Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 816 Return to the stock market and invest billions

"This time, there are two major stocks."

Ye Yang raised the corner of his mouth.

The stock prediction card will predict three times in the short term and once in the long term.

The last time Tianhe Pharmaceutical was a short-term stock vote, this time, the remaining two short-term votes started together!

Ye Yang smiled lightly, this time, he could show off his skills.

Of these two stocks, one recommends the best investment of 5 billion.

Another suggested optimal investment of 10 billion.

They are all medium-sized enterprises.

However, the current situation is not much worse than that of Tianhe Pharmaceutical.

After all, the stocks predicted by the stock prediction card will generally rise sharply, and a stock that can rise sharply cannot be a company that develops normally.

For a company that is going very well, even if a breakthrough technology is invented, the stock will only double.

But if it is a comeback from the bottom that is not expected by everyone, it is almost eliminated.

That's the real surge.

In a short period of time, it will increase five times or even ten times.

It’s all very possible!

If you bet on such a stock, you can easily gain wealth and become a newbie.

After all, if one hundred thousand is doubled ten times, it’s still one million!

However, this kind of stock is extremely rare.

There are tens of thousands of stocks in one stock market alone.

With so many stocks ups and downs, the probability of picking that extremely lucky stock is lower than buying a lottery ticket.

Gamblers who want to make a comeback will basically lose everything and there will be no other consequences.

However, this is not the case for Ye Yang.

With the prediction card in his hand, he can select the luckiest stocks from among countless stocks.

Transform the impossible into possible!

If those investors who play stocks knew that Ye Yang had this kind of magic item in his hands, they would be greedy to death.

Directly crazy!

Without saying a word, he sent the message to someone he felt close to.

The maids, housekeepers, girlfriends, family members, and buddies around him basically all have a small fortune with his help and influence.

Relying on the last stock market operation.

Almost all of them have achieved multiple times in assets.

At this time, when I saw Ye Yang sending two more messages, I immediately bought them all without any doubt.

"Brother, did you get another stock market secret!?"

Zheng Xian asked secretly.

He had already taken over a small share of Wanmin Company, with assets exceeding 100 million.

Like Qin Feng last time, he was the brother who trusted Ye Yang the most.

After the last operation, his personal assets now have reached nearly one billion.

You know, although Zhang Wanmin is the major shareholder, after giving a portion to Ye Yang and Zheng Xian, his own assets are only three to four billion.

It seemed before that Zheng Xian still had a bit of a boss-subordinate relationship after all.

But now, he and Zheng Xian are already equals and brothers.

Assets in the business world are seniority and strength. If you have trillions of assets, wherever you go, even if you meet an old man, he will call you "big boss" or even call you "senior" shamelessly.

"Believe me and that's it."

Ye Yang has no worries with this close friend since childhood: "You will definitely make a lot of money if you work with me."


Zheng Xian asked no more questions.

Yu Momo and other maids also invested money one after another.

Although he followed Ye Yang and had no shortage of money to spend, and had access to luxury cars and mansions, who would think that he had too much money in his hands! ?

Immediately and without hesitation, he invested directly.

Ye Xiaozi was preparing for the college entrance examination and missed the opportunity.

This time I kept charging money, preparing to have a fight with Brother.

This kind of investment exceeding tens of billions will definitely not be able to hide it from the eyes of the market. In addition, Ye Yang became famous in the stock market last time.

One billion becomes tens of billions.

It has aroused admiration and admiration from countless people.

But then Ye Yang stopped operating, and many experts came forward again, saying that Ye Yang was just lucky. He stopped once he got lucky. He was still rational. Otherwise, in the stock market, let alone his assets of hundreds of billions. Even trillions are likely to fail!

These experts were obviously standing up for the expert who was slapped in the face by Ye Yang.

These guys who deceive people and defraud people of money are of course the same breed.

However, when he saw that Ye Yang actually made another move, this time it was not a small fight like before, which was only about one billion, but more than 10 billion in one move, he immediately looked embarrassed.

Unexpectedly, Ye Yang actually returned to the stock market!

This is simply desperate!

They were all very angry, feeling that Ye Yang, who relied on luck, had slapped their brothers in the face so hard a few days ago, which was obviously disrespectful to them experts.

Now you don’t follow their words and exit the stock market obediently. You simply don’t take them seriously at all!

Therefore, they were immediately furious but did not dare to say it openly.

I can only post a few analysis articles out of anger.

Investors must not blindly follow the trend. Ye Yang was definitely blinded by the benefits this time. After the last huge profit, he was not greedy enough. However, luck will not always hang on a person. He will definitely make a mistake this time!

Don’t follow Ye Yang!

Ye Yang sneered, these old guys helped him in disguise.

After all, if many people rush in to grab shares, he will be able to acquire less.

Although it will raise the stock price in the short term, it will be detrimental to the overall situation after the stock surges in the future.

As stockholders watched Ye Yang buy up stocks and listened to the words of financial experts, they were confused for a while and didn't know what to do.

Many shareholders who originally held these two stocks were almost finished. At this time, even if they had some luck in their hearts, they had to sell their stocks to Ye Yang.

After all, bosses like them, if they ran out of cash, they had to sell stocks to connect the capital chain. Now Ye Yang was willing to come in and help them, that was a benefactor!


Ye Yang bought the shares recommended by the stock market forecast card and didn't do anything more.

These two stocks were bought at three yuan per share and six yuan per share respectively.

Just like last time, after the purchase, they experienced a short-term increase, followed by a sharp drop!

And the duration was very long!

There was no turnaround for more than twenty days!

These two stocks once fell to two yuan per share and three yuan and fifty per share...

Those who wanted to come in with a fluke mentality were desperate and sold their stocks one after another.

Only Zheng Xian, Qin Feng, Yu Momo, Ye Xiaozi, who believed in Ye Yang the most, insisted on not withdrawing their capital!

They believe in Ye Yang!

As long as Ye Yang doesn't retreat, they will never move!

In the first few days, the experts didn't dare to go too far, just being sarcastic.

Now, after 20 days, the two stocks are about to hit the bottom, and they will definitely be delisted and liquidated within a month.

They are also bold.

They are like celebrating the New Year, and they can't wait to set off firecrackers to celebrate.

Various predictions and sarcastic articles have flooded the stock market platform...

(First update)

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