Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 810: Three punches to defeat him

This interview quickly became popular both at home and abroad...

"Didn't expect it? He really posted a challenge!"

"I guess he doesn't dare to show his face!? After all, he is the most ruthless person!"

"Ye Shenhao is a super boss, why should he accept his challenge? He has enough money to hire a hundred boxing champions to beat Kangtai to death!"

"It's so funny, didn't you brag about your Ye Shenhao's fighting ability a few days ago? Now that he is really coming, you are scared and dare not accept it!?"

"Don't fart! Who said our Ye Shenhao is scared! Ye Shenhao Now he is the representative of Chinese Kung Fu. It is so easy to beat your boxing champion! He can be defeated easily! "

"You Ye fans just like to brag! You can do nothing but brag! I am waiting to see the result of this match!"

"Then you wait and see! Ye Shenhao will definitely blow your face!"

"Haha, it's so funny! It's so rubbish! You are just being stubborn! He is the world's No. 1 boxing champion, and he is just joking with you! ? "


The discussion about this fight is even more heated!

Such a heated discussion represents a huge amount of traffic. Major publicity platforms will definitely not miss this opportunity. Of course, they will try their best to get traffic, and various posts and introductions will emerge in an endless stream.

Chinese netizens who were not familiar with Kangtai Nason gradually learned about his name.

After all, the opponent is going to fight Ye Yang!

There are many people who know Ye Yang on the Internet now.

"Isn't he a Kung Fu star? A world champion fights him?! Gimmick? Hype?"

When Ye Yang challenged various boxing champions, he had less than 20 million fans, and his influence was incomparable to today.

At the time, only tens of millions of people knew about that match, but now it is indeed different.

His number of fans alone is more than that.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult to fight?"

"I heard that he is also a big boss. How can a big boss fight with a boxing champion? This is too out of this dimension..."

However, soon, the video of Ye Yang challenging various boxing champions was dug up again and became popular on the Internet.

"He's really good at fighting!"

"What do you think? The recent Kung Fu craze in China was started by Ye Shenhao!"

"Awesome! I must pay attention to this match!"

"Ye Shenhao hasn't said he wants to fight yet! You ordinary people don't understand, but my family knows a little bit about it. Mr. Ye is not ordinary now, and he won't fight easily."

"Why would the No. 1 boxing champion challenge him?"

"That's a long story..."

Just like that, the story of Kangtai's No. 1 disciple and world-class boxing champion Mike Sai being knocked down by Ye Yang and finally being sent to move bricks at a construction site became a hot topic in China.

Countless people laughed their heads off under this post.

"Fuck, a top boxing champion moving bricks is still good..."

"Ye Shenhao is too good! He can even think of such a dirty trick!"


Just when the boxing world and the public were looking forward to whether Ye Yang would accept the challenge.

Ye Yang's Douyin account posted a video.

The video was very short, with only five words.

"Three punches will defeat you!"


The words are full of confidence and arrogance!

Fans: "Fuck! Ye Shenhao is too awesome!"

Kung Fu fans: "My Chinese Kung Fu representative is awesome!"

Foreign boxing fans: "Too pretentious! You bastard, you have no strength, wait for your punch to kill you!"

Chinese Kung Fu haters: "Chinese Kung Fu is all flowery, you are so arrogant after spending money to defeat a few wild boxing champions!? Trash Ye Shenhao! You are really good at bragging!"

Passersby: "I just eat melons, but I still hope that our Chinese Kung Fu can win."

Soon, all the accounts that made rude remarks were banned.

And by the way, many walking 500,000 were found.

The next day, the list of these people and their speech records were made public on major social platforms, and a wave of "bonuses" were also displayed. '

These online spies will receive bonuses ranging from 100,000 to 1 million if they successfully report.

"Haha, these people are too miserable."

"Look at their gnashing teeth, they look shifty, they deserve it!"

"Without them, the quality of the comments section is much better..."

The passers-by were all laughing and watching the fun.

The higher-ups also took this matter very seriously.

After all, Ye Yang is now a Chinese heavy weapon, one of the pillars of China, and no mistakes are allowed.

However, when the top few people saw the video of Ye Yang waving a 300-jin solid wood table that night, they all expressed sympathy for Kangtai.

From considering warning Kangtai not to use heavy hands, to persuading Ye Yang not to beat the other party to death, and to pay attention to the international impact...

These big guys who are really at the top know that there are many strange people in China, such as the Jiaozuo old man who has been very popular on the Internet recently: Villager He Guangwei.

He looks like an ordinary old man.

In his lifetime, he has killed and captured 7 tigers, 9 bison, and 230 leopards.

If you don't believe it, you can check it online. There are videos as evidence that people in their seventies and eighties can still subdue leopards with their bare hands.

When he was young, he killed a pack of wolves by himself.

These are all real extraordinary people. When they are hungry, they go to the mountains to kill wolves and tigers, and come back to drink and eat meat.

There are many such extraordinary people. For various reasons, they may be simply uninformed and have no idea what a boxing match is. Or because of the special work, it is inconvenient for them to show up.

So they won't participate in any professional boxing matches.

After all, that's a foreigner's game.

If He Guangwei is randomly exposed, everyone will feel that it's like reading a martial arts novel.

The top bosses have seen many such people before, so they naturally think that Ye Yang is also one of these strange people.

According to their feelings.

These people are not like humans, competing with normal humans, it's too bullying...

So, they are no longer worried about Ye Yang, and after asking him to pay attention to the international impact, they no longer ask about this matter.


Various programs were put on the screen.

Various so-called experts and association presidents popped up and started talking about it.

"Excuse me, experts and presidents, what do you think of Mr. Ye's behavior of accepting Mr. Kangtai's challenge this time?"

"Ahem... I think that our martial arts is mainly about self-cultivation, and there is no need to fight and kill."

"Can't win? It's very difficult..."

"Yes, it's really difficult to win. Foreign professional boxing is all about training. Mr. Ye is not even from our Chinese Martial Arts Association. What does he know about Chinese martial arts? He can't represent us at all!"


The reporter thought for a while: "Then you are all presidents and masters, so you must be able to represent Chinese martial arts, right? If Mr. Ye loses this time, do you have any idea of ​​playing for Mr. Ye and helping Chinese martial arts regain its image?"

(Jun (Fang) Yang) 1054 (screen) 117 (bi) 329

(First update)

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