Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 805: Not even as good as Buffett?

"Hello, Expert Zhang."

Ye Yang smiled and greeted.

"Um, hello Mr. Ye..."

Zhang Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He nodded and bowed. He felt that he had been disgraced today, but judging from the ferociousness of the two bodyguards at the door.

If I don't allow them to come over to participate in the show, I'm afraid I'll be looking for teeth all over the place.

Rather than looking for teeth all over the place, he chose to lose face.

"I read your previous interview. Didn't you say that I will never make any money? How do you say this today?"

Ye Yang asked doubtfully.


Zhang Yi stammered and couldn't laugh or cry. In the end, he could only say: "It's because I'm not good at academics! The stock market is changing rapidly. No one can predict it so accurately. I also made a mistake..."

"Well, that's not what you said that day."

Ye Yang ruthlessly replayed Zhang Yi's interview that day.

Absolute, impossible, and other arrogant words kept coming.

Zhang Yi was in so much pain that he wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

He kept apologizing to Ye Yang.

"Hahaha, it's so fun to watch!"

"This professor is also here today!"

"Let him mess up! He deserves to be so embarrassed!"

"It's great! Phew..."

"I love you, I love you, Ye Shenhao is so good at teasing people!"


The audience in the live broadcast room were extremely happy when they saw Professor Zhang Yi's embarrassed look.

After all, a large part of the audience now likes to watch embarrassing movies.

Ye Yang didn't embarrass Professor Zhang Yi too much. After all, after today, he has become famous. It is estimated that no one will look for him in the stock market in the future.

He is a rotten fish, and his job will be ruined from now on. No one will ask him to predict anything anymore.

Who would like a so-called expert who talks nonsense, speaks with infinite arrogance, and has obvious major public failures in judgment?


After a period of time.

Tianhe Pharmaceutical's share price rose to 33 yuan. After Ye Yang earned 10 billion, he was ready to sell his shares.

Today, Tianhe Pharmaceutical’s stocks are a hot commodity!

Everyone wants it.

Now I see Ye Yang actually selling the stock.

I don’t know how many people are going crazy to grab it.

Grab it at a higher price!

Everyone went crazy.

After selling all the stocks in his hands, Ye Yang earned more than 10 billion in cash.

You know, it’s only been twenty days since I bought it!

In twenty days, it doubled tenfold!

This is so dreamy!

"It's a pity that Tianhe Pharmaceutical is too small, and if you invest too much, the return rate will not be very high."

Ye Yang shook his head.

He is also looking forward to what kind of income the stock that comes with the prediction card will bring him.

However, now is not the time to buy that great stock.

Still have to wait a while.

Ye Yang stretched his body towards the sun.

Before, I made money by spending money.

This feeling of making 10 billion by playing stocks based on technology is very real.

"It feels a bit like a financial tycoon!"

Ye Yang smiled faintly.

The next day, China made adjustments and responded.

Prevent capital from controlling technology companies and make corresponding corrections to the stock market.

After receiving this news, a large amount of capital fled, and Tianhe Pharmaceutical's stock fell sharply again...

Subsequently, a large part of Tianhe Pharmaceutical Company's sold stocks were acquired by state-owned assets. Subsequently, the stock price began to stabilize. Although it was also rising, it no longer had the crazy increase caused by blind capital investment.

"Boss, your skills are simply amazing."

Yu Momo admired: "Even the world's top financial giants or stock gods would find it difficult to master such perfect timing of entry and exit. This time, I can only say that... it is impeccable and perfect!"


Ye Yang smiled and nodded. This was not a boast. After all, the information that humans can master is limited.

However, this stock market prediction card can take almost all factors into consideration and make the best choice.

Even the so-called stock gods are still human after all, and there is no way they can compete with this kind of ability.

"I made a lot of money this time."

Yu Mo was very happy.

Although following Ye Yang, you don't have to worry about money at all, but making money yourself and getting money from others are completely different feelings.

The sense of accomplishment alone is completely incomparable.

"How much money did the little rich woman make?"

Ye Yang asked with a smile.

"It's harmful. It's worth several hundred million. It's not as good as a hair on the master's thigh."

Yu Mo smiled.

"Then do you know how much hair the master has on his legs?"

Ye Yang gave a bad laugh.

"Then go to bed and count carefully~"

Yu Momo and Ye Yang are now partners with an incomparable understanding. With every word, they can understand each other's meaning and make the gesture that the other party expects.

"You really understand me..."

Ye Yang slapped Yu Momo's butt and smiled.

"After all, Momo is already in the shape of you, the master~"

Yu Momo gasped and laughed at the same time.


The second day.

Ye Yang flipped through the calendar. Ye Xiaozi was taking the college entrance examination these days.

China has deep feelings about the college entrance examination.

Every few days, you can feel the difference in the atmosphere.

Cars that pass by the examination room will not honk, so gentle.

"I should go see her too."

Ye Yang smiled.

When he took the college entrance examination, his family conditions were still ordinary. During the days of the college entrance examination, he was under a lot of pressure, which led to his failure in the college entrance examination and he was admitted to a 211 university. Otherwise, he could have at least been admitted to a 985 university.

Now that he is rich, his sister does not have to bear such great pressure.

He went to the examination room this time mainly to reminisce about the past.

He is still nostalgic.

He randomly chose a Pagani Fengshen and drove to the outside of the examination room like the wind.

Huaxia attaches great importance to the examination room.

There are strict management inside and outside.

He also parked far away and waited at ease.

Soon, the comprehensive science test was over in the morning, and Ye Xiaozi ran out jumping.

"How did you do in the test?"

Ye Yang asked with a smile.

"It's just so-so. I won't think about it after the test, so as not to affect my mentality."

Ye Xiaozi shook her head.

"Haha... your attitude is pretty good."

Ye Yang rubbed Ye Xiaozi's forehead: "I've prepared the best nutritious lunch for you for the college entrance examination. Take a nap after eating."


The college entrance examination venues are all randomly selected.

This examination venue is just an ordinary high school. It's enough to be envied by a million-dollar luxury car.

Where have these students ever seen a super sports car like Pagani Fengshen in front of them! ?

"Oh! I hate that I didn't study hard for the past three years! If I had studied hard day and night for the past three years, maybe I could drive such a super sports car in the future!"

"Don't dream, go back and have a good nap. If you were born without this top super sports car worth tens of millions, you might not be able to get full marks in the college entrance examination... No, you just can't drive it."

(Second update)

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