Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 811: Strategic deception? I saw through it.


A group of fat, round-brained old men were instantly embarrassed.

They are from a mixed association and they know nothing about martial arts!

Regardless of who is the martial arts president of China, the martial arts president of that country is indeed stronger than ordinary people, but what they usually study is how to fight and how to win? What they all study is theory and the sophistication of the world!

If you are really good at martial arts and have amazing fighting skills, can you become the president? How can you be a high-ranking official in the association when all your time is spent doing business? ?

What's the use of concentrating on practicing martial arts if you want to be the president! ?

Do you have time to have a relationship? Do you have time to write a paper? Do you have time to make money?

"Ahem, we are all leaders! Ordinary people are not qualified to fight with us!"

"That's right! I'm not bragging. A few years ago, an English strongman competed with me. He couldn't lift even one of my fingers!"

"Haha, it's too easy to beat him! I will fight when the time comes!"

Although I knew in my heart that I would definitely turn around and run away when the time came, I couldn't admit defeat, and everyone started to brag...

All the great figures are boasting, and the mountains and rivers are shaking, the sun and the moon are competing for their glory, and the sky is falling.

It happened that Ye Yang was also watching this show and raised his eyebrows.

These old guys are so shameless!

Chuanwu's reputation is to discredit these fake masters sitting in the hall!

"Brother! I can't stand it anymore!"

While chewing Lay's potato chips, Ye Xiaozi said angrily: "These old guys clearly don't take you seriously, brother. They clearly don't do well, but they want to step on you, the real savior of Chinese martial arts. Come on. Demonstrate their false abilities.”

Ye Yang smiled darkly.

These old guys obviously feel that they have been too popular in the martial arts world recently. When everyone mentions martial arts, they only know Ye Yang and not them. They are jealous and scared.

He was afraid that he would threaten their position as president.

This kind of garbage pattern full of people vying for power and position can only go so far.

His name in the martial arts world was made with his punches and kicks.

Jealousy of talents and talents is the origin of these rubbish thoughts.

After all, they are rubbish and have relied on dirty means to get to the top. Of course they are afraid that the real thing will push them down.

However, society is moving forward, and those trash who only know how to play dirty tricks will have to play their part sooner or later.

But who is Ye Yang?


A gentleman does not seek revenge overnight!

Seeing the displeasure of these old men, they immediately acted on their own plans, smiled sinisterly, and made a phone call...

"Hello? Construction site? Yes, I'm Ye Yang. How is Maxey's work lately?"

"Oh my God, don't mention it! This foreigner is really awesome! One person works as hard as ten people, carrying several bags of cement on his shoulders, and that guy can run faster than a rabbit! Boss, you are really good at finding this guy! If there are more like this, I will deliver the work to you half the time!"

"Ha ha……"

Ye Yang was very satisfied with Maxey's positive work spirit: "Tell him that he doesn't have to carry cement tonight. I'll find a job for him. Once he does it, he'll be paid three years' wages."

"Okay! I'll get him on the phone right now."

The contractor quickly found Maxey.


The helicopter quickly landed at the construction site, and after being picked up by Maxey, he went straight to the program recording venue...

In the live broadcast venue.

Several so-called leaders and presidents were criticizing Ye Yang without shame, complaining that there were no real leaders in the martial arts world, and boasting that they could easily defeat the world's number one boxing champion.


The door to the recording site was kicked open instantly.

Several bodyguards who were blocking him were beaten into pieces.

A muscular man walked in fiercely.

"It's you old men who dare to insult my teacher!?"

Maxey shouted: "Damn it! What the hell! I can't beat Mr. Ye. It's easy to beat you dead old men! Are you worthy enough to fight against my master? I'll destroy you first!"

After that, he rushed forward directly.

The host was stunned.

The program team is crazy about the fun. Where can I find the effect of this program! ?

The director looked at the attendant who was about to call the police and kicked him: "Damn you, you don't even have the guts to make money! Turn off your phone!"

Several so-called martial arts masters, old men with a bunch of titles on their heads, were so frightened that they hid behind reporters.

Some want to get under the table.

But there’s no way to stop Maxey! ?

Maxey immediately picked up an old man with a bald head without saying a word.

"Okay, good man..."

As soon as the old man said these two words, he was punched in the face. He was punched and his orifices were bleeding!

He passed out on the spot...

"Ah! We will fight with you! We are the masters!"

Several old men came over wielding tortoise fists.

But the outcome is obvious.

Maxey punched each old man, knocking them all down.

Knocked down five "martial arts masters" at once, without even breathing!

The reporter blinked his eyes and was too frightened to breathe. However, as the program team asked, he went up to the interview and said, "Are you Mr. Maxey!?"

"That's right!"

Maxey was confident.

"I heard that you were defeated by Mr. Ye and then went to move bricks. Why are you here?"

The reporter asked, almost crying.

But in order to make money, there is nothing you can do. If you get beaten, just get beaten!

Unexpectedly, Maxai had no intention of getting angry. He was full of anger and spirit: "I, Maxai, admit my mistakes. Mr. Ye is indeed the strongest master I have ever seen, comparable to my master! I was defeated miserably in front of him with one move! I admit it!"

"However, these old men are so shameless, but they have no strength. I don't admit it!"

"I do things openly and honestly, and I say what I think!"

The audience watching the show were boiling!

"Is Mr. Ye really that powerful?"

This is the reporter's sincere question: "These masters were knocked away by your punch..."

"These old men combined are not as good as any worker on my construction site! Masters!? Bullshit! I suspect they are from your strategic deception bureau!"

McCay was very indignant: "Huaxia is obviously full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and there are many powerful people. You actually chose such a group of pigs to be presidents and masters!? I suspect you want to use these trash to deceive foreigners and make them think that kung fu is not powerful! But you made a wrong calculation! I have discovered the truth!"

"Uh, what truth?"

The reporter was confused.


McCay sneered: "My biggest gain in the past few days is moving bricks at the Huaxia construction site! This is really a secret place for cultivation! I found that Huaxia is really amazing. In a small construction site, there are a lot of big guys who twist steel bars and resist brick mountains! I was shocked at the time..."

(Second update, Jiuyang wishes everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival! Did you eat mooncakes~)

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