Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 804: Making a fortune? Invite experts to the live broadcast room as guests

Sure enough, early the next morning, a video hit the screen.

Tianhe Pharmaceutical broke the ceiling of Huaxia Pharmaceutical Technology, developed a new pharmaceutical technology, and revolutionized the industrial chain of Huaxia Pharmaceutical production.

The medical level of the entire China has suddenly improved a lot!

You know, medical technology has always been China's shortcomings.

This news instantly inspired everyone.

People with a sense of finance started frantically searching for Tianhe Pharmaceuticals on the stock market and wanted to buy shares of Tianhe.

And they were surprised to find that most of the company's shares were almost in Ye Yang's hands...

However, these people are all aware of the ripples brought about by this technological achievement.

Maybe, Tianhe Pharmaceutical will even become the hottest pharmaceutical industry group in China in the next few years!

This wave can be described as a desperate comeback!

too strong!

When everyone thought it was a company that was about to be delisted and could not survive, they suddenly realized that they had just invested all their profits in research and development, holding back a huge move!

The results came out and directly ignited Huaxia Medical!

Everyone was shocked.

"It's been a long time since I've seen this kind of comeback. I have a hunch that Tianhe Pharmaceutical's valuation will skyrocket."

"For sure, Chinese officials will pay attention to this company and will definitely help. This company has an unlimited future!!!"

The market is blind and capital is shallow.

They can only see immediate benefits.

Yesterday, I was still trying my best to badmouth Tianhe Pharmaceutical, and I wanted to sell all my Tianhe Pharmaceutical stocks as soon as possible.

Today I am blowing it up so wildly that I wish I could buy shares of Tianhe Pharmaceutical.

The comparison before and after is really ridiculous.

The blindness of capital is fully exposed.

They don't care what your company is doing or what your company actually is.

Only looking at money, cold and without ideals.

If money is left in the hands of such a group of people, a society will have no future.


In a very short period of time, Tianhe Pharmaceutical's shares skyrocketed from three yuan per share to fifteen yuan per share, a five-fold increase!

It hit the daily limit for a time!

If it weren't for the daily limit system, Tianhe Pharmaceutical's current stock price would probably have skyrocketed!

"Damn it, Ye Shenhao is making a lot of money this time!"

Finally someone realized who the biggest beneficiary of this incident was...

"Good guy, Ye Shenhao doesn't really have inside information, does he?"

"Maybe they just like companies that support research and development of technology and improve their hard power?"

"Haha, he is also a rich man, how can he be so conscientious!?"

"Rich people are also divided into entrepreneurs and businessmen. I think Mr. Ye has a very sense of social responsibility and is very much like an entrepreneur."

"Bah! I don't believe it!"

"Haha, didn't you just spend thousands of dollars upstairs betting that Ye Shenhao couldn't make any money? Now that you lost the bet, you came over to Heiye Shenhao? You can't afford to play, you little trash! You have no strength! Play! Shit!"


After the truth was revealed, the live broadcast room suddenly lost a lot of blackmail.

In the Wang family's courtyard.

"Fuck! Fuck, fuck!"

Wang Xiaocong jumped up with joy when he looked at the stocks that hit their daily limit as soon as the market opened!

He now earns the equivalent of hundreds of millions of dollars every day!

He's almost as awesome as his dad!

His initial capital was only 200 million...

His father originally gave him one billion to start a business. After several years of business, he lost money.

I have only been following Brother Ye for more than ten days, and I have already made a lot of money!

He danced happily and had the idea of ​​building a living shrine for Ye Yang.

Qin Feng directly chatted with Aite Wang Xiaocong in the group: "How is it? What I said is right, right? Brother Xinye is absolutely right!"

"Haha, from now on, if Brother Ye asks me to go east, I will never go west! If Brother Ye asks me to steal a dog, I will never touch a chicken!"

"Haha, look at your potential, Brother Ye said, this is just a small test, there will be more to come. The fun has just begun!"

"Fuck! There's more!?"

Wang Xiaocong has a big mouth, is he so awesome! ?


Qin Feng was very happy.

Yundingshan Villa.

Yu Mo held the data pad sexily and calculated it for Ye Yang: "Now that the net value of the stock market is calculated, boss, you have earned almost 5 billion."


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

He only invested one billion, but he already earned four or five billion in just a short time! ?

Stock trading is really fascinating.

But this thing is almost the same as gambling.

You can become a rich man in ten days, but you can also fall into the quagmire in ten days.

"In a few days, the rally will almost be over, and we can divest."

Ye Yang said calmly.

"No, boss, the price of Tianhe is rising rapidly now. I feel that if we follow the market rules, there will be at least one month before the price rises."

She comes from a financial background and makes her own professional judgment.

Ye Yang shook his head: "For foreign countries, it is possible, but for China, the situation is different."

"You mean?"

Yu Mo was stunned.


Even if there was no stock market prediction card to tell him this time, Ye Yang still got some inside information on his own.

The next day, an interview program was broadcast live in Ye Yang's live broadcast room.

"Ye Shenhao is on the air again!"

"I heard that Ye Shenhao has made a lot of money recently!"

"It's so funny. Ye Shenhao's bets are all in the hundreds of billions! A few billion against Mr. Ye is just a drop in the bucket!"

"Haha... that's right. But I got angry when I saw those so-called experts and professors say that Ye Shenhao would never make money. I even bet with them and now I've made a lot of money. Hehe, Mr. Ye is really the God of Wealth for us fans!"

"That's right, me too!"

"Haha... By the way, Ye Shenhao, what are you broadcasting today!?"


The audience was very enthusiastic.

"Ahem... today, I invited this... expert in the financial circle."

Ye Yang cleared his throat, raised his mouth, and waved to the door.

Outside the live broadcast room, the two hurricane bodyguards gently let go of Zhang Yi and smiled at him kindly.

Zhang Yi's mouth trembled, pushed the door, and walked into the live broadcast room...

"That's right, it's our Mr. Zhang Yi."

Ye Yang introduced lightly.

"Fuck! Ye Shenhao knows how to play!"

"I'm dying of laughter!"

"Who is this? Haven't you heard of him?"

"He's the old guy who swore on the radio program a few days ago that Mr. Ye would never make any money and would eat shit if he made money!"

"Haha, fuck... Execution in public! Too awesome!"

"Ye Shenhao really plays like a slut!"

"This is called tit for tat. I feel so good before the interview even started!"

"Look at this beast's embarrassed look, it really makes me want to laugh!"


When Zhang Yi walked in, the live broadcast room was immediately filled with a happy atmosphere...

(First update)

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