Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 807 The most favored disciple of the world's No. 1 boxing champion?


Ye Yang's intuition was very sensitive at this time, and he quickly spotted the big man walking towards him.

He looked closely.

It was a foreigner.

He had a big beard, a typical foreign tough guy look, but he didn't look very old.

He had big muscles on his body, and he looked very explosive.

"Rou! I was wondering why you didn't want to come to my school, it turns out you came back for this kid!"

The European tough guy was so angry that his nose turned red.

Li Wanrou frowned: "What does it have to do with you?"

"Our two families had an engagement before!"

Max frowned and said: "Why did you run away!"


Ye Yang looked at the European tough guy, and then at Li Wanrou.

What the hell...

Li Wanrou was so angry that she gritted her teeth: "You spread rumors everywhere!"

"I didn't spread rumors!"

The European tough guy crossed his chest, looking arrogant.


Li Wanrou was so angry that her face turned red.

"Sit down and talk slowly."

Ye Yang was not in a hurry, and said lightly.

"Our two families have business dealings. When he was a child, he met me when he came to China for tourism. Then the parents of the two families joked about it, and he took it seriously."

Li Wanrou curled her lips: "I went to Europe last month and met him again. He kept telling me about this. If he hadn't mentioned it, I would have forgotten this joke. I didn't expect that he would chase me back now that I have returned to China."


Ye Yang understood: "So that's what happened."

Maxai snorted.

His family is also a wealthy family group. Although this was just a joke when he was a child, he remembered it in his heart.

After all, if Li Wanrou becomes ugly when she grows up, it would be a joke.

If Li Wanrou becomes a great beauty when she grows up, wouldn't it be a huge profit? !

He had never looked for Li Wanrou before, but he suddenly saw her again last month and found that she was really so beautiful.

He remembered this joke instantly and chased Li Wanrou madly.

But it was obvious that Li Wanrou had no interest in him at all.

He thought about it and came to Huaxia to find Li Wanrou's parents. He didn't expect that Li's mother, who was very interested in him back then, had become a different person.

She claimed to respect her daughter's own choice and let her negotiate with her daughter herself. As parents, she would not interfere!

However, Li Wanrou also knew that this was because her mother had met Ye Yang at the Baoli Parents' Meeting and saw his strength. She instantly lost interest in the various future sons-in-law she had found for her before.

She didn't tell her who was better, but just told her to try to get in touch with Ye Yang as much as possible.

After all, whose son can compare to Ye Yang, who is a super rich man?

"Haha, I heard that you don't want to follow your family's arrangement to study in Europe because there is a man in your country that makes you intoxicated!"

Maxey snorted: "It's him, right!?"

"That's right!"

Li Wanrou stood beside Ye Yang: "I didn't go to Europe to study because of him! What do you want!?"

Ye Yang was a little surprised that when Li Wanrou told him these things, she didn't tell him the underlying reasons.

I just said that I prefer to develop in China...

"Humph! I am a European nobleman, so I naturally follow the noble method and come from afar to duel with you!"

Maxey said with a righteous chest.


Ye Yang laughed out loud.

"I don't like you! Don't make trouble here!"

Li Wanrou gritted her teeth in anger: "Love is about mutual love, women are not men's goods, you can take them away if you win the duel! You are insulting me!"

Maxey knew he said the wrong thing, but still said: "Nothing can stop me!"

He looked at Ye Yang: "If you are a man, come and duel!"

Ye Yang crossed his legs and looked at this young European man with blood and spirit with interest: "Do you want to fight with words or with fists?"

"What is a fight with words and what is a fight with fists?"

Maxey asked with a frown.


However, before he could say anything, several rich second-generations who were eating the Wenqu Feast on the side came over boldly.

"Hey!? Where are you from? How dare you show off in front of my brother Ye!"

Ye Yang turned his head and saw the person clearly.

It was Wang Taihao.

He was a little surprised.

This kid was beaten by him a lot in the past.

Now he comes to help him get justice! ?

Wang Taihao was so happy in his heart. Ever since he offended Ye Yang and was beaten up by his uncle Wang Silin, he has been following the family motto and preparing to find a chance to please Ye Yang. However, what kind of status is Ye Yang! ?

Even if his uncle Wang Silin wanted to please Ye Yang, it would be difficult to find a chance.

Not to mention his level.

Today, seeing someone actually looking for trouble with Ye Yang, he was so excited!

The opportunity to show off is here!

So he brought a few younger brothers with him.

"Where are you from again!?"

Maxey was not familiar with the business circle in China. When he saw Wang Taihao, he laughed and said, "This is a feud between me and this guy. You weakling, don't get involved!"

"I'm a weakling!?"

Wang Taihao was so angry that his teeth were itching. Why would a random stranger insult him? ?

"I, Wang Taihao, am a master in Baoli High School. Who in the world of the second-generation rich in Shanghai doesn't know me, Wang Taihao!"

Wang Taihao pointed at Maxai: "You don't need to do anything today, Brother Ye, I will just kick this troublemaker out! How dare a mere foreigner talk nonsense here!"

Wang Taihao was full of arrogance.

He looked righteous.

Ye Yang watched all this happen with interest.

This Maxai was obviously a martial artist. Wang Taihao had no preparation today. If he really wanted to force himself, he would suffer.


Maxai grabbed Wang Taihao's fingers and threw him three or five meters away.


Wang Taihao fell flat on his face and struggled with a bruised face: "Fuck, how can this foreigner be so fierce and just start fighting!"

Before he finished speaking, the few brothers he brought with him had been dealt with by Maxai.

Maxai didn't bother to pay attention to others, and stared at Ye Yang directly: "If you are a man, boxing! The one who can still stand at the end wins!"

"We are eating! What are you doing!?"

Li Wanrou asked angrily.

"Hmph! Weaklings don't deserve to eat!"

McCay is a student of the world's No. 1 boxing champion, Conte Nathan, and is absolutely confident in his own strength.

Ye Yang can eat here, so his family conditions must be no worse than his.

There is no point in comparing money.

Let's speak with fists!


Li Wanrou knew that Ye Yang was a martial arts star and had fought many so-called boxing champions.

But Conte Nathan is the world's No. 1 boxing champion!

He dominates the boxing world and is famous all over the world!

McCay is his favorite disciple.

It's hard to say who will win when these two people face off...

(Second update)

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