Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 808: A debt owed by a punch needs ninety-seven years to be repaid

"You are so unreasonable!"

Li Wanrou hated this muscular man even more.

The big bosses from the Magic City at other tables also stood up, ready to find someone to throw this trouble-making foreigner out at any time.

After all, there are not many opportunities to help Ye Yang.

They all cherish it very much.

But the power of this guy who just knocked out Wang Taihao and others with three punches and two kicks also makes ordinary bodyguards a little timid.

They are just protecting the boss, not thugs.

I don’t want to get beaten for no reason.

Conte Nathan is famous all over the world. It is said that he keeps tigers and bears at home to train with him.

One punch can exert more than a thousand kilograms of force!

Even cement walls can be cracked!

When competing with others, you can often kill your opponent instantly with one move!

I haven’t lost since my debut!

Called a superhuman!

It can be said that it dominates the boxing world for an era, and no one can match it! ! !

His protégé is at least as good as a boxing champion...


Ye Yang smiled lightly: "It would be boring to just have a meal. Filling in a program can also add a little color to my sister's banquet."

"What do you mean! Do you think you can win!?"

Maxey's eyes widened in anger: "The game between us is just an entertainment program for you."

"However, just doing it is not interesting. How about winning or losing?"

Ye Yang asked lightly.

Maxey snorted coldly: "If you lose, you are not allowed to talk to Wanrou again in the future!"


"If I lose..."

He never thought that he would lose.

He has secretly challenged some old boxing champions in the boxing world, but none of them are his opponents!

He is very confident in his own strength.

I often feel that except for his master, no one in the world can be stronger than him.

"If I lose, I will never appear in front of her again!"

Maxey was determined, after all he had huge confidence in himself.


Ye Yang shook his head lightly.

"What? Don't you have the guts to compete?"

Maxey frowned.

"This little bet is not worthy of making me stand up."

Ye Yang shook his head lightly.

"Then what do you want?!"

Maxey frowned.

"Let's do this. I won't bully you. On your terms, I'll bet tens of billions on just one punch."

Ye Yang stood up: "If you can take my punch, you will win."


The whole audience was shocked.

Ten billion!

That’s tens of billions in cash!

Even a family worth hundreds of billions cannot afford so much cash!

"As expected of Ye Shenhao!"

"Mr. Ye is still very courageous!"

Maxey's face turned red. He had practiced boxing since he was a child and was far away from the core of the family. Where did he get so much money?

"I have no money!"

He raised his head confidently.


Ye Yang was speechless for a while. He had already taken care of the other person's family well enough, otherwise he would have wanted to spend hundreds of billions to stimulate the excitement.

The result is not even 10 billion...

Even if you are poor, you won’t be so poor! ?

Everyone present heard Ye Yang's muttering, and they all wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

After all, that’s tens of billions in cash!

Ninety percent of the people present could not take it out at once, and even if they could, they would not be able to use it in a bet...

"I only have 300 million Chinese coins..."

Maxey made a huge blush, and before the competition even started, Ye Yang was completely overwhelmed by his momentum.

But he never values ​​money. A real man should fight!

Blood and violence are the truth!

That’s beauty!


Ye Yang didn't say anything to despise him, but he seemed to have said everything.

"Damn it! Money is nothing! Are you a man or not!? Do you want to compare!?"

Maxey was filled with anger and directly lunged and punched!

The powerful fist wind made a whimpering sound in the air.

A normal adult man's boxing strength is about 80 kilograms, and a boxing champion can punch about 200 kilograms.

The world's top boxing champion can hit 500 kilograms.

Only Conté Nathan, a guy who has surpassed human limits, has doubled the upper limit and can hit an unprecedented one thousand kilograms.

Maxey has now reached the limit of a normal human being, five hundred kilograms!

Even the hardest bones can only withstand 500 kilograms!

This punch is enough to fight a tiger and kill a wolf!

If he hit an ordinary person, he would be killed immediately, but he knew that Ye Yang had defeated some ordinary boxing champions before, and his physical fitness should be very good, so he took action with all his strength.

"You're doing a sneak attack!"

Li Wanrou knew how terrifying Maxey's power was, and she also exclaimed at this time.

Ye Yang watched the punch coming indifferently.

He himself is a master of martial arts, and with his skills, he can move a thousand pounds. Not to mention the gene potion gave him super soldier level strength and speed.

If Taikang Nathan, a superhuman who has been blown up to the sky, comes over, maybe he can fight with him in three moves and two moves.

In his opinion, Maxey's punching power and speed were weaker and slower than a child's random hammering.

He didn't even bother to dodge, and punched him head on!


The terrible collision sound was muffled in the air.

Regardless of the penetration power, the impact force of a rifle bullet is only about 300 kilograms.

And Maxey is very powerful.

Ye Yang's casual punch had at least 2,000 kilograms of force.

Of course, there would be a dull sound!

The dull sound echoed.

The wind from the punch lifted up the tablecloths and skirts around him...


The next moment, Maxey, who claimed to have reached the top level of human boxing champions and had defeated many boxing champions, flew backwards like a kite with a broken string...


The bricks of the villa were all cracked by the shock!


The huge impact force made Maxey spit out a mouthful of blood...

He collapsed to the ground. With his physical fitness, he was paralyzed by a punch and couldn't stand up no matter how hard he struggled...


He couldn't believe Ye Yang, who was standing calmly seven or eight meters away.

At that moment just now, he had the illusion that he was facing his master's full-strength attack...

But, how could that be possible! ?

His head was buzzing... If he hadn't been beaten too much by his master, he would have fainted by now.

"Work to pay back the debt you owe!"

Ye Yang said calmly: "I'll give you a salary of 100 million per year. If you work for me for 97 years, it will be your retirement."


Maxey's eyes rolled up in anger.

Although he was physically strong, his mental preparation was not good, and he was so angry that he fainted...

"Okay, carry you to my construction site to do hard labor. When you wake up, start working. Don't be lazy!"

Ye Yang waved his hand casually.

This kid is too aggressive, but he is not an unforgivable criminal. He can teach him a lesson for 97 years.

All the onlookers had their mouths twitching wildly.

This Ye Shenhao is too fierce! ?

(First update)

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