him.


Ye Yang stared at Xiao Wang and approached him directly.

"What are you going to do!? Attack the police!? I warn you this is a serious crime!"

Xiao Wang was so frightened that his legs trembled.

The power of Ye Yang's slap that sent people flying just now was so terrifying!

Anyone who sees it will tremble.

"The reason why female boxing is so popular is that you, a humble dog licker like you, have a lot to do with it! As a public servant of the people, you come out to engage in gender privileges! You do not uphold justice and use such unreasonable punishment methods. , Not worthy of being a human being, let alone a police officer!”

Ye Yangchen shouted.

Xiao Wang was frightened by his terrifying momentum and collapsed: "Calm down..."


In the distance, police sirens sounded.

Five police cars and dozens of police officers came out.

Many of them are armed SWAT police with a lot of firepower.

As if seeing a savior, Xiao Wang shouted repeatedly: "Come quickly! Someone is attacking the police!!!"

The armed police rushed over instantly.

"Yes, yes! Catch this guy quickly!!!"

Before Xiao Wang could finish his words, he was violently turned over and pinned to the ground.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

The special police officers separated, and several big guys from the Magic City Police Department rushed over in a panic.

"General Ye! We are late."

"You weren't hurt, were you?"

Most of them had seen Ye Yang's power. That night, he was surrounded by a black source in the restaurant. Ye Yang directly swung a three hundred kilogram solid wood table and knocked away seven or eight trained armed killers. Although this matter was not publicized to the outside world, with this video, these officers still achieved their goal.

Therefore, they also knew that the possibility of these people causing harm to Ye Yang was extremely low.

However, you still have to ask.

Otherwise it will appear to be dereliction of duty.

Ye Yang smiled lightly: "It's okay. You guys got here pretty quickly."

"We received the report from our subordinates! Then we rushed over quickly."

The top officers of the police department all laughed.

They are all aware of Ye Yang's true identity within the system and must not miss it, so they are extremely concerned about Ye Yang's whereabouts.

This time, Ye Yang didn't look for them at all. They found out on their own and ran over on their own initiative.


Xiao Wang was frightened.

Damn it.

Aren't these the most awesome ones in the Magic City police system? ?

Why are they here! ?

And I respectfully apologized to this guy! ?

General Ye! ?

He is a general! ?

Are there any generals so young? ?

He was confused.

"What's going on! Tell me clearly!"

Several officers in the police force were very angry and asked again and again.


After some talk...


This was so serious that the officer's nose was so angry that he was so angry.

"Who recruited this guy? What kind of quality is this? Can such a person enter the police force system? Did he use the backdoor? Investigate thoroughly! Not only him, but also those who arranged him in, those who used the backdoor, and those corrupt officials, all of them should be investigated and kicked out of the police force system of Shanghai!!!!"

Several officers were very angry.

This is General Ye!

One of the most powerful people in China today, with direct access to the highest level, with unparalleled power and wealth!

If such a super boss is arrested by an unreasonable traffic policeman in Shanghai, it would be a joke. After investigation, the heads of Shanghai are at risk of losing their hats!

"Is this how you usually deal with problems?!"

Several officers were so angry that they were fuming: "Investigate! Investigate thoroughly! How can people in the public sector serve the people with such values? All those with incorrect values ​​should be dismissed! Is this how they use the power given to them by the people?!"

The onlookers around shouted.

It's so satisfying! ! !

The two girls who were so arrogant just now were so weak at the sight of this scene, not to mention pretending.

"How do they deal with it?"

Someone asked.

"You are the person in charge of the police system, and you want me to tell you how to deal with it?"

Ye Yang asked back indifferently.

"Ahem, General Ye, you are teaching me!"

A department supervisor waved his hand and said, "The woman with a knife just now will be charged with attempted murder, instigating murder, attacking senior state officials, and threatening national security. As for the two who stabbed the driver, our opinion is that they attempted murder, and they should be compensated and sentenced."

Both girls were pale and paralyzed by fear.

"We are girls! We have the right to make mistakes! We will always be children! How can you treat us like this!"

Both of them cried.

"People should be responsible for what they have done."

Ye Yang said calmly: "If you kill someone on impulse, don't you have to pay for your life? People like you are usually spoiled too much! You don't have to bear the consequences for doing wrong things! This has caused you to think that no matter what you do, it is natural.

You always look like a dog who doesn't care. When the punishment falls on you, look at your collapse. Why don't you say it doesn't matter!? Huh!?"


The two girls were speechless and lowered their heads. For the first time, they felt powerless and helpless.

They have committed suicide too much, and finally met a tough guy today.

The law of nature is cyclical, and retribution is inevitable.

If you do evil, you will be punished!

The specific charges will be determined by the court.

They are just providing suggestions. Of course, the suggestions have been put forward, and the results are almost the same...

(First update)

Time flies. This book has been written for a year, and the time in the book has passed for a year.

Today, it has officially reached 800 chapters!

Thanks to the fans who have been following~ Jiuyang loves you~

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