Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 801 Stock Market Prediction Card


The onlookers were delighted.

Related videos instantly became popular on the Internet!

"Oh my God! I finally see justice! I finally see the light!"

"This garbage should be cleaned up! It's too difficult for normal people like us to live!"

"Yeah, after watching the video of the guy being stabbed, but the woman who stabbed him was not punished at all, I went to a blacksmith overnight to customize a chainmail armor, and now I drive a taxi and wear it every day."

"It's really hard for us...ugh!"

"What a relief! Ye Shenhao is my idol! He is so good at upholding justice!"

"Yes, yes, I have been holding my breath for several days, and watching this video has relieved me a lot..."

Most netizens feel very happy.

But Weibo has set off a trend of evil. Female boxing fighters have united together and kept posting to denounce Ye Yang for bullying others and disrespecting women!

A female boxing fighter, the Demon Queen, finished posting her crusade, then turned on her cell phone and reported the incident using a secret software.

International Black Source Villa Headquarters.

The person in charge of this matter was so angry that his nose became crooked when he saw this report.

"Damn it! It took a lot of effort to set off a storm and create so many conflicts, but it was actually resolved easily."

"Why is this Ye Yang everywhere! He's so drunk!"

"I'm furious!"

"He always ruins our good things!!!"

The leaders of several black sources were so angry that they gritted their teeth.

"You must never leave China, otherwise we will cut you into pieces and cut you into thousands of pieces!!!"

They were all very angry, and they all hurriedly looked forward to Ye Yang going abroad so that they could take action.

They definitely don’t dare to go back to China.

"What are you afraid of? He is a public figure. We should label him and use our power to discredit him with public opinion!"

The general manager said calmly.

"Let's try our best...but this Ye Yang seems to have a very high status and power in the public opinion circles in China. Even if we use the power of female fists to attack him, we may not be able to win."

Several leaders of the Black Source organization shook their heads.

"What!? He also has energy in public opinion!? Is he still a human being!?"

The person in charge's eyes widened and he was immediately confused.

How many identities does Ye Yang have? ?

It was driving him crazy.

Is this a superman? ?

He gritted his teeth: "Don't worry so much, just fuck him!!!"


The people below just agreed.

The person in charge regretted it: "Forget it, don't expose too much at once. If he finds out, even if the blame is taken, our public opinion foundation will be uprooted, and we will not be able to continue to develop in China." , expose part of it first and engage him.”



A storm of public opinion against Ye Yang is brewing in silence and is about to reach the battlefield...

However, planning for a big storm takes time.

After Ye Yang returned, he asked his subordinates to contact Taobao to remove merchants selling legal male-killing knives from the shelves. All relevant persons were arrested and investigated by the department.

Restart the investigation into the car jumping case, send more senior personnel to the local area to conduct a review and investigation, and conduct a comprehensive investigation of the persons involved.

All things were arranged in an orderly manner.

It is impossible for him to personally supervise everything. The problems that arise in a huge society must ultimately be solved by his own awakening.

He can only be an initiator...


Qin Kelan held his hand: "Don't worry too much."

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head, suppressing the thoughts in his heart.

Beauty is like jade, right in front of you.

Good times and beautiful scenery should be cherished.

"Master Coach, come and teach me the moves!"

Qin Kelan took Ye Yang to the gym.

She wanted to help Ye Yang change his mood.

Female boxing is such an evil thing that violates the three moral values ​​and is completely incomprehensible. Just thinking about it makes you sick to your stomach. It is like a piece of shit. No matter you eat it or not, even just seeing it is enough to make you sick for a long time.

Especially someone like Ye Yang who shovels shit will feel even more disgusting after the incident.

She had to help Ye Yang heal this psychological shadow.

"What moves are you going to teach today?"

Qin Kelan smiled and teased.

Ye Yang raised the corner of his mouth. He was very mentally strong. He was thinking about how to plan the overall situation when he didn't speak just now. At this time, his mood soon changed.

“Let’s start with the most basic waist and horse integration!”


Soon, the two got into the mood, exercising together, making snapping sounds from time to time.

Qin Kelan likes to exercise and has a very strong body.

The various double movements on various fitness equipment are not difficult for her at all.

Ye Yang is also very creative and has many fitness equipment. He has also developed many novel and comfortable fitness moves.

The two comfortable people exclaimed in admiration.

The sun shines in, golden yellow mixed with a touch of white.

Their presence is left in every corner of the entire fitness room, which is extremely beautiful.

A full night of exercise.

Qin Kelan, the little girl who had experienced nectar after a long drought, fell asleep innocently.

Ye Yang, on the other hand, has a long breath and full of energy.

"Stock market card?"

He took out the system reward he got from buying a diamond brooch during the day and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"What effect does it have?"


Although the system is usually silent, it is still very diligent when Ye Yang has a question.

"The stock market card will accurately predict the stock market based on all realistic conditions. One stock market card can predict one long-term stock and three short-term stocks. The accuracy rate is 99.99999999. Unless an extremely special random event occurs, the trend can be accurately predicted."

The system continued: "Stock market cards are also sold in the system mall. One card is worth 10,000 face value. There are discounts for buying more than three cards at a time~"


Ye Yang rolled his eyes. This system really covets the face value in his hand...

(Second update)

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