Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 813: Full-level human, peak showdown

"Mr. Ye."

Taikang Nathan bowed his head slightly in greeting.

Although he was arrogant in the past, he may not know how to be in awe. Where is Ye Yang's status in China and even the world? In today's world, fists can only be said to be for viewing. No matter how strong he is, facing someone like Ye Yang Big shots also know how to pay respect before going to war.

What's more, his apprentice is still in his hands.

Ye Yang is a gentleman's words and deeds, repaying respect with respect.

He gave Taikang a fist-cup salute.

It means that today we will use martial arts to discuss Tao, and there is no need to take into account other things.


When it comes to the boxing world, Taikang is very relaxed: "Mr. Ye, my apprentice was defeated by you. I have already said that I will repay his debt. If you and I fight, if I win, I will take the apprentice away. If so, If I lose, I will use my wealth to pay what I owe.”

"Is your net worth tens of billions?"

Ye Yang asked calmly.


Taikang's face trembled, and then he said: "It's almost the same."

"If it's just a short distance, I'll have to work for a few years to pay off the debt. I've said my word and I won't take it back."

Ye Yang made a gesture of invitation with one hand.

The two got into the ring.

It was only today that Nathan realized the importance of money. He really shouldn't have pretended to be cool three years ago. He quit boxing early because of the invincible fighter. Otherwise, he would still be able to speak more forcefully today.

He has never lost, and the prize money is very high. He can earn 40 to 50 million pounds in a game. At his peak, he even earned hundreds of millions of dollars in a game.

If you keep playing games in three years, you can earn at least billions or tens of billions of Chinese coins.

But because he was young and frivolous and didn't know the value of money, he quit early. In addition to the extremely extravagant spending in the past three years, he only had tens of billions of Chinese coins in his hands.

Barely enough to pay off the debt.

It seems...

The only way to win is to win.

His eyes suddenly sharpened, and he shook off his training clothes, revealing his extremely muscular muscles.

Black and shiny!

"Although my apprentice said that your strength is comparable to mine, today, I will still win."

Kantai Nason moved around a few times in the ring, and the wind of his punches was whistling.

The listener's expression changes.

Such punch speed!

This punching power!

Is this really a human being?

His physical fitness was completely beyond the limits of human beings, and he could punch two thousand pounds with one punch!

With one punch, the fine steel plate will be twisted!

"If you think that the only thing I'm proud of is my strength, you're totally wrong."

Ye Yang said calmly: "I also said that I will defeat you in three punches!"


There were incredible shouts from all over the field.

Unexpectedly, after Ye Yang witnessed the terrifying oppression of the world's number one boxing champion at the scene, he still did not change his previous arrogance!

Three punches and I'll defeat you!

"Hahaha... Mr. Ye, there is a price to pay for speaking nonsense!"

After all, Kangtai is the highest in the boxing world, with endless arrogance in his bones. He is so despised in boxing. When his ferocity suddenly rises, he steps forward, turns into a black shadow, and rushes directly towards him!

His body is two and twenty meters tall, with strong muscles.

Like a living black bear.

The pressure coming at such a fast speed would make an ordinary person collapse to the ground in fear...

Ye Yang was wearing a white robe today. Kangtai's impactful wind hit him. The white robe made a hunting sound, but he didn't move a step!

"You are too arrogant!"

Kangtai punches like a shadow, the wind roars like a dragon, and goes all out!

A punch weighing one thousand kilograms is enough to defeat most punching machines on the market.

If hit on an ordinary person, one punch would create a big hole!

However, Ye Yang just turned sideways and avoided this terrifying and extremely fast punch!


Kangtai was shocked and punched him next.

Ye Yang took a step back, his fist brushed against the white robe on his chest, just in time to avoid it!

The two punches failed, and Kangtai was horrified. This dodge was strong enough!

Earnestness and solemnity flashed in his eyes, and he exploded with extreme speed, punching like black clouds!

He unfolded as fast as he could!

Eight punches per second!

Looking at the history of mankind, only martial arts master Bruce Lee can defeat him with nine punches per second!

It really created an afterimage!

Coupled with his majestic muscles and thick arms, it really looks like a black cloud is pressing down and there is no escape!

However, it is jaw-dropping.

Ye Yang didn't choose to retreat or take the punch at all. He evaded all the attacks with just the slight adjustment of his body!

"Fuck! This...this, this, this!?"

"I'm stunned!"

"Seeing those fists passing through the afterimage!"

"This is a full-level human being!"

"Is this still a human being!?"

"Is this really a duel between two humans!? There are still afterimages!? Do martial arts novels really deceive me!?"

"Damn! That's awesome! This really... makes me jaw-dropping..."


Everyone was stunned.

This kind of duel scene that should only appear in special effects movies is now played out in front of us...

"Mr. Ye hasn't punched yet!"

"This dodge, I just took off my knees and knelt down to watch!"


Everyone was stunned.

Kantai Nathan was also stunned. Almost no one could dodge his punches!

Eight punches per second!

This can be avoided! ?

He himself could only punch back, there was no way he could dodge with his body like this!

This is Chinese martial arts! ?

He shouted that he had learned a lot.

"Tired of fighting?"

Seeing that the opponent gave up the attack, Ye Yang asked with a faint smile.

Every time a boxer throws a heavy punch, it consumes a lot of physical strength, although his peak punching force can reach 1,000 kilograms.

But if he really continues to output for a long time, it would be good if each punch can maintain more than 800 kilograms.

After a while, he was already tired.

"Your body skills are really amazing."

Nathan jumped on the spot: "But Mr. Ye can't win just by hiding!"

"When I attack, the game is over."

Ye Yang stood still, his eyes like the sun: "If you want to end the game so quickly, I will help you."


Nathan was very angry in his heart. He turned to martial arts and practiced Zen for three years, and the state of mind he cultivated was shocked by the waves of anger!

Because he knew that he could not hit Ye Yang's clothes even if he died of exhaustion just by attacking, so he could only wait for the opponent to attack!

He had never fought such a frustrating duel in his life...

He recalled the experience a few years ago when he dodged more than 20 punches from his opponent with his body movements and knocked him out with one punch. He finally understood the opponent's mood at that time.

"Mr. Ye, that's not how you talk big!"

Ye Yang nodded slightly: "I understand."

After that, he took a step forward and punched out!

(Second update)

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