Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 812: Free food and drinks? You can't afford it

"Ah this!"

Everyone present couldn't help laughing.

Maxey said very seriously: "It's really strange... Your country is obviously full of masters, but you let people like this who can't fight at all act as a front, causing most of your people to not believe in their own martial arts. This It’s really weird…”

He couldn't figure it out.

I really can't figure it out.

The audience laughing in front of the TV also fell silent.

Yes, China has developed civil and military skills since ancient times and has been rich in martial virtue. How come it has declined now...

There are more foreigners than Chinese in traditional martial arts gyms...

Soon, the police arrived.

He was brought here by Ye Yang, so naturally he would not be sued for this matter. These old guys had clearly stated that they wanted to challenge the old boxing champion, and they only said that it was a competition between martial arts, and the apprentice would fight for the master.

Those old men, as the leaders of the association, boasted that they represented Chinese martial arts, but they were punched one by one. Their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen, making it difficult for their parents to recognize them. At this time, they had no face to come out to pursue the matter again, so they had already hidden themselves at home. Dare to show your head.

This matter passed like this.

Within two days, Taikang Nathan came to China.

Stay at the Shanghai Bund Hotel.

Reporters surrounded the hotel, wanting to interview the world's most ruthless man and boxing champion first.

However, Taikang Nathan has not appeared in public for several days after arriving in China.

For a time, there were different opinions.

It is said that he did not come here to fight, but just wanted to discuss saving his apprentice.

It is also said that Ye Yang is afraid and is secretly preparing to settle the matter with money, and does not dare to confront Taikang Nathan at all.

Three days later, Taikang Nathan appeared at the door of the hotel.

Reporters swarmed him.

"Mr. Nathan, why didn't you show up for three days!?"

"What do you think of this game?"

"Mr. Ye said that he could defeat you with three punches. What do you think of this!?"


Reporters asked questions one after another.

Taikang Nathan's skin was as black as iron, he was wearing a martial arts uniform, and his expression was calm: "In the past few days, I have been adjusting my condition to restore my body to its best condition."

"Mr. Taikang, are you ready to go all out!? Did Mr. Ye really put you under so much pressure?"

reporters asked again and again.

"There is an old saying in China: When a lion fights a rabbit, he must use all his strength."

Taikang Nathan nodded and said: "Besides, my apprentice and I have already met. This Mr. Ye is indeed a powerful enemy. I respect every word spoken by a powerful opponent."


Everyone present took a breath.

In any case, the number one boxing champion actually admitted that Ye Yang was a rival at the same level!

When Kangtai dominated the boxing world three years ago, he was also an arrogant and unruly person.

No one takes it seriously.

This is indeed the case. Even the second-ranked player in the world cannot withstand three punches from him.

Far superior to any other human boxer by a level, otherwise he wouldn't be called a super human.

He actually felt that Ye Yang was his opponent at the same level! ?

This was something no one expected.

The Internet got excited because of this sentence!

"Did you hear that!? His strength is recognized by even the top boxing champion! These trolls still have something to say! You said before that there was no evidence, but now you have it!"

"It's just the modesty of a boxing champion!"

"It's you fans who boasted so much about Ye Yang that the boxing champion was stunned. Just watch the match. It's just a one-punch kill. There's no suspense! China's national martial arts has long been eliminated. It's impossible to beat him. People boxing!”

"I'm laughing so hard. There's such a double standard upstairs. When there's no evidence, you say there's no evidence. When there's evidence, you say it's because you're being modest. You have to say it all! It's really ridiculous!"


The quarrel continues online.

Some people in China are always good at forgetting and feel uncomfortable if they don't find some current examples.

Decades ago, China pinned the United States and other seventeen-nation coalition forces on the Korean Peninsula and won the battle. In a few years, some people will say that the United States is much stronger than the Chinese army.

Decades ago, Bruce Lee went to one gym after another in the United States and earned his reputation as a martial artist with every punch and kick. As soon as Master Bruce Lee passed away, a group of people jumped out and said that Chinese martial arts was not good and could not beat others. What a punch.

When will these people’s amnesia be cured? ?

If it doesn't work, send it to the Alzheimer's Center for a good look!

Kangtai Nathan came to the most advanced professional boxing venue in Shanghai.


The Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost soon arrived.

Ye Yang walked out of it calmly.

A burst of cheers rose into the sky.

Trolls only dare to show their power online. In reality, the rich people who can actually go to the venue and buy tickets are very clear-headed and know who to support.

Ye Yang smiled and nodded.

Yu Momo has already gone to the venue to deal with related issues. Although it is an officially sponsored competition, there are still some issues involving money to discuss.

Xiao Qingxuan gestured at Kangtai Nathan with her fist: "If the boss hadn't insisted on taking action himself, I would have cut you!"

Kangtai Nathan felt a sharp sense of danger in Xiao Qingxuan's aura. He instantly took a step back and subconsciously assumed a posture to confront the enemy.

"Huh, don't worry, I'm not fighting you."

Xiao Qingxuan curled her lips.

In terms of physical fitness, she has been honed almost as well as Kangtai, but in terms of fighting skills, she has honed them in the hail of bullets on the mercenary battlefield, and in the assassination killings where she will die if she misses.

Kangtai is definitely no match for her.

"Goddess Xiao is still so sassy!"

"Thinking back to that 100-billion-dollar bet against various boxing champions. If the other party hadn't cheated and taken stimulants, maybe Goddess Xiao could defeat many boxing champions by herself that time without letting Ye Shenhao take action!"

"Yeah...that battle was really embarrassing!"


Everyone was discussing it, and many of them were old fans of Ye Yang.

Unexpectedly, after a year, I would see Ye Yang show off his power again.

"I hope that the so-called world's number one boxing champion can be more durable than those few. Even if the Muay Thai champion takes a stimulant, he will not be able to survive one round in the hands of Mr. Ye, and it will be over in a blink of an eye!"

"Yeah! I think so too!"

"How can you brag about this! That bet was worth hundreds of billions! The interests involved were so huge that the Muay Thai champion didn't dare to win! This is a completely fair competition! Ye Yang's small arms and legs, I think one punch can Tell Kangtai to beat him to death!"

"Haha? A little black fan sneaks in? Are you betting on something? If Ye Shenhao wins later, will you eat shit?"

"Haha, just eat! If I lose, I won't eat other people's food. I will eat Ye Yang's shit!"

"Hahahaha... I'm laughing so hard. Do you deserve it? Ye Shenhao's shit is worth a million! You can't afford it!"

Fans who have been with Ye Yang for a long time have learned Ye Yang's poisonous tongue, which made the little black fan so angry that his face turned purple.

"What am I..."

He jumped in anger, but had nothing to say.

After all, Ye Yang occasionally showed off his luxurious meals, and one meal was sometimes worth millions!

(First update, for fans who want to review: Hundreds of billions of bets against various boxing champions in Chapter 160)

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