Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 815 Is the threshold for moving bricks so high now?


This matter has attracted a lot of public attention, so the officials did not dare to broadcast it live.

If something unexpected happens, it will be difficult to explain.

Therefore, after the game is over, the recording will be released.

As soon as it was released, the number of viewers of the recording exceeded 10 million!

The entire Internet was in uproar!

"I go!"

"Isn't this too scary!?"

"This boxing champion's speed and pressure are really amazing!"

"He attacked! The punch speed was too fast! Let me go... Ye Shenhao's move was so powerful that he didn't even let anyone hit him on the corner of his clothes!"

"This is the ultimate dodge!"

"Ye Shenhao counterattacked!"

"Fuck!!! Kill the first boxing champion in three punches!"


The whole Internet is in a rage!

The influence of this boxing match is much greater than the last time.

The whole of China is boiling!

"There are always people who say that Chinese Kung Fu is only good in movies. Now that this image has come out, are you convinced!?"

"What about the one who clamored that Ye Yang couldn't win!? Get out!"

"I asked you to grow two spines, but they won't! You have to bend down and kneel to feel comfortable!?"


On the Internet, those who like Huaxia Chuanwu are all proud.

Self-denial seems to have become the main tone of the Chinese martial arts community in recent years.

A group of people who don't even know what martial arts is, keep talking, saying that martial arts can only be used for viewing, and actual combat is rubbish.

After watching a few funny videos of so-called ‘masters’, I felt that martial arts was really just that.

IQ is too low!

"Mr. Ye's contribution to martial arts is astonishing to the world this time! No less than that of the martial arts master Bruce Lee!"

"Senior Bruce Lee brought the Chinese martial arts to the world. Mr. Ye's martial arts made the Chinese people stand upright again!"

This boxing match was also recognized by the entire Internet as the battle of the gods.

Ye Yang has no title in the martial arts world and is not the president, but he is already the uncrowned king in the hearts of the Chinese people!

Absolutely synonymous with martial arts!

A new wave of martial arts craze has set off again!

The outside world is bustling with activity.

Yundingshan Manor.

Kangtai Nathan, who was bandaged and wearing a plaster, pulled Ye Yang, and the fierce man cried: "Mr. Ye, accept me as your disciple! I am willing to give it all!"

Ye Yang shook his head: "Didn't you just repay my debt with 'everything' you had?"


The old boxing champion was at a loss for words, then he said with a shy smile: "Then everything in the future! I will give you 90% of the money I will earn in the future. I just hope you can teach me those mysterious martial arts!"

Ye Yang was given a headache by him.

I casually summarized some basics of martial arts, such as standing stance, horse stance, wooden man stance and other training methods, wrote a booklet and gave it to Kangtai Nathan: "The martial arts secret book is enough for you to study for three years. Three years Come back to me when you are successful."

"good good good good!"

Kangtai Nason felt like he had found a treasure, but he didn't know that these were the most basic Chinese martial arts knowledge.

"Master! I will study hard!"

"Who is your master!"

Ye Yang rolled his eyes helplessly.

"As an old Chinese saying goes: A teacher is the one who teaches and learns the truth and solves doubts. If you have the gift of preaching, you are my teacher!!!"

Kangtai was afraid that Ye Yang would not admit it, so he pulled out all the old Chinese sayings that he had been busy using in the past few days.

Ye Yang yelled: "Okay, I even know this."

"Haha, Chinese culture is indeed broad and worth studying."

Kangtai nodded: "My whole life, I have been obsessed with fighting. I thought I was invincible, but since I met Mr. Ye, I realized that there is a sky outside the world, and there are people outside the world! In order to go further, I would like to truly worship you as my teacher! I call you my father!"


Ye Yang's scalp was so frightened that he was so handsome that he had to deal with such a two-meter-two tall black son...

It's really unacceptable.

He had no choice but to say quickly: "I can just see the teacher, but father doesn't need to..."

"Hey! Once a teacher, always a father! You are my dad now!"

Kangtai said seriously.

Ye Yang shook his head, unable to explain the connotation of this sentence to this half-hearted foreigner. Many foreigners think straightforwardly. When they see the word "father" written in the translation, they will interpret it as their biological father and will not have any further thoughts.


Soon, Maxey, who had just been picked up from the construction site and was dressed in gray, also entered the house.


When he saw Kantenason, his eyes lit up and he hurried over.

"Mr. Ye..."

He also said hello to Ye Yang.

However, he was slapped by Conte Nason.

"What are you doing, Master!"

He was stunned.

"What's your name, Mr. Ye! Call me master!"


"Ah what!? I call him dad. According to Chinese algorithm, you should call him grandpa!"

"...What dad, grandpa..."

Maxey was completely confused.

Ye Yang and the maids next to him laughed out loud.

"In China, the master's master is called Shigong. Shiye is used to describe the old gentleman who makes plans and manages accounts."

The kind-hearted maid on the side reminded her again and again.

"Ouch! Ouch! Chinese culture is indeed strange and wonderful!"

Kantenason scratched his head and laughed.

"Your master borrowed several hundred million more for you, plus all his savings. Your account is smoothed."

Ye Yang waved his hand lightly: "You can go."

"How can this be possible!!!"

When Maxey saw that Ye Yang didn't want him to work, he immediately quit: "I learned a lot of ways to exercise my body in this magical secret place called the construction site. I listened to the stories of my co-workers. That guy is so interesting!"


Ye Yang's mouth twitched. This foreigner has only been at the construction site for a few days? He has even learned the Northeastern accent. It is indeed the most contagious dialect...

"You don't want to leave?"

Kang Tai glared: "Then I've wasted my money!"

"Master, come with me to the Huaxia construction site. It's really different from ours. You will gain a lot outside of regular practice! I think it's very helpful!"

Maxey pulled the half-believing Kang Tai Nason out of the door and headed for the construction site...


Ye Yang was helpless. These two foreigners, when they were not pretending, felt a little silly!

It was their choice to go to the construction site, so forget about asking him to return the money.

The next day, a piece of news swept China again, killing all the hot search lists...

Shocked! The boxing champion and his apprentice showed up at a Chinese construction site, just to steal the master's skills?

Two foreigners appeared at a construction site in Northeast China. When asked about their identities, they turned out to be...! ?


"Damn... Is the brick-moving industry so inward-looking now? You have to be a boxing champion to apply for a job!?"

"Oh my God! It's terrible! Look at the black man in the video, he is carrying a mountain of bricks by himself! Too inward-looking, too inward-looking!"


Ye Yang looked at the news report and didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He shook his head and looked at the stock market. The prediction card was right. The second wave of opportunities has arrived!

(Second update)

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