Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 806 Jinsheng Restaurant, Wenqu Meal

The classmate pondered for a moment, and then nodded with deep approval: "However, if I get admitted to Qingbei, it is possible for my grandson to drive such a car. If it takes three generations of hard work to drive, then, after all, Someone needs to be the first generation, right?”


The classmate next to him gave him a thumbs up.

Because there was still an exam in the afternoon, Ye Yang and Ye Xiaozi ate some boiled cabbage and the like at the state banquet. The real meal would be eaten out after the exam in the afternoon.

In the last subject, Ye Xiaozi was relaxed and happy.

Ye Yang changed into a Lamborghini Poison to pick her up.


The classmates who were in the same examination room came out and were confused.

"I remember that the super luxury car at noon looked different from this one, right?"

A young rich man next to him looked at the astonished look of the two people and sneered: "The one at noon is called Pagani Fengshen, priced at 60 million. This one is called Lamborghini Poison, and its price has almost risen to 80 million recently."

"I'll go, awesome!"

The classmates next to me were all surprised.

The classmate who was inspired to be the first generation also sighed.

I'm afraid the three generations have said that there is too little...

I don’t know if he will be able to see his great-grandson acquire such a wealthy family business while he is still alive.

"Finally liberated!"

Ye Xiaozi cheered.

Ye Yang laughed and patted Ye Xiaozi's little head.

It only took a year for her to become rich. Ye Xiaozi had been preparing for the college entrance examination for twelve years. The special significance of the college entrance examination to her heart could not be offset by having money.

Now that the college entrance examination is over, I naturally feel a sudden sense of relaxation.

"Now my brother can't avoid me every day because I have to take the college entrance examination. I want my brother to accompany me well during this holiday!"

Ye Xiaozi pouted her mouth and said coquettishly.

"Okay! I originally wanted our family to have a good time."

Ye Yang smiled and said: "In a few days, I will take you and your parents to travel together."

"Yeah! Long live my brother!"

Ye Xiaozi was in a very good mood at the moment: "By the way, Sister Wanrou will be here soon."


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and then nodded.

The big meal he ordered was not more than one person.


With a beautiful flick, a cute pink Lamborghini mini parked next to Lamborghini Poison, like the little wife next to a domineering president.

This scene made the students walking out of the examination room open their mouths.

Luxury cars that are usually very rare to see are coming in an endless stream today!


Li Wanrou gave Ye Yang a handsome and gentle two-finger greeting gift. Apparently she had just finished the exam and she was very excited.

Ye Yang smiled lightly and said: "Didn't I say before that you went to Europe to contact foreign universities? Why did you also take the college entrance examination?"

Li Wanrou snorted: "My family insists that I go abroad, and I argue with them... It's a long story. Let's talk about it later over dinner~"

Ye Yang nodded.

"What does brother want to treat us to today?"

Ye Xiaozi asked.

"Just follow me."

Ye Yang laughed.

As the commercial capital of China, Magic City is highly sensitive to commerce.

Now that the college entrance examination is over, parents will take their children to have a big meal.

Not to mention the children of wealthy families, they definitely want to have fun.

This is how the high-end and luxurious college entrance examination celebration banquet was born.

Made for today.


Two Lamborghinis were parked in the parking lot.

Ye Yang got out of the car and looked at the old bungalow in front of him in the jungle of skyscrapers.

Here is one of the top restaurants in Shanghai, a restaurant only open to the wealthy: the Bund Golden Saint Restaurant.

In order not to arouse the jealousy of ordinary people.

Many places are specifically targeted at the rich, and ordinary people don't even know they exist.

For example, this old bungalow, rooted in the Bund Building in the magical city where every inch of land is worth a lot of money, will not publish any information about itself online.

It will only spread its existence among the rich through its network of connections.

Only the truly wealthy are qualified to know of its existence. Here, the most rubbish set meal costs 1.08 million per table.

As for the extremely luxurious ‘Golden Saint Set Meal’, one meal costs tens of millions!

It would not be surprising if a rare immortal banquet could cost RMB 100 million per meal.

However, the ingredients required for the Immortal Banquet are rare in the world. Even if the forces behind the Golden Saint Restaurant search all over the world, they may only be able to pull it together every three to five years.

Sometimes, there is not even a fairy banquet for more than ten years.

One of the soups: King Ginseng Soup, which really uses wild purple mountain king ginseng that is more than 300 years old.

Every time the materials for the Immortal Banquet are gathered, they will be auctioned among the rich. One hundred million is the reserve price!

Ye Yang came here this time and did not order the Golden Saint set meal worth 66660,000 Huaxia coins.

Instead, I ordered the 3985w Wenqu set meal.

Wenquxing is the star that the ancients believed controls literary destiny. Some peerless champions or unparalleled literary giants will be compared to Wenquxing.

This set meal has this meaning.

Although it was much cheaper than the Jin Sheng set meal, which made Ye Yang a little unhappy, it was still a good fortune and a good name.


"Mr. Ye."

Naturally, Jin Sheng will confirm the identity and appearance of the person scheduled in advance, and the welcome ceremony will be very grand, but today is a celebration of the end of the college entrance examination.

Ye Xiaozi walked at the front.

There were falling flowers and elegant music along the way.

The atmosphere was perfect.

"Sit down."

Ye Yang, Ye Xiaozi and Li Wanrou all sat down.

The Western-style manor was decorated in a style that blended the East and the West.

It was extremely luxurious.

Famous calligraphy and paintings, and European art crystals can be seen everywhere, revealing the huge heritage of the Jinsheng Restaurant.

"The environment here is really good."

Ye Xiaozi said with emotion.

"It's not bad."

Ye Yang nodded.

Many people came here to eat the Wenqu Banquet today. For the top rich people, this is the standard for taking their sons out for a good meal.

Ye Yang also saw a few acquaintances. When they saw Ye Yang, they all stood up and greeted him.

Ye Yang smiled and nodded, indicating that they were just going out for a meal today, so don't be restrained.

The bigwigs in the Magic City at the scene all relaxed, and the atmosphere returned to happiness...


After a while, the dishes came up.

The dessert before the meal was a million-dollar dragon beard crisp.

The aperitif was also a Burgundy premium wine.

The ingredients of the various dishes were all world-class, and the cooking methods and ingredients were also extremely luxurious.

If you don’t see these dishes, you can’t imagine that the word “fragrant” can be so varied.

While the three of them were feasting.

A sturdy figure also walked straight towards here.

Li Wanrou looked at the sturdy figure and trembled in her heart.

This guy is really relentless...

Chased him back to China! ?

(First update)

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